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A heads up: This story is split into three segments. They are clearly divided in the bottom with Juri Han Vs. Chun-Li.doc as the main chunk with the other two files as alternate endings. All three are here to read if you don't mind seeing it all, but feel free to pick your winner with the text files attached at the bottom. Huge thanks as ever for the Commission, it really does help me pay the bills. Enjoy the story...


India, Dhalsim's village...

'The water is gone... But soare your problems!' Chun-Li proclaimed with an air of smugness; her confidence didn't waver even when she saw the deadpan expression on Jairani's face.

'I don't expect your thanks, just consider thisthe miracleyou were hoping for in answer to your pacifism!' Chun-Li continued, happy to carry the conversation given the deep sense of pride she felt in her actions.

'You have indeedchanged, do you consider this new youto be an improvement?' Dhalsim's sister finally responded, half catching the Chinese fighter off-guard.

'An... Improvement?'Chun-Li raised a hand and clenched her fist as she regarded her new, self-made silk glove. 'That's not even in question!'She smirked ferociously.

'Then my work is done.' The village healer concluded, her expression shifting only momentarily as she tried to keep a straight face. Chun-Li tilted her head slightly as she noticed it, trying to read Jairani's intent or feelings. She didn't understand, but there was something afoot but she couldn't put her finger on it.

'What will you do now?' Jairani seemed to change the subject, even if her tone seemed eager somehow. 'We can't offer you safe haven any more... notafter what you've done.' Her tone shifted once again, the healer seeming erratic to the gifted fighter across from her.

'Now?' She thought about it for a second. There were options, she knew there were... 'Well I could go back to headquarters, ask them to reinstate me...' She contemplated, slouching as she cupped her chin. 'Oooor...'

Jairani notice the look on Chun-Li's face; it said she already knew what she wanted to do. '-I can give them no choice but to reinstate me!'

'You seek revenge?' Jairani guessed her motives. 'Do you honestly think it will be that easy to defeat Juri?' The teacher mentioned the devil-woman's name without hesitation and gauged Chun-Li's response; indeed it was quite different from her initial displays of abject terror.

'Easy? No.' Chun-Li turned away and began walking back out the village the same way she had returned, 'But that'll just make it all the sweeter!' She balled up her fists once again; she felt fate calling out to her and the time was now!

Meanwhile, inside S.I.N.'s base of operations...

This we new, not just new but exhilarating!Juri Han knewpower, she knew the feelingof power, of wielding it over others and yet this new development made her question – just briefly – if she'd ever reallyknown power.

'This I liiiike!'The Korean hatchet-woman purred as she used her swiftly sky-rocketing Ki to turn her naked toes into an even deadlier weapon than they'd ever been before!

She felt the give of flesh around her digits as she wiggled them around in the gooey bits within her latest, hapless victim. Her kicks had always been something, but to be able to impale a man with one? That was new!

'I've never had a real reasonto take my time slaughtering each and every inferior wormlike you...' She spoke softly and mockingly to the man she was killing, a wicked smile plastered over her face.

With a shift of her hips she raised her foot high above her head; the coughing, spluttering man was hefted along with it as Juri's foot slid deep inside his chest cavity, through everything in its path.

'-but now that I know what this Feng Shui Engine can reallydo...' That wicked smile again as she felt the already mortally wounded man's life force drain into her as if her very skin was a sponge. '-I think I have a new hobby!'

Just as quickly as her foot had exploded out, puncturing this wretch's abdomen, it flicked back; pink spray splattered across the floor from the murderous appendage as Juri turned away towards more incoming playmates.

'There she is!' One cried out, his voice hesitant and audibly trembling, 'The traitor is on floor four!' He hurriedly called into his radio. Rather than concern the spree killer however, these words just made her grin even more wildly.

'Bringing more sheep to the slaughter?!' She all but barked at the armed S.I.N. soldiers running towards her. 'Oh you aretoo kind!' She concluded and pounced like a bolt of purple lightning.

Screams echoed through the metallic halls of the S.I.N. Facility though Juri was only justgetting started!


'No guards...' Chun-Li commented under her breath as she slowly panned her abnormally zoomed-in vision over the front facia of the obviouslymalevolent weapons development facility behind the tree-line.

'Why would they all but leave the front door open?' She didn't like it, even if she knewshe could handle a few sentries as easily as she had the soldiers in the early hours.

She didn't advance immediately, caught between her deep desire to pounce on this opportunity and the fear of a trap. If Juri really was in there then she'd be more than a problem on her own.

On the other hand, if this was all an elaborate set up by that bitch...Chun-Li steadied her thoughts as she pictured the leather-clad murderess flatteringly once again....

If it wasa set up... then she might be stepping in way over her head! 'As much as I'd loveto get in there and lock the whole place down, I'm going to have to do this quietly!' that made more sense, even if stealth wasn't her biggest strength.

Her eyes warped inside her head like the lens of a camera altering its focus, returning the Kempo Master's field of view to normal. It was a disorienting – if useful - skill, a cherry on top of her already expansive new arsenal of skills.

She leapt down from the tree branch she'd used as an outlook and landed in near silence, barely a hint of her appearance on the scene; perhaps, she thought as she didn'thear herself, she wascut out for a stealthier approach.

She darted forwards without a single wasted motion, her superhuman speed making the world whizz by in a blur; again her eyes shifted and adapted, honing her senses even further.

Swiftly the foliage parted in front of her leading to the sheer rock face of the facility's front wall; she hurried to it and flattened herself against the hot stone.

She looked up and listened; her ears now did as her eyes had and warped on the side of her head, opening wider to extend her range of hearing... nothing... not a peep beyond the rustling of leaves and the sound of the wind.

She heaved a sigh of relief and squatted, ready to pounce; then she stopped, dead in her tracks as she finally heard something. It was vanishingly quiet, her normal hearing wouldn't have even picked it out on the wind, but she definitely heard... a man screaming!

Her jaw dropped open just a little in equal parts shock and fear; she absolutely didn't move a muscle as she listened for more and there it was... another shriek... terrible, guttural and filled with unspeakable agony.

'What the hell?!'She whispered only to flinch in discomfort as her own whisper almost deafened her; had she truly sharpened her senses that far?With a thought, the changes undid themselves and she finally made her leap.

With cat-like agility she pounced the full ten-metre height of the wall and dug her fingertips into the surprisingly soft stone of the lip of the wall, just her fingers peeping out.

Her digits literally peeped, Chun-Li's new shapeshifting skills coming to the fore once more as her eight fingertips blinked and scanned the area in every direction; she couldn't see much, but the wall was absolutely unoccupied so she heaved herself effortlessly up.

She swung over into the walkway in a low crouch atop the wall and paused in shock at what – or rather who – she saw... a guard... clutching his rifle, hunkering down and shaking like a leaf.

He saw her, twitched and whimpered with a terror she'd never seen on a man's face in all her years doing the world's dirty work. She felt an empathy with the poor soul, but right now he was an enemy and if he gathered his senses he'd sound the alarm!

Chun-Li pounced and snatched the man's gun away before he could even think about spinning it towards her. Her other hand clasped over his mouth and squeezed to muffle him; he flailed as she tackled him to the ground beneath her.

'Shhhh!' She quietly urged with a finger to her lips as the gun clattered down beside her. She did what she had to do, the disarmed man spasming as he was drained of his vital Ki energy; his eyes opened as wide as could be, pure horror on his face until there was nothing left within him to feel the onset of death.

No longer fuelled by the urge for revenge, satisfied with her earlier work, Chun-Li felt sorrow for her actions. Killing was not something that sat easily on her conscience even with her new understanding of might making right.

The woman clad in her self-designed velvet bodysuit reminded herself of the wisdom she had arrived at: She had conquered this man because she was stronger, she was stronger because she had been born with this gift and she had received this gift of strength because she had sewn more good karma in previous lives. That all amounted to her actions being good, greateven!

She replaced her panicked expression with a smirk as she released the lifeless head of her conquest. She was calm once more, convinced of her righteousness!

She got back to the task at hand and cautiously, but masterfully extended a feeler over the lip of the wall to look out over the courtyard. Her calmness left her once more as she saw the scene beneath her.

'What in the everloving-'S.I.N. Soldiers... dozens of them... dead... torn apart, broken, crushed and broken in ways that evoked images of a massive traffic accident. Not a soul so much as twitched in amongst the bloodbath so Chun-Li felt confident standing to see it with her own eyes.

It was as bad as her extended senses had told her... absolute slaughter! 'What happenedhere?' They were clearly under attack, but who or whatwould do something like this?!

She leapt down off the wall and landed in one of the virtually unmissable pools of blood with a soft splosh. The smell... Chun-Li had to use her new skills all over again, bringing the neckline of her costume to life; it slid up in the most unnatural of ways to cover her mouth and nose in a mask that filtered the stench of death away.

It didn't take her long to realise that many of these injuries shouldn't have been life-threatening, if anything manyof them looked to have been for causing pain rather than death!

She cautiously strode over several twisted and broken bodies to find one that had no obvious injuries. The life was gone from his eyes though... he was dead in a way that science would probably struggle to explain and that resonated with something Chun-Li knew from personal experience.

She too had caused deaths like this... she remembered the soldiers, slumbering in their beds as she'd struck. She drained them, sucked the Ki and by extension life right out of them and this... it was the same, exactly the same!

She wasn't the only one with this power and that, now that she knew how it worked, quite simply terrified her!

Just then, on the upper floors...

'That's quite enough, Juri!' A forceful, commanding voice boomed over the scene of devastation that had finally reached the heart of the facility. The Artificial Intelligence had intended its command to be more forceful and confident than it was, but still its confidence was somewhat intact.

Juri didn't initially turn to make eye-contact as she focused on one of the two helpless man she held by the throats. Her fingers closed tighter and tighter as she sucked the life out of the twitching man through her palm.

Her body tingled in delight, a mix of her sadistic power thrill and the surge of Ki energy that pushed her that much closer to full to the brim. Finally she raised her head and threw it back over her shoulder.

Seth, the unnatural entity in charge of S.I.N. looked into the glowing eye glaring at it with sheer arrogant disrespect. 'Finally showed up, huh?' She purred, her tone anything butintimidated.

She turned and tossed away the dead one, effortlessly lifting the other as she continued to strangle him; with the unspeakable power now surging through her, he was as light as a feather, a total non-entity!

'I'm soglad!' She continued, 'These little morsels have almost outlived their usefulness now that I'm reaching the absolute pinnacle of what this thing can hold.' She pointed to the Feng Shui Engine in her eye, its usual purple glow now a blinding beacon of light!

'I should have known you couldn't be trusted, but what foreign technology have you harnessed to allow you such power?!' The confused Artificial Intelligence asked; it wasn't fullycapable of emotion, but it sensed the equivalent in the form of blinking warning signals within its construct.

'~Hmhmhmhm~' Juri laughed under her breath and lifted the spare soldier to eye-level. '~HAHAHAHA!~'She laughed even more forcefully, 'Thisis why an AI will neverbe the measure of a real person! You have no imagination!' Juri squinted ash she focused on her current victim.

She'd learnt how to harness this power to such a degree that what she did next was a flex she felt fully explained her new abilities. 'Yougave me this power!' She explained as the man suddenly seized up like he had suddenly been hit with a stun gun.

'Technology exists only to be controlled and thisis what that control looks like!' The grunting, fully tensed body of the man tensed further and further, Juri pushing her control to new limits as she took control of this man's entire supply of Ki and added a little of her own to get the desired result!

First his right foot snapped back on itself, his ankle snapping as the Ki energy under Juri's control forced him to hyperextend his limbs. His wrist, then an elbow and finally a trill of sickening snaps as his whole body folded itself like origami!

'What... is this?!'Seth asked, watching in disbelief as now the muscles rippled elsewhere, snapping bones within limbs, his insides too squishing as Juri turned his whole body against itself and made the helpless, wailing soldier crush himself!

Within seconds he was nothing but mush and shrapnel: twisted, shattered and deformed into a grotesque abomination that Juri dropped with what she found to be a “satisfying” squelch.

'You stilldon't understand?' She could tell that the AI was scanning her, watching and attempting to assimilate data on everything she was doing; instead it just twitched and malfunctioned.

'Useless machine!' She scoffed at the failure of the employer she was betraying. 'What annoys me the mostis that you have even morepotential with that huge Tanden Engineinside you!'

Seth looked down to the swirling orb within its midriff, thoroughly confused; its confusion didn't last long as it identified Juri's body language as being antagonistic. The AI too assumed a fighting stance.

'Very well.' Seth stated, 'I shall recover the data behind this from you once I have defeated you!' It confidently stated and altered its form into an almost identicalcopy of Juri only with a skin of metal.

'I want that Tanden Engine, hun... Time to give it up!' Juri grinned excitedly; all this one-sided slaughter was actually getting a bit boring so a real fight seemed like just the thing!

Meanwhile, downstairs...

'Hey you!'Finally someone noticed her. Chun-Li's stealth plan had gone out of the window when she'd seen the scale of the ongoing conflict and the panic it had caused in those left alive.

She'd made it deep into the facility already, scouted out some offices and labs to get a glimpse of some of the work S.I.N. had been up to. They had some seriously advanced technology under development, some things that she was just glad hadn't made it into production... yet.

She knew this place would have to be destroyed and with that being her plan, she was honestly surprised it had taken this long for her to be spotted. Given their immediate concerns of trying to stay alive right now she knew it shouldn't have shocked her, but these were unique circumstances.

'Who the hell areyou and what are you doing here?!' One senior-looking officer asked, raising his gun as other S.I.N. soldiers rushed to his side. 'This is private property, you shouldn't be here!'

Chun-Li would normally offer a straight answer here, maybe threaten them with arrest first, but she was about to level this place so what harmcould it do to enjoy herself in the meantime?

'Do you alwaysoffer this kind of reception to Interpol officers? I mean look how far I got into your base before you even noticed me! Sloppy work, I haveto say!' She smirked naughtily, antagonising the enemy was actuallykinda fun!

'I-Interpol?!' The officer exclaimed, drawing even more panicked eyes away from their immediate concerns. 'Oh great, that's the last thingwe need right now!'

'Ah, so it isn't the good guys causing your little headache?' She gleaned that much from his response. 'A differentenemy perhaps?'

'She-she doesn't know!'Another muttered under his breath, 'Why not just let her deal with Juri? Maybe shecan-'

'Juri?! She'sdoing this?!' It made sense given the sadistic slaughter she'd seen, but it also made nosense. 'Is she not on yourside?' The soldiers looked to one-another in confusion and fear.

'H-Have you even metthat devil-woman?! You think she's on anyone'sside but her own?!' Chun-Li sensed the fear in that soldier's voice as he said this; she inhaled sharply as her heart fluttered a little. 'She's insane!'

She too had felt this same, guttural fear of the Korean killer but hearing that power be so awe-inspiring to lesser combatants filled her with something between respect and lust.

Somewhere, deep down... Somewhere she was slowly beginning to understand... Chun-Li wanted to be feared that way! She wanted hername, herpresence to mean something like that!

'Enough!'The officer spoke up again, 'I'm giving you one chance to get out of here or we open fire!' His soldiers levelled their guns on Chun-Li as he said this; she counter seven, all handily clustered.

'You're right-' She pounced forwards onto her hands and threw her legs out as she span into her signature Spinning Bird Kick; the men, ill-prepared for the might of the Master of Kenpo parted like skittles in her path.

'-that isquite enough of that!' Chun-Li concluded as she artfully cartwheeled out of her attack; bodies smashed into walls and other people with effects ranging from simple unconsciousness all the way to lethal trauma.

'I wonder what I can use to turn this place into rubble...?' She pondered, completely disregarding the chaos in her wake; sure she was spotted now, but after that she knew only fools would get in her way!

Round 1... FIGHT!

'Well...' Juri spoke with a smirk, feeling out this opponent as it watched her intently, 'They dosay that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...' The AI seemed to have collected enough data as it launched towards Juri.

'-but while I appreciate the whole mirror-image thing-' Seth audibly gasped as the high-damage kick is had copied and aimed at centre-mass completely missed! It had calculated it as the perfect strike and yet now it found itself looking up at Juri.

She'd effortlessly vaulted over the kick and wore a malicious grin, '-but honestly-'her knee swung out faster than even the man-made combatant could follow and connected with the side of its face! '-I think you're simping too hard!'

Seth may have been a shapeshifter, capable of altering its mass and shape at will, but even that did nothing more than preserve its existence as it sailed across the room, dangling on the few loose wires still connecting its head to its torso.

Even as it clattered into the wall it was repairing, shapeshifting alloys knitting themselves back together in a way so hurried it might have been read as desperation.

Desperate it should have been as it was vastly outclassed! The Juri imitation stood, sparking and groaning in a metallic, inhuman way; its opponent didn't press her advantage though, instead she simply slouched, hands on hips as she watched it quickly repair itself.

'Oh come. On!'Juri tutted in exasperation. 'You were supposedto be a challenge!' She spoke arrogantly as she sauntered forwards in her tight, creaking leather suit. 'So challenge mealready, stupid!'

Maybe her choice of words was childish, but it had the desired effect as the machine seemed to imitate her own hot-temper and charged in, pouncing and unleashing the exact move Juri had just nearly beheaded it with!

Of course Juri read it in advance, of course she knew the counter... These were hermoves! Moves she'd trained in her wholelife, seen a milliontimes! She easily swayed under the flying knee and thrust a kick vertically, connecting clearly with her heel into the bottom of Seth's mechanical ribcage!

Juri felt the give of twisting metal, shattered steel ribs giving like dry pencils as she launched the hopelessly outclassed AI into the high ceiling with a sickening crunch.

'~Hhhh~'She sighed in disappointment as Seth began its lifeless descent out of the now imprinted roof. 'Pathetic!'She hissed and pounced up to meet it.

The it hit her... or at least it tried.If she had been anyone else this might have been considered genius! A fist flew from the otherwise lifeless body, a blow swung with all the might Seth seemed to have left.

Juri flinched, swung out a block with all of her massively enhanced speed and unnaturally enhanced reflexes; the dangerous punch flew inches wide and Juri wasn't about to give it a second swing!

'~Grr!~'She growled through gritted teeth as her eye glowed even more brilliantly; Her thigh muscle tensed, almost crackling with energy as she wound her attack up and when she delivered it she knewthat this was over!

In her careless haste she hadn't bothered to plan where her plaything would land so its sudden disappearance through an elevator's doors brought a groan from the victor.

She landed lightly on her tiptoes and smiled once again. '~Hmph!~'She huffed, 'Too easy!'

The sounds of the flailing, thoroughly bested machine crashing through multiple floors filled Juri's ears like a round of applause for her flawless victory but a part of her wondered if this was her lot now... Just easy street from here on out.

She was distracted from her momentary musing by a buzzing in her ear. 'Mhmm?'She asked and listened, 'She's on her way here?' Her mood lightened significantly with that news. 'And she's all we hoped for?' NowJuri was happy!

It seemed her thoughts about Chun-Li were notmisplaced and perhaps her doting little helper was even due some praise. 'Good girl,Jairani...Good. girl!' She grinned, nowthe fun would reallybegin!

Round Two... FIGHT!

Chun-Li turned towards the echoing sounds of clanging coming from the elevator and tilted her head to the side. It was getting louder! She leapt up, perfectly judging it to vault over what seemedto be a heavily injured, silver-skinned woman crash out of the elevator doors.

She landed artfully and calmly, looking down on the mechanical mess that had become of S.I.N.'s leader. Chun-Li had no idea who this... thing... was, but the reaction of the otherwise terrified soldiers: standing to attention, said it all!

'So... Youmust be the leader of this insurgency!' Chun-Li gritted her teeth, half in disgust but also half in excitement; this was a hugeopportunity to strike a fatal blow to S.I.N.!

'G-g-g-g-' The metal woman stuttered and malfunctioned even as it managed to stand, pieces barely holding together as its self-repair functions gave their last efforts for the cause. 'I-int-interp-pol?' It managed to speak, the single useable eye of a once potent artificial fighter locking onto her.

'K-k-k-killInterp-pol!' Chun-Li couldn't help but smirk, this thing was in no fit shape to fight her. It probably would never have stood a chance against her new form, but like this?She chuckled to herself.

Seth lurched forward, swinging a wild strike as if driven by some mad vendetta; Chun-Li didn't even have a chance to see its technique imitation abilities first-hand, the fight simply didn't last long enough!

She effortlessly side swiped its wild swipe and jabbed her fingers straight as its head. She tensed them tightly together, pushed them even closer than that with her shapeshifting and with her vast Ki empowerment felt little-to-no resistance as her sharpened fingernails punched a hole clean through the walking scrap pile!

She was only slightly surprised; she could do this to anyone, but she'd expected at least some threat from the head of S.I.N... this almost felt tooeasy!

'Oh good job, Miss... Li, wasn't it?' Chun-Li froze, her eyes still locked on the penetrated skull of the now dead machine. 'I was just coming to finish that thing off... And take what's mine!'

Chun-Li half-span and stared daggers into the woman who had put her through hell, through week of intensive care and rehab. Finally, when she stood face to face with Juri Han, Chun-Li knew exactlywhat she needed to do!


Ending 1 (favours Juri):

Round Three... FIGHT!

Juri slipped into her combat stance as she planned out how to go about this; Chun-Li held the advantage in the form of Seth's lifeless body. Her Feng Shui engine scanned Chun-Li and returned all manner of strange readings, but it told her enough to know this would be a close fight!

'So, Officer... You gonna give me what I'm owed?' She asked with deep self-control, oozing confidence that clearly got inside Chun-Li's head as the Kempo Master visibly sneered.

'You want what's coming to you?' Chun-Li asked as her emotions got the better of her; she tossed the broken machine aside and fell into her own combat stance. 'I'll give you what's comingto you alright! HYAAA!'

Perfect! Juri had her just where she wanted her: awayfrom Seth and the hidden power within it Tanden Engine! Chun-Li slid towards her flailing a flurry of wickedly fast and powerful kicks.

Juri responded with her own, blocking each and every one before artfully ducking down and flicking Chun-Li's leg out from under her! She planted a hand on the Chinese fighter's abdomen as she fell and slammed her down.

'I've got you!'She grinned and pulled back a fist.

'No, I've got you!'Juri felt her hand sink and looked down to see her whole hand slosh into Chun-Li's body, swallowed up by some kind of weird shapeshifting technique!

'~GRRR!~'Juri balled up her fist and grabbed a handful of Chun-Li before she could do anything with the element of surprise; she picked her opponent up by the guts and launched forwards, slamming Chun-Li into the wall.

'~GAH!~'She somewhat splatted on the wall, but her shapeshifting wasn't at such a level that she could easily take a bump like that. 'Not so fast!'She responded and grabbed Juri's other hand, her own wrapping around Juri's fist and smothering it in her blue mass.

'You sureyou want to do that?!' Juri grinned wickedly and unleashed her latest ability, feeling out Chun-Li's abilities through her Ki energy and tapping into it. Lika an infection, Juri's sadistic mind slithered into Chun-Li's soul and twisted her impressive, but limited shapeshifting abilities!

'~AEIIIIIIII!~'Chun-Li screeched as Juri pinned her hard to the wall. The more contact she had, the more fronts she could attack on and while she felt Chun-Li's soul pushing back, she continued the assault.

Juri knew now how her own succubus-like soul-sucking felt for the victim, but she matched Chun-Li blow for blow, absorbing as much as she lost while only one of them had the ability to twist the other around on a molecular level!

'~HmhahaHAHA!~'Juri laughed with nasty, vindictive energy as she felt Chun-Li begin to twist and convulse, her body twisting however Juri wanted.

'Squirm, Officer Li! SQUIRM!'Juri demanded and with a whole-body thrust made Chun-Li almost burst under her influence.

'~EYAAAAAAAGH!~'She was bested, her body writhing and contorting uncontrollably as Juri finally overcame Chun-Li's own Ki absorption and found the element of her soul allowing her to do it in the first place.

With that out of the way, Chun-Li was helpless and Juri's satisfaction at finally fighting and besting a worthy opponent only added to the sexual gratification she took in make her enemy shriek like a banshee.

Chun-Li continued to squirm, but that was just for show and kicks on Juri's part, a little fun while she drunk all the excess energy from her prey, leaving just the shapeshifting!

'~Ahhh!~'Juri sighed in delight and made Chun-Li uncoil, the blue-clad woman almost slopping to the ground to regain her form. Juri stood over the downed woman who panted and sobbed. 'You're a wholelot of fun, Officer Li!' She complimented her bested foe, 'Tell me you didn't enjoy that too?'

She knew the Chinese fighter had, she'd felt it, sensed her memories and the way she'd begun to idolize the Korean horror stood over her. '~Huh... huh.~'Chun-Li could only pant and groan in pain.

'No?' Juri asked cheekily as she turned away and walked towards what remained of Seth. 'Well I'll make sure you enjoy it from now on...' She squatted down over the machine and began working away, though Chun-Li couldn't see what she was doing.

'You see, I really kinda like you, Chun-chan! I mean, those thighsare something else, right?' She continued as she worked away, 'And I knowyou want what I've got...' She strained at something and finally stood up.

Chun-Li got a good look at the large sphere Juri was now holding, the centrepiece of the scrap pile that had been the gynoid she'd destroyed. 'Meanwhile...' Juri knelt down over her, '-with those shapeshiftingpowers I want what you'vegot!'

'Win-win, right?!' Juri pushed the Tanten Engine into Chun-Li's torso and took control once more. 'See, this big ol' orb can hold more power than you can even imagine!' She explained as Chun-Li felt the sudden surge of wholly unsetlling, unnatural energies flowing into her.

'And this eye here...' Juri pointed to her left eye, '-that too is full of this weird Kiyou're feeling!' It surged into Chun-Li, filling the gaps left by her own stolen Ki but she couldn't control it and pretty soon it was filling gaps left by what little Juri had left her with.

'I don't want to be a freak with a weird, fake eye... I don't want to have some odd ball implanted in my tummy...' She giggled, '-but what I do wantis all the power inside them! That's where youcome in!'

Chun-Li felt her willpower slipping, she was very much alive, very much still her, but... she felt fake somehow. Artificial. 'I'm going to put aaaall this wonderful artificial Ki and all the capacity for it...' She explained, but the process was basically already done.

'-into you!'Chun-Li watched Juri pluck her own left eye out with a gasp; she watched that gap close though, new flesh growing beneath the surface as Juri used the Ki and techniques she'd absorbed from Chun-Li to copy her shapeshifting and grow herself a new eye.

'And then...' With a tense, Juri crushed the now empty and worthless Tanden Engine then tossed it aside. 'I get to look good andget allthe power from these engines...' She pushed the Feng Shui engine into Chun-Li and crushed it to release its energies inside her.

'By wearing you!' Chun-Li's eyes opened wide in shock as she heard that. She refused, she hated it, she tried to resist or do anything, but she felt so empty, so devoid of life and will! Her body would move if she wanted to, but she just... didn't want it to!

'Aww, don't you likethe idea?' Juri asked, pulling Chun-Li away from the wall to lie her down where she could fully straddle the bested Kempo Master. 'How are you feeling right now?'

'C-C-Cold... Empty... Afraid!'She admitted though why she would do so, she had no idea... it must have been Juri's doing. 'I don't...'

'Go ahead... you can move if you want?' Juri offered, sitting up in such a way as to let Chun-Li move, but she knew the downed loser would do nothing of note, despite the vast power inside her. 'You don't want to, do you?' Juri grinned.

'See, I figured this out... Machines...and the artificial Ki we try to put into them are just that... Machines!' She laid down on top of Chun-Li, feeling the squishy shapeshifter under her. 'They exist to be controlled or in your case... worn!'

It made sense... She did, it felt right but... Was it just because Juri was saying it? Chun-Li felt so lost, unable to form her own thoughts or opinions. Maybe it would be OK if Juri were to... wear her. She blushed and Juri saw it, licking her lips naughtily as she did.

'You like the idea now?' She purred, 'Then what are you waiting for? Dress me!' She demanded in a forceful, domineering tone and Chun-Li felt any fight left in her evaporate... thiswas what she had to do! Thiswas where she belonged!

Juri felt the surging royal blue woman leap out and engulf her. Like plunging into a pool she was swallowed up but there was no panic, this liquid responded to her thoughts, did as she commanded as her ability to control others' Ki let her manipulate Chun-Li howevershe decided!

She used that power, all that control and Chun-Li's skills to shred her own costume leaving only one thick layer of living costume covering her from head to toe. She savoured the sensation: Chun-Li felt exquisite when worn though the slick, rubbery texture was all Juri's doing.

The woman entombed in now glossy blue liquid writhed as her hands danced before a crowd of confused, but aroused S.I.N. Soldiers. When she was done, hands still playing with her new costume, she once more pulled the levers on Chun-Li's powers.

She hardened the liquid women's wear into a thin, tight costume that she pulled back from her face with a thought and sculpted with designs they could bothappreciate.

'~MmmMMMmmm!~'Juri moaned and licked her lips, 'Now thisI like!' With Chun-Li caked across her she had absolute control over everything her former rival could do and raised a hand to experiment with that control.

Glossy, brilliant blue feelers emerged from her fingertips and on command formed into long, sharp talons. Without looking she did the same for her precious toenails, the blue costume tightto every toe.

'Delightful!'She purred, 'And how lovely it is to know you're still in there, Miss Li... Watching, feeling and enjoying it all... That's right, use your powers to feel me up! Enjoyme and pleasureme!' She demanded and felt her living costume writhe across her just enough to make her gasp.

'You might not like it just yet...' Juri focused and slowly her suit shifted colours, moving through the blue spectrum into the deep, plum purple she preferred. 'But by the time I make you bring me to orgasmwhile I'm disembowellingall your friends...' She grinned '-you're going to have learnedto adore me!'

With her monologue complete, Juri Han glanced up towards the faces of her crowd, soldiers suddenly snapping to attention as an officer spoke up: 'Salute our new leader: Director Juri Han!'

She fluidly stood with a naughty smirk on her face; without saying a word she sauntered forwards, her whole body creaking in that way she loved her clothing to. She arrived at the officer and reached up to stroke his face as she leant in to his ear.

'A courageous effort to save your sorry skin, but that's not going to work!' Her whole forearm became a huge blade, sharp as a scalpel and a foot wide that she pushed up through him with strength beyond human imagination.

In a spectacular burst he parted cleanly down the middle as Juri turned away thirsty to cut loose and really enjoy this supreme power she'd finally gained.

'Good news, everyone!' She exclaimed with a giddy, sadistic laugh as her other arm became an equally deadly sword, 'You've all earned early retirement!'

Juri Han Wins! Flawless Victory!


Ending 2 (favours Chun-Li):

Round Three... FIGHT!

'So, Officer... You gonna give me what I'm owed?' Juri asked confidently, but Chun-Li saw the apprehension in her stance. Juri neededthis... Whatever it was.

As much as her initial instinct was to reach out and throttle the horn-haired hussy, she was smart and quickly deduced that the prize in (or rather on)hand would be the make-or-break deciding factor in this fight!

'You want what's coming to you?' She asked through gritted teeth as she used her shapeshifting abilities to cast one eye over the defeated silver figure while the other stayed locked on Juri.

'That's your job,right, Miss Police?' Juri was getting audibly nervous as she slowly circled and tried to close the gap. Everything she was doing said that she couldn't have what Chun-Li held and the soft glow around the large ball in the robot's torso told Chunners exactlywhat Juri was after.

'How right you are, Juri!' In the blink of an eye she made her move, and Juri could only watch, lunging desperately forwards as Chun-Li thrust her other hand deep into the heart of the precious Tanden Engine!

'NOOOOO!'Juri wailed as she threw herself forwards with all her speed, leaping helplessly towards the suddenly blast of light as the Tanden Engine erupted and released its huge reserves of artificial Ki!

Chun-Li reacted just as quickly though and swung around, using both hands to flail Seth's dismembered body like a weapon; it struck true and Juri could do nothing as the reinforced metal collided with her unprepared body and launched her like a baseball into the wall!

Chun-Li felt it, the thing that Juri had so desperately wanted: this unsettling artificial Ki energy. She thirstily drank it down, felt it empower every inch of her body and when the transfer was complete she knew this fight was over before it had even begun!

When the dust finally settled and Juri desperately scrambled out of the rubble, she saw her fears made manifest... Seth was empty and her Feng-Shui engine was bleeping all manner of warning signs as her sensors settled on Chun-Li.

'You fucking bitch!'She swore angrily at the Interpol officer, 'That was MINE!'Her short fuse had gotten Juri Han into trouble throughout her life, in some ways it had always been her kryptonite and so it would be again!

She watched Chun-Li part her arms and tear what remained of Seth in two, tossing the remains aside. By then Juri was already flying in, vicious kicks preceding her, but every last one whiffed until she was basically on top of her rival!

A hand wrapped in blue velvet slapped across her face and became like glue! Hot, liquid glue that burned as it touched her, it melded to her face, slathered over her and locked the violent fighter's head in place no matter how hard she flailed.

Her arms too suddenly seized up, then her legs as all of her might did little to stop the gloopy police officer snaring her tightly and pulling her close.

'~HNG!~'Chun-Li huffed as she pulled Juri Han in, this new surge of power allowing her such control over her form that she really could be like a human sized honey-trap!

'Stop... squirming!'She demanded, wrestling with the now trapped fighter as Juri's whole body disappeared more and more into the smooth blue outfit of China's finest. 'You wantedwhat's coming to you...' She strained and struggled to maintain control as their Ki's clashed, one soul-sucker's abilities straining against another's.

'This...Is what's comingto you!' She was winning, little by little. The pair flailed around, collapsing to the ground as a mass of limbs and half-melded bodies.

Juri was fading, her breath escaping her in the depths of Chun-Li's inescapable liquid prison. 'Go quietly...Just for once... Not a word!' It wasn't pleasant, it wasn't as satisfying as Chun-Li had hoped for, but as her soul burned and came under continuous assault, so too did she feel victory encroaching!

Inside her head Juri was screaming muffled, smothered screams of terror and that... that alone made it all worth it! Chun-Li felt the horrid woman's soul puncture her own over and over, trying so hard to resist the unending assault that could only end one way.

Juri's body was all but got, slurped up into Chun-Li's absorbing embrace but her power, her musculature, her muscle-memory... that was all still there, melding with Chun-Li's own.

The S.I.N. Agent's soul too began to quiet, the pulses of resistance softening while Chun-Li's thrusts and twitches in response to Juri's fight for life lessened with each tremor.

'~Hhhhhhhuhhhhh...~'Chun-Li finally sighed in deep, satisfying relief. She had won... more or less.Juri Han... The horrific, sadistic, murderous woman who had almost killed her... was dead by her hands!

There was more to it than that, though... Chun-Li could still feel Juri, parts of her settling into place within her own mind and body. Juri, it seemed, lived on in some capacity, tainting Chun-Li's mind and yet... This wasn't without benefits!

Far from it, Chun-Li felt so much power now that her whole body virtually hummed with Ki! It was incredible, this power... both from Seth (a name she now knew thanks to Juri's memories) and from Juri.

When at last she focused on the scene around her once more, confident in her victory, she remembered where she was and slowly opened her eyes.

Men, easily a dozen of them, each armed and pointing rifles down at her. 'Don't move!'One demanded, a foolish and lesser being who would regretthat!

Chun-Li felt that alien thought overcome her, a sense of being disrespected in such a way that should result in a merciless death... It was Juri's influence, but even as she tried to reason it out, it felt entirely reasonable. These men were trying to kill or capture her after all!

'~Heh!~'She laughed and her body erupted, huge spikes suddenly thrusting out to redirect guns and impale the hapless fools wielding them! Her sudden tendrils flicked away mere moments later, scattering the mortally wounded fools.

Chun-Li kipped up a moment later as the screams began to fill her ears, a reaction that filled her with a deep, somehow sexual satisfaction. She could give chase, kill them all one-by-one and enjoy it... or, she could level this entire facility and make it painless.

Juri's influence was strong and the sense of empowerment Chunners felt made her tingle with excitement, but she was still herself, shehad control and that wasn't about to change!

'Go ahead and run,boys!' She called out as the rest of SIN's forces scarpered away from her in existential dread. 'It'll take me probably thirty seconds...' She continued as she raised her hands and began focusing Ki energy between them, '-to store up enough energy to immolatethis whole facility in soul-fire!'

It had amazed her the first time she saw a massive building turned to an empty shell by Juri, but this power Chun-Li now wielded... it made what she'd seen then paleby comparison!

People ran, they fled from her strength, fearing every word she'd said as fact... and that was satisfaction enough! If the nefarious forces of the world fearedher then what couldn'tshe do for the cause of peace for all people?

If turning a whole facility andeveryone in it to ashes would aid that cause... Then she was quite happy to close her hands around this orb of doom she had created.

A pair of hands clap.

A rift opens in the fabric of reality.

A beam of light rises to the stratosphere.

A blast wave circles the earth.

A crater remains.

A woman stands in that crater and lowers her hands to her sides with a sharp inhale. 'Wow...' Chun-Li sighs, 'This changes everything!' She concludes with a wicked smile.

What was next? A return to Interpol and a report on this situation, sure, but first... She had a single memory that troubled her, a little holdover from Juri Han pointing the finger at someone Chun-Li had assumedto be an ally!

Chun-Li effortlessly collapsed her form into blue ball and a moment later she injected her strength into her new geometric simplicity. Her form elongated as untold measures of Ki energy propelled her into a thin, streamlined arrow.

She would be there not in minutesor hours, but in seconds! Someone... a very specificsomeone deserved a very personalvisit!

Chun-Li altered her course to climb into the sky and looped around to aim herself, propelled at hundreds of miles per hour, back towards the ground. She cut the gas and pulled herself back together as the earth approached once more.

In panic and surprise the villagers Chun-Li had come to know in Dhalsim's village were outside looking to the still rising plume of smoke where S.I.N.'s base had once stood. A they didn't even see Chun-Li coming until she landed feet-first and cushioned her arrival with a low squat.

'WHA?!'Those who had come to see panicked and spread themselves thin, even their healer took a step back in fright. 'It's Chun-Li!' A villager exclaimed before those close to the impact point could even collect themselves.

'Chun... Li?'Jairani asked in shock, though the Chinese Fighter filled to the brim with superhuman power heard, saw and even felt her fear!

'Of course!' She stood up, 'Weren't expecting someone elsewere you?' Her eyes burned into Jairani; even if her expression wasn't threatening, the message behind her eyes struck home and caused the village healer to gulp heavily.

A split-second later Chun-li had her arms around Jairani's waist and a wrist in her hand. '~HUH?!~'Dhalsim's sister whimpered as Chun-Li pulled in close and all but nuzzled her.

'You want to come quietly...'She whispered into Jairani's ear, 'Or do you want me to disgrace you in front of your entire village?' She purred.

'I... I...' Jairani stuttered, gulping as she fought for the words.

'And when I say disgrace... I really domean disgrace!'Hidden from everyone else's view Chun-Li's expertly controlled liquid feelers were snaking beneath Jairani's loose clothing to squeeze, grope and manipulate the overpowered woman.

'I didn't think you'd win!' She all but admitted her guilt and fear with those words alone. 'Does that mean...?'

'She's in here...With menow!' Chun-Li almost hissed into Jairani's ear, 'Which means I've got one really big interrogation in mind for you and a verysadistic mind to help me carry it out!' She purred.

'So I ask again...' She licked her lips how Juri would as she squeezed the village healer even tighter. 'Do I do you on the ground in front of everyone... Or are you going to comealong quietly?'

'~Oh-ohhh!~'Jairani swooned, biting her lip; 'I surrender, officer. Do your worst!' She moaned as she heard every bit of Juri's delicious dominance in Chun-Li's tone.

'Oh I intend to!'

Chun-Li Wins! Flawless victory!


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