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I have changed my mind about the Dungeon Master class- it is most evidently the greatest class in existence.  Why?  Because it allowed me to take the decorational necropolis palace suite and make it fully functional.  It stands to reason that the master of a dungeon would need a place to sleep after all!  Plus, a few suggestions from Core had allowed me to turn the place into a lap of luxury that would not shame any noble!

When asked how he knew about these things, being a Dungeon Core and having no real need for them, Core did not elaborate- but did say he was mostly asking about these options out of curiosity and was very surprised so many had been possible.  The room was lit by magical crystals- and due to Core’s suggestions I could control them with a convenient switch.  By creating a mattress filled with down and a mix of other materials Core mentioned, I had ended up with a bed so amazing I never wanted to leave it.  And when Core had, seemingly jokingly, suggested I try and produce a ‘jacuzzi tub-’ the resulting creation was clearly a gift from the Gods.

Relaxing in it right now, all I could say was that it was worth the effort to help Core get to the second floor.  Who would have thought heaven could be found in the second floor of an undead dungeon?

“Hey, Susan-”

I screamed, and covered myself under the water, “What the hell are you doing!?”

“Oh, you are in the bath, sorr-”

“Get out you perverted bastard!”  I threw a brush at Core, but it obviously just passed right through him.  Nevertheless, his presence disappeared from the bathroom and I could feel it outside the door.  I was generally aware of the structure of the dungeon and where Core was focusing at any one moment, but he still snuck up on me because his focus could shift instantly and without warning!

“That girl, the ranger Hailey, wanted to speak with you and asked me to let you know.”  The voice came through the door, “also, for the record, while I am male, I am basically a magical rock- and even if I had a human body, I would still tell you to come back in two or three years regardless.  You do not need to scream- I don’t even have ears and I feel like they are bleeding.  That said, I will attempt to not interrupt you in this kind of situation again- so do give me a warning, ok?”

With that, he disappeared to the first floor, and I have to admit he is probably right about the last part.  From what Core has told me, moving through the dungeon for him is as easy as deciding where he wants to be- so if he needs to find me, he just goes to where I am, but he will not necessarily be aware of what I am doing until he focuses there.  In short, unless I warn him he is not going to knock.

Having had that reasonable thought, I swear I am going to find a way to kick his ass for the rest of his comments!


Well that was uncomfortable, but how precisely was I supposed to know better?  I am not quite omniscient and omnipresent, and if I was I would be essentially watching anyways.  So the only way I could know not to look would have been to already be looking and to be honest, who cares?  I mean, obviously when I get my body back I will, but right now I am more or less a magical rock inside a magical cave and care about as much about a naked woman as the walls of a house would.  For that matter, while I am not entirely sure of her age, I doubt it is above seventeen so even if I had a body I wouldn’t want to look regardless!

Through the new and improved [Mini Boss Specy] I told Hailey that I had informed Susan and that she was on her way.  I also invited Hailey in, but she declined to come further than the entrance- well I would not trust the magical talking boss skeleton either, so I am not insulted.

Though as I waited, I did have to wonder how this world functioned.  The world needed, and evidently had, farmers, blacksmiths, cooks and other peasant level jobs- but why would anyone do that when they could throw fireballs?  Susan and Hailey are roughly the same age and are a Bard and Ranger respectively, which are not beginner classes.  The requirements to unlock Ranger are well known, requiring level five in both the Scout and Archer Classes- but how does that line up with a world where most people do not reach level five in a single combat oriented class?

Hailey seemed a bit confused why I would ask, since it was likely similar to asking how to breath- though again, I had no lungs, so a normal dungeon core might actually ask that kind of question.  She did answer the question, and the answer was quite interesting.

“Classes have certain requirements, and getting experience is not easy.”  Hailey explained, “Susan and I were both power-leveled by our families, and even then it was incredibly intense and exhausting.  Most people never get the opportunity to meet those requirements, or if they do, they cannot really level efficiently.  In addition, it is simply not cost effective.  Unless someone is hiring soldiers, a level one soldier does not have many employment prospects and even if they have something like the farmer class as well, they will no longer gain experience through farming for it when the soldier class is active.”

That makes sense, but I cannot help but feel this is a system ripe for abuse, I will have to think more about that later.  At least Susan is finally here, this conversation has been uncomfortable on multiple levels, though it was informative.

“Susan!”  Hailey cried in relief and ran over and hugged Susan, “I am so glad you are ok!”

“Hailey,” Susan laughed, “it has only been a few days, and I told you I am not in any danger!”

Yeah, I am in danger from you.  Though I do have to admit you are not a bad person, which only makes this worse.  If Susan was a villain than I could hate her and plot without consequence.  With her current personality?  Not so much.  Whatever, I won’t speak for now.

“But you are out in this cave all alone!”  Hailey exclaimed, “I could not stop worrying with you out here by yourself!”

Susan laughed and said, “well the woods you love so much is right out there, why not stay here with me?”

Wait, what?

“No offence Su,” Hailey did not look like she was taking that as a joke!  “But I can make a nicer home out in the forest than you would find in a cave!”

“Oh?” Susan had a sly smile, and I had just got done saying she was not a villain!  “Want to make a bet?”

“A moment Susan,” I interjected, speaking to Susan and having Specy translate for Hailey.  “How serious are you about this?”

“Well, if Hailey wants to, why not?”  Susan said, “it is most efficient for her to gain experience in a forest, and this wilderness is a good place for that and this is a safe place for her to return to.  And we could benefit from her scouting and knowledge of the terrain.”

Well, I cannot fault her logic.  “I understand.”  I do not particularly like having a person who clearly does not like me anywhere near my core room, but I think it would be a bad idea to try and argue.  Well, she is a ranger, hopefully she won’t be in here very much.


“So, what do you think?”

I probably had a smug look on my face as I showed off my suite of rooms to Hailey’s amazement.  Ha!  Let’s see you make a better camp than this with your sticks!

“This is incredible,” Hailey was playing with the magical light switch.  “You made this?”

“Core helped,” I admitted.  “He is a pretty nice guy.”

Not that I have forgotten what happened earlier, but he was still a decent guy.  Now that I can talk to him, I honestly find a lot of his thoughts pretty fascinating- and his dedication to morality is honestly more serious than most templar!

“I don’t trust it,” Hailey muttered, and then her voice strengthened.  “If you won’t leave, I will take you up on your offer and stay with you.  You need someone watching your back Su.”

“You say that now,” I laughed, even though I was honestly quite touched by my friends sentiment.  “But once you see the jacuzzi tub, you will never want to leave!”


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