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Ok, so I know things have been a little behind lately- by which I mean waaaayyyyyy behind, HOWEVER!

I have an artist now, the excellent and astoundingly talented MhaicsMaru has been commissioned to do the artwork- and we can hopefully expect it soon!

The first character bio will be for Cass from Mystic Ink, but you can expect the other MC's to get bio's relatively soon afterwards!

Also, although this is still in the discussion stage, I will hopefully be able to commission her to make covers for the novels on RRL and the banner for Patreon.  All the images I have used are royalty free, but honestly I do not trust image hosting websites and I would be a lot happier with made to order work for these images.

Also coming up are the arc notes for "A Broken World" which should be up later today, presuming nothing apocalyptic happ- oh god I forgot one of my bio essays!  (Just kidding :p )

Maps are a little more tricky, but I am working on them, I have not forgotten or anything.

And finally, there was something else that I cannot remember- but will surely remember when it no longer matters and it is way past time.  Oh well, PROGRESS IS BEING MADE!


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