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OK guys, this one will be a little personal. 

As you know, right now,  I live in Taiwan, I have been living here for 6 years with my wife and my kids, mostly because originally, we lived in Versailles, near Paris, which is where I had my own business, and my wife hated it and begged me to move to Taiwan where she wanted to return. 

Of course six years might not seem that much but given everything that has happened around the world, the pandemic, the ever increasing threat of China, this is now becoming an eternity, and I have a feeling that sooner than later, it will be time for me to return to my family's hometown in Brittany (picture above). My children, especially my son, are growing up soft, in a comfortable and easy environment, far from the hardships of life I have known as a Breton child, and while this is something most parents would want for their children, I feel that it actually spoils them and prevent them from appreciating the values of working hard to achieve something or overcome an obstacle. 

And there is China, of course. When I arrived in Taiwan, it was not much of a concern. The previous government was in cordial terms with the mainland and there were no such talks of wars, invasions or daily airspace incursions. All of this has changed, of course, and the long term future seems grim, as the drums of war get louder and louder.

On top of that, I may very well lose my job this summer because of the resurgence of Covid in the island, or at best, I may be given a part-time schedule. With these perspectives, I have decided to one day relocate to Brittany. It's not going to be easy. It's mostly farming and fishing back home, as well as tourism. Not a lot of jobs for me, in communications, journalism and marketing, and since no one wants to learn English, teaching English is out of the equation. Finding a job won't be easy there. 

My point with this post is that I want to thank you, all of you for supporting me. Right now, the money you provide me with helps growing the channel through giveaways, but sooner than later, it may actually provide my family with food on the table.  And who knows, hopefully, one day, it will allow me to bring my family back to where it belongs.

Take care everyone and stay safe.





I hope, once you are back, you won't have to find another job besides YT. Also best of luck for your current situation.


I think you have to look out for your family regardless of what that may mean. Best of luck to you as you make very hard decisions in the coming year dude!