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Guys, I wanted to apologize for the current decrease of quality of the content I've had lately, as well as the reduced amount of content I am producing. As you guys who are on Discord already know (if you have been following :) ) I have been given an extra mission at work which will make me start duty at 8.30am and finish at 8pm Monday to Friday, until the first week after Chinese new year.  

As you guys can understand, this makes me very tired, with little to no time to play or create content and when I do, I basically have 30 minutes before leaving to work or the few moments I have for myself once my kids are in bed at night, before I go to bed too because I am collapsing.

I wanted to say that this is temporary. My mission will end on February 10th. The week after, my daughter will finally go to school, and I will be able to stream at a regular basis on Twitch, in addition to being able to produce regular content for both channels once more.

Thank you so much for hanging on. It's a rough moment, but it will get better soon. 





I understand Erad, take care of yourself and your family. We will be here, and I personally appreciate all your content and playing in a squad with you.


Totally understand Erad. Family comes first and work pays the bills. We'll be here when you have time to get back into it. Look after yourself and your precious family. Edit: Just adding the comment that I think your content has been pretty good recently and as usual, well worth watching, shorter videos aren't necessarily a bad thing.