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Hi guys!

Managed to finish this two a week ago, but I have to postpone one more I planned for this month. Job keeps pushing me with deadlines 😤

Anyways! I hope you enjoy these couple couples!

Also after a 1.5 years banging my head against photoshop I finally made my own plugin to automate some exhausting work, which I do for every "embeded" image, like adding and naming shadow and light layers on top of some image. Suddenly that resulted in an explosion of total layers count I'm able to manipulate per edit 😎
Last gif shows the list of all layers for the "Reach Me" edit. Usually there are twice less. 😆
The plugin still have some bugs to clean up, but if you are interested, you can download it here github.com/NaughtyFaun/NF-Photoshop-Plugin.



Tuesday M

ooh, nice! love these :D