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Hi all,

so there's good news in that I finally got my PC back a couple of days ago so am working hard at getting something together; I only have a few days to hash it but I'll try and make sure there are some high quality images for you to enjoy in a few days.

Next month I will be back in the comic story routine so look forwards to that, in the meantime here's the second part of a commissioned story I did, the first part was put on my Devart here: https://www.deviantart.com/smoothlydoesitfreely/art/Depraved-OC-Commissioned-short-story-958805082

As per usual with stories it's attached at the bottom and also here to read on the site below, enjoy!



The famed super-heroine, Night Guard, slid out of the dark night without a sound, not a foot out of place. The change in setting to a brightly lit room her didn't faze her in the slightest: she had a mission and just as she always had, she would see it through to perfection.

She didn't like to be seen and though the room she had entered through the window wasn't blindingly bright, normal eyes would need to adjust; not so the heroine's!

She had the advantage of eyes that could adapt almost instantaneously and where once she would have relied on her own incredible technology to accomplish that, now she only needed her own God-given gifts.

God... or as the wider world knew her, Malpractice! Night Guard stood tall as she waltzed proudly towards her re-creator, her owner, her mistress! Words failed the once proud defender of justice as she looked over the woman sat in the ornate throne before her.

Malpractice sat, as calm as can be with legs crossed and staring her former rival down through a dark full-face visor. 'Good girl, bring it here.' She spoke commandingly, her voice smooth yet spiteful as if she enjoyed every syllable.

Night Guard stepped forwards, further into the light before the good doctor, resplendent on her throne in her form-fitting, seamless latex bodysuit. Malpractice's face moved ever so slightly, shifting from her comfortable position to look down at the large haversack hanging from Night Guard's shoulder.

'I trust you brought me a worthy offering, slave...' The sinister mistress of genetic manipulation threatened with her low, wicked tone. The fallen heroine continued forwards until she was fully into the light where she stopped with a simple gesture from her owner.

Malpractice looked up and down her former arch-enemy and smiled eagerly within the privacy of her impermeable visor. The costume matched... more or less, though Malpractice had been sure to make a few subtle adjustments before letting the predictably creative heroine out of her sight.

Of course it wasn't reallya costume, despite how it might have started out; there was muchmore to it than that. The “costume” was clearly still in control beneath the surface: the glistening, PVC-like fabric adorning the once prudish heroine said that much.

The small, but visible collar and almost fashionable shackles on her wrists and ankles also gave more than a subtle hint as to the reality of the heroine's situation. Malpractice was satisfied that all was right and so gently waved her fingers to allow her pet to speak.

'As you ordered, my Mistress-' Before she could take a step forwards, the doctor raised an arm almost lazily off her comfortable, expensive arm-rest and grew her fingertips out like livid, hungry snakes.

Neither Night Guard nor Depraved, the hidden party playing the heroine like a puppet, had gotten used to the new, wondrous abilities of their Mistress so how she worked still shocked them.

Thin, perfectly controlled tendrils of liquid rubber slithered through the air towards Night Guard and wound into the rings in her collar and shackles. As smoothly as they had grown they pulled taut and with a thought, Malpractice pulled her pet forwards, staggering and falling to her knees at the foot of the great throne.

'I do hope you haven't disappointed me...' The mad scientist pushed on with her dominance, withdrawing the finger-leashes she had bound Night Guard with. She leant forwards in her throne, her luscious costume squeaking and popping as she did; it was music to her slave's ears.

Night Guard felt Malpractice's fingers slide under her chin and gently tilt her head up to see herself in the reflection of her visor's one-way mirror sheen. '-because while the throne I bought myself from your latest heist is ever socomfortable...'

Her hand slid around Night Guard's throat, the collar and costume shapeshifting out of her way to let the doctor wrap her rubber gloved fingers tight around Night Guard's throat. '-my designer penthouse needs a whole lot more efforton your behalf to meet my expectations!'

Night Guard felt herself be forced up higher onto her knees as Malpractice lifted her by the throat, the doctor's newfound strength as much of a shock as the shapeshifting abilities she had given herself at great cost to Night Guard.

'You haven't disappointed me... have you?' She asked, though to her foe it sounded much more like she was having her last rights read to her, a thought that sent a tingle of submissive delight rippling through her body at the behest of the rubbery bodysnatcher, Depraved.

'N-No,Mist-ress!' She answered as best she could with her air all but cut off.

'Good.' Malpractice's tone and demeanour changed in an instant and her grip softened, fingers sliding off Night Guard's throat as she leant back. 'Then dotell... What do you have to offer me?'She asked, Depraved tickling her conquered body in response as she sensed the wicked grin beneath her boss' helmet.

'Many riches, Mistress. But also-' Malpractive turned her attention away, her head focusing towards the window Night Guard had entered through, '-another gift due to arrive shortly.'

'~Hmhmhm.~'The scientist chuckled, 'So thatexplains it.' Night Guard was amazed by Malpractice's sensory skill, that she could hear the approaching young man long before she could even with Depraved's help.

The woman on her knees didn't take her eyes off the evil genius before her, taking a few moments to fully admire the handicraft of the empowered Super-villainess.

She thought, just briefly, about what it had taken to create such a marvelous costume: one capable of not just replicatingDepraved's own liquid-latex skills but far outstripping them. Night Guard knew that her former rival, the once all-but physically powerless mad scientist, now ranked amongst the more physically potent villains alive today.


It had been hard of Night Guard, it had even been a struggle for Depraved, but the super-heroine had felt a growing kinship with her bodysnatcher throughout the ordeal.

She'd even come to somewhat admire how the strange, liquid woman sharing her mind had rationalised her suffering as some kind of sexual favour to her Mistress. To Depraved, it had been like a game and that mindset had, when Night Guard took it to heart, made the whole thing surprisingly easier to handle.

Malpractice had performed surgery after surgery on them: slicing, prodding, injecting, extracting and more... She'd come to experiment with every inch of the entwined pair inside and out over two intense weeks of physical and mental torture.

At the end of it, and this was what made Depraved the most satisfied, the good doctor had taken all of her research findings and formed a tailor-made, completely controllable “Depraved Mk.II” as she called it, a suit of the same liquid latex but vastly more capable in almost everyway!


'Well don't just sit there! Welcome our guest!' Malpractice insisted and raised a foot, her sharp stiletto heel snagging Night Guard's cheek as she shoved her with it. The heroine felt her owner's new strength as she was sent tumbling several feet across the room only to roll up into an action pose looking towards the seated villainess.

The whole performatory exchange was perfectly measured to illustrate struggle as an uninvited guest threw open the curtains and landed inside the ornately decorated suite.

'Night Guard!' The young man dressed in far more vibrant colour exclaimed as he took in the scene and found his mentor and idol knelt low and bleeding slightly from the cheek.

'Malpractice!'He hissed without another word in between; typical, boring hero banter as the evil doctor saw it, sighing as she leant on an elbow against her arm-rest. 'You're behind all this, then!' He continued as if he had some kind of clue.

'Hellion... You shouldn't be here.' Night Guard spoke gravely and seriously as she stood, adapting a fighting pose as she continued to look towards her amused new owner.

'I understand, Night Guard. You only went missing for these two weeks because you were tracking this vile villainess to her cesspit of lies!' He exclaimed with the kind of saccharine intent that made Malpractice audibly tut in disgust.

'You see?' Night Guard spoke, but Hellion, one of her former allies and sidekicks did not. He didn't even know whatit was he was supposed to see!

'This one's almost adorable, Night Guard...' Malpractice commented and slowly rose from her throne with all manner of sexually-engaging noises. 'I hateadorable things!'

Malpractice moved faster than even the highly trained sidekick could follow, charging straight at him like a nightmare pouncing upon him from the pits of his deepest fears.

He couldn't read her movements, though he might not have dodged in time anyway, because her scything punt kick cut through the air with all the velocity of an arrow in flight.

Her shin connected square between Hellion's legs and in that short window before the pain reached his brain, he felt the pull of gravity escape him as he was elevated. Weightless, floating, like he were perched on a slender bike seat with his feet off the ground.

The grace period didn't last; the reality hit him almost as hard as the wicked woman had and the young man finally felt it... daggers stabbing into his mind, his body trying to tear itself apart in futile desperation as all the promise in his love life popped just like something else had.

'Oh dear...' Malpractice sympathised with him, though her inflect was anything but commiserative; rather, as he shrieked like a child, the word he heard sounded far more like disappointment. 'Popped one already!' She concluded as Hellion fell in a heap at her feet.

'No matter...' He heard her squeaking rubber suit make all the kinds of noises his manhood could no longer react to as she squatted calmly down beside him. 'Nothing that a little surgery can't fix!' She giggled as she said it, that sadistic lust of hers for human experimentation coming through in her sudden excitement.

Hellion had been warned: warned about her cruel and sadistic side, but also warned to run. He'd stayed, he'd triedto fight and now he was a juddering mess of emasculated teenager.

'First things first...' He felt fingers slide around his neck and squeeze. Even while he was being whisked to his feet, he tried to resist; his screaming body, the excruciating pain, it was all secondary as he felt his whole life come under threat!

He kicked, he thrashed and he regretted everything! His fingers screamed in pain after just the first punch while his toes made disgusting cracking noises on contact with the frightfully tough skintight coating wrapped around the wicked scientist's body.

Still he flailed though, grabbing for the slender hand he dangled from as he turned his gaze towards Night Guard, shock overcoming him as he realised his champion was just stood watching this happen!

'~Aww~,what's the matter,baby boy?' There was that cruel, demeaning voice of Malpractice's again, 'Hoping your heroine is going to save you?'She turned her attention towards the immobile super-heroine and stroked her face, Night Guard's reaction all wrong from Hellion's perspective.

'Change into your best look, baby!' She ordered and the whole costume came to life, swirling across the trapped and tormented heroine to smother her in Depravity's inky coating. 'When you're good and done, you can get down and lick my boots while I choke out your pet delinquent!'

She turned back towards the increasingly purple sidekick as his helpless thrashing became weaker and weaker, little more than spasms as Malpractice began to laugh.

'~Hmhahahaha!~'She roared in delight, right in his face, 'Game over, kiddo!' He couldn't see the grin, even before he blacked out, but inside her almost invulnerable new super-suit, the sadistic scientist was overcome with evil delight.

'I'm going to have fun punishing that misplaced goodness out of such a handsomeyoung man...' She dropped his unconscious form and slid her hands down onto her hips as she looked down at the former heroine now passionately licking her feet.

'All that sweet, sweet innocence will taste so satisfying as I torment it out of him and leave your precious friend as little more than a hollowed out husk of bitterness and mindless obedience!' She was loving this, every last bit of it! 'Don't you have anything to say to that, Night Guard?'

Of course she did, or rather she would have except Depravity smothered her and took it upon herself to answer from her own state of thoroughlyaroused reverence: 'Thankyou,Mistress!' A simple, but effective answer that tickled Malpractice no end.

'Shall I *lick*clean your *lick* surgical instruments *lick* before you begin?' She continued where she could, awaiting the evil genius' uncontrollable mad laughter subsiding.

'No, that won't be necessary...' Her hand suddenly slid onto Depravity's head and snatched her up, lifting Night Guard by the suit controlling her, the hood of black rubbery substance stretching to make a suitable handle for her Mistress.

'We're going out tonight you and I... Give him a big dose of general anaesthetic then get ready for a night you'll never forget!' She purred with all the nastiness in the world behind her words.

Rain beat down on the already sodden streets as a jet black limousine pulled up outside a very particular building. Neon lights above the door spelled it out: “Emergency Room” yet this was no hospital.

The bouncers on the door sized up the car and got to work, one heading inside while the other approached the opening driver's door. A long, latex-covered leg with a fetish pump on the end reached out and tapped down in a puddle underfoot.

The figure that stepped out was a mixture of intimidating and yet completely harmless: while every last inch of her was coated in reflective latex that hugged her figure, that latex itself was covered in silver loops like she was ready to be tied up from any one of fifty different places.

The tall woman, her height exaggerated by her unwieldy shoes, sized up to the bounced as he brought an umbrella. She didn't care in the slightest about the rain, if every anyone was waterproof it was this shadowy individual. She closed the door and silently stretched out a finger towards the rear of the vehicle.

The burly man, himself dressed in a rubbery mockery of a hospital porter's uniform, took the message and hurried to open the rear door. He heard the clacking of the driver's humiliating footwear as she approached with remarkable balance behind him.

He got a brief glimpse of the passenger, it was just who he expected, who he rightfully feared! The next long leg to step out of the vehicle beneath the shelter of his brolly wore dark, yet rich purple though her outfit offered nothing but a sense of intimidation.

She was dominant; proudly, unshakeably so and the mere stance she took as she stepped out said it all. He knew he was one of the lucky ones, one of the few to get to see her face in all of its sinister glory, but he daren't give her more than a passing glance and a bow of respect.

'Welcome to Club ER, Doctor.' He simply spoke, witnessing a slight crack of a smile on the woman's face though she said nothing back.

The bouncer/porter closed the door and fell into lock step behind the good doctor as she moved. A leash seemed to just appearin her hand then grow up through the air to clasp onto a big metal ring jutting from her slave's neck, dragging the driver staggering along with her.

'Ever seen this place before, baby?' The woman known as Malpractice asked, receiving little more than a muffled response from her slave as they marched on; the second bouncer re-emerged and bowed his head and bowed respectfully. 'Of courseyou haven't!'

'Welcome to Club ER, Doctor. Your patient for tonight?' This second doorman asked a little more and received a little more of a smile from Malpractice for his efforts.

'Yes, a high priority outpatient in need of an emergencyprocedure!' She purred, the gruff laughter of the two bouncers a little extra fuel for the fire of her excitement. The booming music from inside was almost enough to get her moving before she'd even entered.

'Your operating theatre has been prepared doctor!' The bouncer behind her added as Malpractice dragged her plaything through the door. She was eager to get started, even though she'd been playing this wonderful game for more than two weeksalready; tonight was special, though, because tonight-

'The Doctor is in!' A voice excitedly proclaimed over the dark, industrial beats playing to the collected array of kinksters. The DJ in the raised booth pointed energetically to the entrance as she announced it, eyes quickly turning to the woman stood framed in the doorway.

Malpractice looked over the loose crowd of fascinated onlookers, wall-to-wall kink wear upon the chequered floor tickled with lights and lasers. The beats thrummed on, driving deep enough to pierce the sensory deprivation Night Guard was under within Depravity's tight confines.

Up above, the words “Waiting Room” designated this, the dance-floor as just one part of a much bigger and more perverted facility. Malpractice couldn't fight back her smile, this place was just the best in her books!

She stepped forwards, heading towards the bar as the rubbered-up clubbers went back about their fun; her head nodded in time with the deep, thundering kick drums as a familiar figure approached with an excited trot, arms outstretched towards her.

'Doctooor!'The curvaceous woman exclaimed, her outfit exactlywhat Malpractice had in mind when she organised tonight's fun: A white catsuit decorated with medicine pink surgical-style gloves and an imitation of a nurse's outfit in that same, vibrant colour.

'Well hiii!' She offered in response as the naughty nurse embraced her eagerly. Her pink latex face mask brushing against Malpractice's cheek and, as it all but liquefied to stroke her, showed that the suit worn by her former assistant was working as intended.

'Your new outfit treating you well, Nurse Abbis?' She asked, pulling away from the one-time helper, now owner of this fine establishment. Malpractice looked her former assistant up and down as she posed a little.

'Oh absolutely, Doctor! You've outdoneyourself this time!' She giggled excitedly.

'I could say the same,the ER looks better than ever!' Malpractice complemented the proprietor as she looked over the high-end (and prohibitively expensive) BDSM club.

'Only the best forthe best! Just wait until you see the Theatre we've prepared for you!' Her eyes narrowed as she smiled excitedly, 'And this must be the patient?' She asked, turning to the totally enclosed, conquered heroine. 'Anyone I knooow?' She asked cheekily.

'Well that...'Malpractice brushed Nurse Abbis' face away to scold her, '-would ruin the surprise!' She smiled, enjoying every moment of this; the anticipation would make the payoff all the more worth it!

'Doctor!'Another familiar voice spoke up, Malpractice's eyes drawn to another woman, dressed identically to Nurse Abbis as she approached from where she'd just got done flogging someone.

The differences in hair colour, eye colour and facial structure would give it away, but Malpractice made a point of remembering all of her former assistants. They were worthy of aiding her, therefore they were better than almost anyone else alive in her eyes.

'Nurse Jubilee, as busy as usual I see!' The evil doctor embraced her second former protege gladly; while Abbis was a master of financial fuckery and exploitation, Jubilee had a talent much more in keeping with Malpractice's own brand of domination.

'Of course! Breakthroughs don't happen without effort, you taught me that.' She praised her teacher, 'Especially when the medical “establishment” and these insufferable superheroes try to stop me at everyturn!' She added bitterly.

'Well...' Malpractice gave a tug on Night Guard's leash to make the woman in the fetish pumps stagger a little forwards, 'Mylatest project promises to solve all of our problems in thatregard!' Malpractice and the two nurses all looked at the helpless slave hungrily.

'This is her? The new prodigygraced by the benevolence of the greatest scientific mind of our time?' Nurse Jubilee asked curiously, heaping praise on Malpractice.

'Indeed...' The doctor turned to face Night Guard face on and ran her rubber gloves all over the stationary plaything's body, 'One half of her is anyway, but given you seem to both be enjoying your presents, you should be able to guess whichhalf!'

'Depravity...' She spoke just loudly enough for her former assistants to hear, 'I want her hands tied tight behind her back!' She ordered and the nurses watched along as the suit came to life with a silent nod.

Depravity swung her arms behind herself as she turned around. She showed the metal rings attached all the way up the back of both arms as they melded together to lock in a bind that even Night Guard couldn't hope to escape!

'Wooow...'Nurse Abbis hummed in amazement, 'She's the origins then, a liquid woman... Incredible!'She commented as Malpractice turned back around, 'Can't wait to find out who you've chosen to test her out!' The Doctor simply smiled knowingly as a passing house slave handed her a drink.

'You mentioned a breakthrough...' She changed the subject, looking towards Jubilee who hurriedly retrieved something.

'Yes! I've made hugeprogress!' She excitedly proclaimed.

'On your wonder serum...' She recognised the project.

'Yeah! This little vial, with just one short course...' She revelled in her moment, '-can make anyperson, no matter how defiant, a willing, supple slave to their master's will!' She flaunted the small vial of green goo.

'You hear that, baby?' Malpractice asked the woman she kept on a leash, 'Even if you keepmisbehaving, there arealternatives!' She laughed menacingly.

'Two times out of three, though...' Abbis burst the other nurse's bubble with her observation. 'It's still impressive, though!' She corrected herself defensively as Jubilee sighed dejectedly.

'And the other third of patients?' The Domina in purple asked, too busy to keep up with the intricacies of everypet project.

'The active viral agent meant to eat only the primal brain and its survival instinct gets out of control and carries on consuming-'

'-their brain melts.' Malpractice spelled it out in simple terms. 'Oh well, Omelettes and Eggs.' She shrugged as if such a horrifying fate was just a necessity. 'Where are the others?' She once more changed tack.

'They're making last minute preparations in the Theatre, Doctor.' That made sense, thisproject seemed the closest to perfection after all. 'They've collaborated closely to get the “Mind Master” this far, it'll be fascinating to see how this special subject reacts!'

'Indeed it will, darling. Now then...' She stepped between the two nurses, pulling Depravity behind her,'-shall we?'

Depravity enjoyed the feeling of disquiet within her, the worries of the woman trapped within her like a screaming warning of impending danger; Night Guard was frightened and that idea excited the loyal slave of Malpractice.

Despite her body trying to shake in terror, the liquid puppet strings pulled the helpless heroine's arms up onto the armrests of what felt like a cold, perhaps metallic chair.

Neither could see a thing and even their hearing muffled by Depravity's complete head cowl; for the suit this was exciting while for the vessel this was fear itself!

They'd gotten the gist of what was said though: Malpractice had brought them to a surgery where her former assistants were and new, untested medical technology was to be used on them like a lab rat!

One sense that was as strong as ever was their touch; they could feel every pair of hands grabbing and manipulating them along with the tight embrace of each shackle and chain attached to their dozens of available bondage points.

'Is she secure enough at that?' One mysterious voice outside their closed world asked as she stepped back from the tightly tied-down woman caked in thick black rubber.

'Not yet, the Doctor doesn't want her able to move a single muscle!' Another responded, driving the fear further and further home for Night Guard as she more and more consigned herself to yet another horrific torture at Malpractice's hands!

'Interesting... Just how painful is this “Mind Master” of yours?' The first responded as her hands once more snagged and began tightening more restraints on the woman in the torture chair.

'Some patients react rather badly to it, free will can be such a difficult thing for some people to let go of after all...' Even Depravity didn't know how much of this was theatre to scare them and how much was actually true, but it was exciting nonetheless!

'After all, we've never had such an opportunity to control two minds at once. Who knowswhat the device will do if their minds are intertwined as they seem to be!' There seemed to be excitement in this statement despite the trepidation, they really were just a guinea pig!

'That's enough.' At lasta familiar voice from outside the pair's enclosed bubble. The nurses all backed off and once the squeaking of each of their tight, latexy suits had stopped, the pair tied down could hear the footsteps of the approaching mastermind.

She walked right up to them, her purple suit creaking and popping as she did then slowly began to circle the pair in threatening fashion.

'Splendid.' She softly proclaimed, her fingers dancing across the tightly bound rubber skin of her pet, playing over the link where Depravity had been pulled tight to the point where even she felt pretty helpless.

'Feeling scared yet, oh enemy mine?' She asked as she passed behind them, 'Getting an idea of quite what terrible fate awaits you?'She pushed her advantage, 'I dohope so!' She enthused and threw a leg over the pair; her weight strained the restraints, pulled Depravity even tighter until she tried to shake in response to the pain. She couldn't.

'Maybe that helps?' She responded to the failed attempt to even shake in fear from her prey. 'I want you to see this, so remove the blindfold.' She ordered and Depravity was compelled to obey.

Light poured in where tiny eye-slits opened to take in the outside world, like letterboxes that blinkered the restrained heroine even as she adapted to the sudden bright light.

'Take a look!' Malpractice ordered, knowing full-well that she couldn't. Her head was bound in every possible way denying the conglomeration on hero and slave the option to even turn her head.

She couldn't look up or down for the tiny eye holes previously ordered of her when getting ready earlier. This was it... her whole view of the situation.

Malpractice, who had been sat in such a way that her plaything could only look straight forwards at her bosom, now shifted her weight and brought her head down to look into her eyes.

From this close Depravity could only see bits of her face at a time, but it was enough to excite both parties.

The fact that even Night Guard reacted positively was of huge interest to her skintight captor who poured on the humiliation by exciting her with what little range of movement she had left: just enough to ripple and squirm over her most sensitive areas!

'Now that you're all strapped in, I want you to show something my girls will recognise and tell us who you are under the dark embrace of my yummiest creation!' Malpractice ordered and slowly slid her slick, latex-lathered hips off her captive.

She backed up allowing the pair to see the four figured flanking the good Doctor, all of them dressed identically as naughty nurses in white bodysuits with vibrant pink latex nurse outfits atop them.

Depravity did as ordered and pulled back the bottom part of her mask to display Night Guard's lower face through the cut of her usual hero cowl.

'Wait...' On nurse hummed, leaning in a little to look closer.

'Isn't that-' Another considered it.

Within the part of their mind where the two personalities had entwined further and further, a bridge of sorts, Depravity told Night Guard what to do. When she refused, she felt the usually slick and seductive texture of the suit become sharp, like pins and scalpels pressing into her until she visibly grimaced.

'I know that scowl! It is!'Another of the mysterious mischievous helpers exclaimed excitedly.

'I am the protector of the weak, defender of the helpless, the last bastion against evil. I am Night Guard!' She said her thing and excited celebration ensued while Malpractice just stood there looking powerful and smug.

The glee with which her capture and subsequent torture was received by not just one person, but a whole roomful, drove a stake into Night Guard's heart.

She'd fought for her version justice so long, looked upon her enemies as somehow less than people and yet now, at this moment of intense crisis that was all coming back to bite her as her misfortune became cause for celebration!

'How on earth did you manage this,Doctor?' Night Guard's eyes shifted – as much as they could – to the nurse excitedly asking this, then back to Malpractice's smug expression.

'It's like I've always said: these so-called heroes and villains don't understand that for a genius like myself, one victory is all that it takes to end a struggle permanently!' Night Guard really didn't like the sound of that, was this reallyto be her life from here on out?!

'Ah yes, your hypothesis is proven correct, Doctor!' Another praised the twisted scientist at the heart of all this. 'Your singular victory leading to the final conclusion of this struggle proves that your ultimate victory is not only inevitable,but morally right as an end to conflict itself!'

That was some seriously creepy thinking and deeplytroubling to the trapped woman on the receiving end of it. 'Naturally, the Doctor is the world's pre-eminent mind after all!'

'Now then... Depravity...' Malpractice addressed the slave suit directly as she stepped forwards again, 'There are four ways this could go, as part of our doctor-patient relationship it is my duty to inform you of the likely outcomes.'

She became very serious at this point, laying her hands down on top of Depravity's to lean in and look her in the eyes. 'Scenario One...'

'Under the influence of the “Mind Master” device, your melded minds will fail to be able to bear the force of my absolute domination of your entire minds and you will end up in a vegetative state. Not ideal as I do like you, my pet.' That made the liquid woman's equivalent to a heart race.

'Scenario Two, your mind will come under my complete control and I will be able to reshape you exactly how I desire, the best-case scenario. Three, your mind will completely absorb Night Guards and she will be gone in all but body... a body you will claim. And finally four...'

Malpractice sighed in concern, 'The opposite and worse case scenario, in which you disappear leaving Night Guard in control of your body.' She grimaced, 'It's unlikely, but if it comes to that, mark my words I will spend the rest of my life making that skank wish she'd never been born for the affront!'

This statement had a double impact: it terrified the heroine and emboldened the villainous slave suit. Whatever happened, Malpractice would win, that much was clear.

'Alright... put it on her!' The mad scientist ordered as she backed up and sat in another chair placed directly in front of them by one of the nurses. The others went about doing something behind the bound test subject as Malpractice put on a slender helmet covered in strange, glowing contraptions.

It wasn't the most stylish, but Malpractice made it look menacing nonetheless as she linked eyes with the woman ahead of her. 'Blindfold back on.' She ordered and her slave duly obliged, plunging them back into total blackness.

They felt the heavy device be lowered onto them, get cinched in tight and then tightened some more until it couldn't possibly move. 'Ready, Doctor?'

'Yes, my little test-run with the one next door proved most informative in the device's operation.' She admitted to having had a go on the “Mind Master” already, 'That one will sell for a pretty penny having been broken by mepersonally!' She gloated, making Night Guard gulp.

'Turning it on... now.'

~Hmhmhmhmhmhm!~”A low, wicked laughter bounced around inside Night Guard's head, “~Hmhahahahaaaaa!~”It roared with laughter as she felt her whole body seize up and shake in response.

“The Doctor is indeed in!”It was her, Malpractice!She was inside their head, “Let's see here... Oh, there are a lotof tangled wires inside here!” She exclaimed as if she could see something neither Night Guard nor Depravity could.

“That's because I can!”She answered the heroine's silent thought and surprise directly, could she read her mind?! “Yes, of course I can!” Again, a deeply troubling confirmation of her fears, “That scares you? Goooood!”Malpractice purred.

“So that means that this-”Night Guard felt something like an electric shock inside her head and jolted in response before letting out a terrified, unbridled scream of fright. “-is where your fearlives! And Depravity, let's say I were to abandon you...”

A-ha!” She exclaimed inside their head, the pair she was toying with both more than a little frightened now, “Then this is yourfear! So if we rip out this-”As if she were tearing something out of Night Guard's brain, suddenly her fear spiked then disappeared, “And we connect this...”

Night Guard's fear returned, only this time, she wasn't scared of what Malpractice was doing inside her head, in fact she couldn't bring up any concerns about that. No, now her fear was about one thing and one thing only... “And now let's say: Night Guard, I'm abandoning you!”

'NOOOOO!'Night Guard wailed out loud, causing a reaction from the Nurses in attendance. 'Doctor, please don't! Anythingbut that!' Night Guard exclaimed under no duress, this was all of her own will!

~Hmhahahahahaaaa!~”Malpractice laughed inside their minds with dominant glee, “Oh this is going to be far easier than scrubbing the mind of that pitifulman next door!” She said it as if gloating, but the super-intelligence of the evil doctor had this all thought out. “And there is baby's sense of jealousy!”

She seemed so proud of herself in having tricked her plaything into revealing this about herself, “Aww,don't worry my darling... I still love you and think the world of you despite that!” She addressed Depravity and ceased upon a slight twinge from Night Guard. “There!”

Once more, like pulling on a raw nerve, Night Guard felt a jolt of anguish tear through her mind as Malpractice yanked on her raw emotion and made her whole mind be overcome with every slight feeling of jealousy the heroine could ever remember.

The mad doctor pulled harder and harder until, as if she'd pulled it until she tore it out, the feelings vanished with a snap. “And once again, we just hard-wire my delicious little slave suit directly into where your jealousy is supposed to exist and... voila!”

'Wha-what did you- How are you-' Night Guard asked out loud, desperate for any kind of out from this terrifying, soul-destroying situation.

'She's reacting very strongly to the stimulus, brain activity is unlike anything I've ever seen!' Outside the torture bubble, the nurses were observing, diligently doing their parts in propping up the Doctor's sadistic treatment.

“Listen to her, baby... She's so pathetic and defiant, unlike you!” Malpractice fawned inside their minds, “You're so beautiful and perfect, but Night Guard... She's just a two-bit, hopeless romantic!”

'~NYEEEEEAAAAARGH!~'Night Guard shrieked in rage, 'That's not true,Malpractice!' She heard the laughter of Malpractice's assistants in response, but she didn't care!'I deserve your attention, you should respect me too! I'm- I'm-'

“A worthless,two-bit hero who was always destined to fail!”The mind-controlling, sadistic brain surgeon stuck the knife in and felt the response she wanted, 'And yet again-' That response grew Malpractice ceased on Night Guard's weakness. '-you give yourself away to me!'

Like she were grabbing the heroine's sense of shame with her slender, rubber-gloved hand, Malpractice viciously pulled on it and twisted it around to make her suffer.

'Help the Doctor out! Look, she's trying to enjoy this physically while inside their mind!' One of the nurses spoke over the internal white-noise.

“Ooooh, they're suchgood girls!” She purred inside their minds, “While I'm in here, twisting-”She made Night Guard's shameful feelings particularly acute with another yank, “-your mind into a pretzel, they're running those yummy, shapeshifting hands all over me for the payoff I deserve!”

“That's one thing you still need to work on, Depravity!” A part of the suit knew this was all part of the process, tough love from her almighty Mistress, but it still hurt her pride, a sense of shame being seized upon once more, a second hand reaching into their mind to untangle thatparticular wire too.

The good doctor was much more gentle with her doting slave's mind, gently disconnecting it as she violently tore the equivalent out of Night Guard's mind.

“Oh this is so much fun,I'm almost disappointed I'll only get to do this to you once!” She sensed another twinge, “And nextwe have my baby's submissive streak...” She caressed that particular part of Depravity's mind. “Know what? I think we'll save that for last, it'd be no fun if this hateful heroine got to enjoy this!”

She laughed, oh how she laughed deep inside her prey's skull! Malpractice lived up to her name as little by little she sliced and chopped away at the minds of sentient beings deep into the night.

'~Ahhhh~'The world's greatest and most immoral mind sighed as her eyes fluttered open to see herself surrounded by the expectant, eager faces of her assistants.

'Well?!' One of the Mind Master's creators excitedly asked.

'Did it go as well as it seemedto?!' The other pressed; Malpractice just knowingly smiled as she recovered and flexed the feeling back into her fingers and toes.

'Untie her and let's find out!' The Doctor ordered and the nurses went about their task hurriedly; Malpractice slowly an gracefully rose, stretching out with a moan.

'There, that's more comfortable, isn't it?' She asked the now freed woman in black, 'Let's see your face.' The liquid rubber slid back, unmasking the once feared super heroine who gasped as she tasted the air, blinking as she adapted to the lights.

'Who are you?' The mad scientist asked as she swaggered forwards with hips swinging passionately.

'I am Claire Reynolds, the one you used to call Night Guard.' She answered dutifully and fully.

'Good, stand up.' And like it were a commandment from God, the fallen hero did so despite her aching mind and body. 'And if we are not to call you Night Guard, then what is your name?'

'I am Depravity, Mistress!' She sharply replied, stood to attention like a soldier on parade. 'Night Guard is no more, now there is only the slave to Malpractice that is Depravity!' She said eagerly.

'Oh woooow!'Nurse Jubilee responded with a giggle.

'Seems this worked perfectly,but can we be sure?' Nurse Abbis asked, stroking her chin.

'A good point, alright then, Claire... And I want the suit to be completely passive at this moment on fear of excommunication...' Depravity's upstanding pose was rocked as she heard this, though she nodded a moment later.

'I'm going to give you one chance...'Malpractice offered, snagging the slave by the ring on her suit's throat and pulling her in close. 'One chance to escape spending the rest of your life worshipping me like a Goddess!' The wicked surgeon revelled in her wording.

She dragged Depravity by the ring to the side and shoved her towards the wall, the mind-warped heroine staggering back and bracing the clean white surface.

'If you choose to, I will let you go. I will free you with no strings attached, completely unleashed to return to the life you once had!' Malpractice offered as she closed in and pressed her body against the woman under her spell, her face in close as she ran her hands over the ring-strewn costume of her plaything.

'Or... You can choose to be my willing,supremely submissive slave for the restof your life!' She gave the alternative as she molested the woman against the wall, letting Depravity feel her superior strength despite her offer.

'I give you my word that you can leave this place with absolutely no resistance and we'll just meet again the next timeyou try to stand in my way and stop me...' She sniffed the latex-covered woman possessively.

'So what's it going to be?' She purred, 'Freedom... Or are you going to beg me for an orgasm then get down and lick all of our boots? One. By. One.' She purred because she knew Depravity didn't even have to think about it, she was just waiting for her moment to speak.

'There is no choice to be made, Doctor...' Malpractice gulped excitedly, 'Please... Make me squeal and obey!' Malpractice bit her lip as she heard it.

'With pleasure!'


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