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Here's a story that I never finished that fits in a way back in Livewire's story when She leaves Superman beaten and alone for five seconds between issues 4 and 5. I intended to detail how She went about carving through 52 universes of Flash-wannabes and taking their powers that quickly so here it (belatedly) is. Warning for gory content, I dislike those kinds of characters so it's pretty vitriolic tbh lol. Enjoy!


Time: 14:07:12.0174

Place: Central City, Earth-0

It was thisagain, The Flash could always rely on ending up back here. Even after things had been as screwy as they had and his head had gone to hell since Goddess Catwoman made him, like all men, submit unconditionally to the natural order of female supremacy with Her commandment.

He closely watched the wielder of the Reverse Speed force come around and charge at him again and he did likewise, closing the gap in milliseconds. Yet again his crazed fan-boy wanted to throw down so here they were doing this dance one last time.

Time: 14:07:12.0292

He felt the wave of energy pass through him even faster than hislegs could carry him and things were never the same from then; even still he pulled back his fist to strike as the gap narrowed.

Time: 14:07:12.0313

A figure appeared. She didn't arrive,She didn't travelto this point from outside of his peripheral vision – he would have known – She simply appearedbetween the charging Speedsters.

Probably seven feet tall and more, possessing a figure that drove even his faithful, married mind ballistic and clearly crackling with energies unlike any other. His eyes – gifted with the Speed Force danced across Her body as if his life depended on it and as if by magic his manhood gained access to the Speed Force too and made its presence known by bulging the fabric of his costume outwards.

She had him by the forehead in Her big, powerful hand wrapped in immovable, cold and slick midnight blue something!She had his foe too, one hand on each man's head holding them apart effortlessly like a mother about to scold a pair of naughty boys.

'Now boyz, you don't need to fight over me!' She giggled playfully, The Flash knew Her he was sureof it: Livewire! They'd had comings together before but She was so different now: somehow even fasterand undoubtedly even more powerfulthan Her previous pure energy form!

He didn't know how that could be possible as She was always someone he was aware of within the upper tiers of the speed stakes but here She was, Livewire: beautiful beyond compare, faster than electricity, as strong as Superman and about to do things to him he'd have no say in whatsoever!

Time: 14:07:12.0319

Barry Allen's powers were something he'd come to take for granted, a permanent part of his life yet suddenly they were gone, the Speed Force and all it brought with it. Livewire had just... taken it! Absorbed it perhaps, it didn't matter, he simply no longer had the ability to so much as move his body let alonebreak the sound barrier at a canter!

The world still seemed to be moving at a snail's pace so he still had the reactions it brought, but The Flash couldn't do a damn thing besides watch and feel the slick, lustrous impossible fabric stretched around Livewire's immovable hand against his face.

'Only oneof you getz to be my plaything...' Even though She was moving as fast as the world's fastest man's eyes could follow She seemed to casually and gracefully turn Her head to look at the lesser imitation. '-and it's notthe two-bit recolour!'

What She did next turned Barry Allen's stomach as the suddenly further empowered electrical villainess turned the Reverse Speed Force against his similarly dressed adversary with horrifying consequences.

Time: 14:07:12.0322

It took mere moments but the scream the other man seemed to silently unleash said he felt every bit of it: Barry watched the colour and life strip out of his face, his skin beginning to sag as he thinned out like he was being drained of all of his life-force!

The Flash was forced to watch as the statuesque villainess aged the helpless former Speedster from the prime of his life to old age in less than a blink of an eye. Despite everything happening at many times the speed of sound he heard Livewire moan in delight as if Her voice didn't even need sound-waves like everything else at this speed. The smallest part of him suspected She wasn't even speaking how humans do but if that was so he had no idea what he was even hearing.

Nothing made sense, none of thisshould be possible and yet in the beating of a human heart She had taken both Speed Forces for Herself and mastered them to such a degree that it scared Barry to the pit of his soul!

Time: 14:07:12.0328

The reverse guy was dead before the sound-waves carrying his blood-curdling scream finally reached Barry Allen's ears. He watched what was left – by now little more than dust approximating a human skeleton begin to fall apart on the wind as Livewire held the polished cranium of The Flash's foe gently in Her huge, taloned hand.

'~Mmm~this power'zkinda fun,hehe!' The shapely woman giggled playfully and finally released The Flash, tossing him down on his rear at somewhere approaching the speed of light.

Time: 14:07:12.0348

'Now I don't needto be able to read your mind to know what you're wondering, so I'll make this brief: The Speed Force you knewwas just a part of the wider sphere of energy encapsulating the Multiverse, itself stuck in limbo awaiting myascension to claim it and become it!' Barry was confused, his head still reeling from everything he'd just witnessed.

He was struggling just as much to wrap his head around what he was still witnessing though: Livewire, this newly ascended Goddess of energy and speed! She was mind-blowing:indescribably elegant and powerful, every curve of Her body seemed to be hewn to the very specification of perfection. He couldn't resist his slack-jawed glance up the length and breadth of Her seamless, perfect dark blue bodysuit that made his entire body and mind lose control in Her presence.

Time: 14:07:12.0352

Barry's ability to look over the entire image of perfection named Livewire was taken from him as She came closer. Despite the world beyond this little bubble the pair shared being all but silent he heard Livewire's lustrous, enchanting outfit creak with rubbery glee as She squatted over him and leant forwards to brace the shattered concrete She'd embedded him in.

'Iam all energy, all energy iz Livewireso I'm simply reclaiming what'z mine and unifyingthe Speed Force where it belongz: inand madeof me!' She giggled at the thought of it, Her visibly glowing face almost touching his and making his facial hairs stand on end as if reaching out to touch Her 'I'll let you keepjust a little bit of access so I can have some funwith you later, though...

He looked up into Livewire's glowing irises as She looked down on him with a kind of disgusted sneer that said She thought of him as little more than trash beneath Her gaze and for some reason he loved it!The mask that capped off Her outfit seemed almost familiar to him, the streaks leading backwards similar to his own ornate ear-pieces though simplified, perhaps perfectedlike everything else about this new apex-Speedster.

'Hope you aren't friendz with any of the other Speed Force userz, though...' The Goddess straddling him purred with sick delight at the thought of Her next conquests. 'They'll kinda all be deadwithin the next half a second, heh!' Her tone; the glee with which She promised to kill basically everyonehe knew sent the beginnings of a chill down his spine, a chill that wouldn't even get halfway down while he still had the privilege of being in Her presence.

'Thanks for returning what'z mine though, Flash. Especially useful is this ability to phaze myselfinto other dimensionz with my unrivalled speed!'She complimented him and pressed Her body down on him, the firm yet perfectly slippery speed suit She wore slithering over his own low-resistance full-body number as Livewire ground Her hips over Barry's firm approval of Her dominance.

'That'zgoing to make rounding up all you little Runny Boyz a whole lot easier, hmhahaha!' He watched as the Goddess' menacing laugh became hidden behind the dark lustrous blue of Her mask. She shape-shifted it into a full-face helmet with Her eyes hidden behind glowing white lenses that bore an air of monstrous impersonality.

'Here! You can keep this too!'He felt Her press something spherical firmly into his abdomen. 'I've wastedover five thousandths of a second on you and I've still got 52 universesworth of Speedsters to kill... LLLaterz!'She finished dismissively with cruel humour in Her voice.

Time: 14:07:12.0359

Livewire vanished as quickly as She had appeared leaving an impotent Flash lying half embedded into the ground with his head still spinning. He was alone and the tunnel vision-like crawl the world around him had run at accelerated. He looked down at and fumbled the somewhat round, heavy object Livewire had given him only to find himself now holding the dead reverse flash's bleached white skull.

Barry Allen threw it away and let out a scream then crawled back on his hands away from the horrifying human remains to gather himself. He began to process what this new Goddess had told him and a realisation hit him.

He pulled back his glove to look at his watch... 14:07:15

She couldn't have meant it,could She? He tried to make himself believe it was so, but he'd experienced first hand the true power of the Goddess of Light and he very muchbelieved She was at least capableof killing every other Speedster on earth within seconds.

All that left was the question of if She woulddo it. Barry grimaced as he remembered the things he'd heard from Superman about Her: Livewire was wicked, vain, totally self-obsessed and sadistic to a fault! She wouldn't hesitate to have Her fun at anyone and everyoneelse's expense if Supes' judgement was accurate. The Flash knew it almost always was, the blue guy was just that good but that meant things were far worse than he wanted to accept!

He had to check; the hope in his heart would never die until he was sure but he knew it was for naught: She'd killed them all before he could even check his watch and he was already waytoo late to do anything about it!

Time: 14:07:12.2703

Place: Gotham City, Earth-7

Barry Allen looked down over the streets of Gotham from his crouched position beneath his dark cowl, his cape fluttering in the wind. He had to protect this city from all the dank filth coursing through its underbelly; it wasn't pretty but someone had to do it.

'Kindapretty up here, isn't it?' Livewire asked from right next to him, though until he turned to look in shock he had no idea who was talking or how She got there. 'I can almostsee why She likes this place...' Leslie contemplated where She sat as She took in the sights of another, almostindistinguishable Gotham City.

Barry – Batman to the wider world – couldn't help but become infatuated. Despite everything he stood for, everything he was supposed to represent he was in the presence of perfection and all of that meant nothing. '-but then you've never met Her since there'z only one of She and I; we're actually unique unlikeyou Barry Allenz!'

Time: 14:07:12.2718

Livewire slowly swivelled Her eyes to look down Her nose at him. 'But then you know loneliness, don't you, hun?' He wanted to speak, ask who She was and how She was capable of slowing time like this but something within him simply wouldn't let him interrupt Her. 'Amazingwhat a bit of alone time can do toa man, hehe!' She giggled, but her tone was nothing short of malevolent.

Something was escaping him, something he took for granted. Barry felt the mysterious force that allowed him such speed begin pulling itself out of him as if trying to force its way towards the seated, casual Goddess of Light.

'You weren't supposed to be here, you weren't even supposed to be Batman, but look at where you've ended up! If it weren't for me seeing to it that none of the people who would have influenced you came into being, you'd have been someone completely different!' Now Her smile was truly wicked as She let that sink in.

'Heh, turns out that whole thing about going back in time to kill your grandfather works a whole lot better if it's someone else's grandfather! Hell I found so many ways to prevent your friends and enemies from ever existing that it was actuallya fun little challenge!' She grinned in self-satisfaction, Her vanity only growing with each effortless universal conquest of Speedsters.

'Y-' Was all he could utter, a frog in his throat that got pushed aside by the Speed Force's increasing rush to abandon him. He felt it and even saw the static charge of it betray him, discarding him like yesterday's news.

'I'm at the point in my little Multiversal purge where I don't even needthose colour-swapped duplicate losers to hand over their connections to the Speed Force, it seeks meout... as you can see!' She raised a hand and welcomed in this Flash's link to his universe's Speed Force.

Time: 14:07:12.2722

'Look there...' Goddess Willis extended a single finger, pointing to the street below where a figure was visibly running amidst the almost frozen crowd. 'I left one of what would have been your recolourz alive so you could see this!'She chuckled, her tone twisted and sadistic.

'There are six major bodily systems in human beingz...' She explained, a curious choice of subject in the eyes of her captive audience.

'The digestive system-' She started and just gently wagged her finger; in response the figure below left something behind. It wasn't like a limb had fallen off or that the man had broken apart but something far more chilling was left behind: a squirming mass of entrails that hung in the air behind him.

'-the respiratory system-' Now his lungs just seemed to get left behind as his run became a stagger; all it took was another wag of Goddess Willis' finger. '-the circulatory system-' his heart and a mesh of veins were left locked in the air, once more phased through his body in the silhouette of his running pose.

'-the skeletal system-' bones, locked in another stationary position like an after-image; his stagger had now become a slow fall. '-the muscular system-' without that he fully began to fall '-and the nervous system.' his brain and nerves left permanently posed a foot off the ground as nothing more than skin and a few left over organs slapped to the ground.

'That'z what happenz to them when I stop the “Speed Force” working on each in turn!' Shaking, horrified, the Bat-Flash turned his head back towards Goddess Livewire, vomit rising up his throat. She tilted Her head and the glowing lenses over Her eyes squinted in delight!

Time: 14:07:12.2765

She leant in to look this universe's Batman/Flash in the eyes, 'Fair warning: I'm only using the speed force against your kind because it seems fitting! I could kill youin any one of a milliondifferent wayz if it suited me!' It was only a threat, but it was a very verybelievable one!

'Don't get too cozyin your self-pity and loathing, little Edgelord... I expect a whole lot more positivity and adoration from my slavez!'She smiled naughtily and licked Her lips in such a way that Her simple gesture made his body spasm from a spontaneous orgasm as She crackled out of this existence in a flash of lightning.

He would crouch there for hours to come simply wondering, asking questions and dreading the thought of what it all meant.

Time: 14:07:12.5281

Place: Central City, Earth-23

He ran into the rain, seeing the droplets all around him barely falling yet nonetheless they splashed against him as he ran through them with all of his pace and might. He had never pushed his Speed Force further, he'd never strained its curious nature of letting him alter how quickly he moved through the time-stream like this.

Even still it meant nothing, despite it all he was being hunted! To his senses he was running as fast as a human being could in a world that barely moved, but in reality he was pushing closer and closer to the speed of light.

He hoped that if he somehow ran fast enough he might move through time and maybe escape Her, but he knew thatwas almost certainly folly. Livewire was toyingwith him, moving as quickly to his eyes as hemust be moving to everyone else's but somehow he could hear Her laughing. He heard Her movements: from Her casual footsteps - as if She were merely walking - to the sensual, perverse creaking and slithering sounds of Her skin-tight rubbery outfit. She was moving so quickly She musthave been breaking everylaw of physics, but She was doing it with absolute ease!

Time: 14:07:12.5298

Livewire swooshed past him, ran rings around him, groped and gently spanked him as he ran with all of his might; he even felt Her breath on his cheek as if She just wanted to torment him before She inevitably killed him like all the others!

'Ahh crap!You're one of the boringYellow Onez, huh? All the previouz ones of you were realgood screamerz! I'm sure you call yourself something, but you all look the same to me...' She spoke in a tone so casual Her current prey could almost be forgiven for forgetting that he'd just watched this rightfullyself-proclaimed Goddess of Light sadistically murder all but twoout of all the other Speedsters alive!

He wasn't one for moral codes, never had been but what Livewire was and how She tormented Her victims and revelled in Her sheer, brutal dominance of those poor men made even himfeel sick.

'No worriez-!' She concluded with a tone to Her voice that said this was about to end verydecisively in such a way that Her prey would be helpless to escape his doom!

He just wanted to make The Flash a better hero: that's what he'd always told himself, but maybe he could do that for Her too!Make Her a betterGoddess! Just as Zoom was beginning to think this through he reached his second to last ever thought...

Time: 14:07:12.5306

His second to last thought was of how awe-inspiring Livewire looked as She appeared stood six inches in front of his face; the voluptuous curve of Her perfect, midnight blue coated boob awaited him and he didn't have time to stop.

He concluded that thought with the realisation that getting mulched against Livewire's perfection was a good way to die at least. He wasn't to know that her suit was made from a structure more supreme than mere atoms, a structure he couldn't do a damned thing against!

She was waiting for him in all of Her statuesque, undeniable perfection and so he ran headlong into the bosom of the Goddess of Speed.

'-plenty more where youcame from, lil' man!' She finished Her demeaning, dismissive sentence then finished him next. Zoom reached his last ever thought...

Time: 14:07:12.5309

His final thought was one of almighty rapture melded with soul-crushing agony as Livewire unmade him down to the cellular level. At the speeds involved the neural impulses shouldn't even have had time to reach his brain but they did and the force of that momentary interaction quite literally blew his mind to pieces.

The sensation was half the natural one as his body collided at nearly the speed of light with an immovable wall of energy-consuming super matter. Livewire was an immovable object that tore him apart and left nothing but pints of red liquor to wash across Her imperious form.

The other half of the sensation was of feeling himself for just the briefest moment get wrapped around perfection made manifest in all of Goddess Livewire's glistening, rubber-esque glory.

As he was reduced to his fundamentals on contact with Leslie's supremacy even his blood shrieked in agony an juxtaposed euphoria; he felt the touch of perfection Herself and his indescribably agonizing death was coupled with an ecstasy beyond imagination.

He'd had the fortune to look upon the almighty Herself and now in his final moment he had the honour to feel himself slathered across every inch of Her as She turned him into a thin vaporous lacquer that slid off Her exquisiteness moments after they touched.

Livewire vaporised him at the speed of light and purred in delight as She allowed herself to sense his every limb and organ being mulched against Her like a rotten tomato hitting a window. Leslie was having so much fun at the expense of these speedy apes and each and every one helped Her get a slightly more complete sense of Her new possession: the Speed Force in its entirety.

Time: 14:07:12.5311

'Hmph!'Leslie huffed with a smirk beneath the expressionless mask of Her seamless, lustrous suit as the disentangled pink cloud that had beenyet another Speedster slipped off Her body leaving not a trace. 'Anotherpathetic insect squashed!'

'Now then...' She looked down to the man knelt beside Her; his pleading, tear-filled eyes squinted back as he watched on in dread and angst. '-where'd your last little friend run off to? Hmmm?'

Time: 14:07:12.5312

Wally West ran because he didn't know what else to do. What She'd said... was it true? Was Her coming really the Speed Force coming back to take what it had given? 'Oh it'z true!' He stumbled, staggered and slid to a halt on hearing Her voice.

Back and forth his eyes and head darted searching through the driving rain for the Goddess of Light but he found nothing but haunting shadows. 'I've givenyou all super speed, let youlive your livez in the fast lane... Now I've come to reapwhat haz been sewn!'

Time: 14:07:12.5391

Wally finally found something: a figure, knelt, bound and gagged staring back at him with desperate eyes. It was Barry but Wally knew that he himself was just as helpless before this enemy as his old friend. He continued to dart his eyes left and right as the perfectly proportioned embodiment of all energy stalked him invisibly somewhere beyond the limitations of physics.

'Barry! Where isShe? What do we do?!'He asked, cautiously approaching the other Flash, now trapped in bondage with restraints made from that luscious, shape-shifting stuff Livewire wore.

Time: 14:07:12.5398

'Aww, thinking of me even when you're looking on your best bud all helplessand at my mercy?'Her voice swirled around him like the wind as if She were a shark circling Her prey. He sensed the Goddess all around him, everywhere and perhaps everything as if the entire world was eyeing him up like prey.

'Do you really think I offer mercy?' She asked with a whisper in his ear from right behind him. His response was natural: he span to meet her. As Wally turned he saw the beginnings of Her strike, preparing to take the slap She launched with unavoidable speed and accuracy.

Time: 14:07:12.5405

He didn't feel the impact of Her slick, gloved palm against his face; nor did he feel anything else past that point. Power incarnate phased Her hand and the impervious super-matter it was wrapped in through Wally West, leaving him outwardly intact.

Leslie's hand phased back into contact with this world only as Her slap passed through his soft, vulnerable grey matter; in a single instant Livewire liquefied and frazzled everything between his ears. It was a simple flick of Her wrist but it left him with nothing to even feel the fall.

Time: 14:07:12.5406

Barry Allen wailed through his gag in desperate, terrified horror as he watched his friend collapse dead while his murderess vanished within one ten-thousandth of a second of Her murderous slap.

Before his vocal reaction had finished airing – even within the bubble of Speed Force enforced on him by Livewire – the remaining Flash felt Her slick, gloved fingers on the sides of his face.

'Hope you understand now, darling.' Goddess Livewire purred behind him, Her hands sliding down his neck and over the Flash's slender but toned body. '~MmmmMMMmm!~' She growled as She groped the helpless hero and felt the lithe definition of him, pressing Her potent body against him. 'Youget to live because I want to savour you... These others didn't matter, but you...'

She purred sensually into his ear and nibbled on his earlobe as She cupped his restrained package and vibrated Her hand at 7 times the speed of light to milk him in under a microsecond. 'Youbelong to Livewire!'

Time: 14:07:12.5418

The Flash mid-orgasm managed to turn his head far enough to look into Her glowing, menacing lenses 'You're a part of my stable now, speed freak... And I'm going to have aaallkindz of fun with you!' And as She laughed in conqueror's delight Leslie vanished in a gloriously flamboyant spark of light. She left him in the rain with just that terrifying promise and a neutered connection to HerSpeed Force.

Time: 14:07:13.0758

Place: Somewhere private, Central City, Earth-39

He had no idea what caused it, but suddenly his speed suit was nowhere to be seen and his body was dripping with lustrous lube with his member firmly and proudly on display.

He felt something implore him to turn so he did, looking upon the source of his sudden, bone-chilling sense of foreboding. He laid eyes upon Livewire, conqueror and slayer of a hundred Speedsters already. 'Y-You!'He exclaimed as if he knew who perfection Herself was.

He felt it, the surging passion within him, the Speed Force itself wrestling him to fall to his knees in prayer at the feet of Goddess and he knew what was to come already. 'I-I told him he had to be more careful with it! I told him you would come for us!' He begged fawningly and watched Livewire slowly tilt Her masked face almost curiously.

'You're a slug!'She simply stated with cruel, electrical precision to Her tone. 'I usually like my men to know their place grovellingat my feet,but you're just slimy!'She visibly phased in front of his eyes as She shuddered at the thought of this creature'sexistence.

'I can have any and every realFlash do exactly that, so any old indistinguishable nobodyfrom his catalogue of nobodiesain't gonna cut it!' She concluded, feeling strangely talkative with this particular victim.

'P-Please! I can help you! I always said you were bigger and better than any of us!' He begged pathetically, an interesting choice of last words.

'Then you deserve a reward... Let's get rid of your slime, slug!'To his senses the Goddess of Speed pulsed and struck him with an aura of power so brutal it was if his very being was being engulfed. That was all he saw but there was much, muchmore to what She did to him in that millisecond following him pulling the exacthelpless expression She wanted to see...

Time: 14:07:13.0768

The pulse Her victim thought he'd seen was in fact Livewire approaching him in a casual stroll at 99.999999999% the speed of light, shaving just enough off to let Her prey realise his fate. Her hips swung as Leslie swaggered omnipotently towards Her doomed plaything; the slick dark blue costume She wore creaked naughtily at wavelengths that couldn't be measured by any instrument in existence.

'I'm 38universez worth of speed-freak exterminationz deep and I stillstruggle to tell theze Speedsters apart... I do remember that thisiz one that'z particularlypathetic in everyuniverse, though!'She mused as She approached, softening Her invincible body suit to a gummy consistency around Her purely energetic form; She at least needed him to survive long enough to please Her!

'I totallydig that expression, Hmhahaha!' Livewire giggled naughtily as She paced around the essentially frozen man and began passing Her large, glistening hands all over his body which jiggled violently as h began to break apart at Her feather-soft, almost gelatinous touch. The speeds she was travelling at could easily vapourize him if She so desired.

'~Mmmm~Not quitemy favourite flavour-' She stopped behind him, sliding Her hands around his side and wrapping a fist around what She was after as She bit Her lip lightly '-but meatis meat!'She growled.

A bolt of lightning moving even faster than impossibly close to the speed of light passed through the man and Livewire rematerialized in front of him having rewired his body on passing, Her hands slithering across his lubed-up figure to his throat. Wrapping her huge, clawed digits around his jugular Goddess Willis made the connection and moaned in delight.

She lifted him into the air by the throat. Gently. Slowly. She swallowed up that mortal delight as She did then smoothly eased him out. Most of what held him together began to less resemble a human form each time She slowly, gratifyingly hoisted him inside Her by his throat but the important parts remained intact, empowered by Livewire's will.

She allowed what She harboured to get close enough to Her pace that it delivered on command shortly after She'd begun. Livewire's Goddesshood actively sucked the slowly progressing “slime” She had referred to out; the thirstily snarfed fluid hissed into energetic vapour the moment it arrived to its new owner.

She was far from done, but no man's body could regenerate that quickly so the rest of his rewiring came into play, the fluids in his body rushing at near light speed to be converted into what Livewire wanted below the waistline.

Livewire revelled in Her light speed euphoria as She pumped him into and out of Herself, drinking him dry over and over as she converted more and more of his fluids to that yummy slime She craved. When everything this side of his heart was turned to cum and milked dry Leslie made his heart pump backwards and took Her fill from the other side.

She enjoyed Herself for what might have been ten minutes to Her senses but in reality was little more than a microsecond and once She'd taken Her fill She gently placed what was left of the by now thoroughly drained male back where She'd snatched him from and stepped back.

Time: 14:07:13.0769

Livewire heard the low thump of a muffled explosion within his chest as She slowed Herself down from light speed: obviously a heart couldn't work at the speed She'd made his work at and without a drop of fluid left to pump it now did the only thing it could: pop inside his chest. That satisfying sound made for a perfect punctuation point on the numerous divine orgasms She'd used it for.

'~Hmhmhm!~'Leslie giggled and as She vanished She couldn't help but revelin how truly wonderful this omega speed superpower was!

Time: 14:07:13.8424

Place: Star Labs, Central City, Earth-51

'I know some of you don't like me...' Jesse Chambers opened her monologue to the gathered Speedsters in front of her, friend and foe alike. She turned around to a desk with various papers strewn about on top of it. Diagrams and mathematical equations covered the pages.

Time: 14:07:13.9875

'-but I've called you all together to address the Speed Force shaped problem in the room!' At that exact moment one very large Speed Force shaped problem instantaneously appeared behind the gathered humans. A problem that stood two metres tall, flawlessness clad in glimmering midnight blue and smirking menacingly beneath Her mask. Leslie stood in a powerful wide stance with Her claws extended, gently tensing and releasing threateningly.

Time: 14:07:14.1548

'Namely the danger-'The Flash of the lastof the 52 universes continued as the omnipotent intruder passed Her gaze over the half-dozen Speedsters arrayed before Her like a colourful platter.

Time: 14:07:14.1845

'-of running too fast!'Which is exactly what Livewire did at that exact moment. She moved so quickly from each Speedster to the next that to even their senses She all but teleported around them.

She swallowed each within Her shining, svelte one-piece in the blink of an eye and was left alone in the room with The Flash. Livewire was now stood five paces behind the only Speedster in this universe not currently squirming within the sea of molten energy known as Livewire and confined in her impervious super matter. She felt them desperately expend every erg of energy inside her despite having no hope of escape or survival; She didn't even instantly melt them down to superstrings, She enjoyed the squirming too much!

Time: 14:07:14.1915

'Oh youdon't need to worry about thatany more!' Said a voice The Flash had no memories of: cold, brutal and buzzing like a distorted electrical current. The speaker sounded familiar though, as if Her voice matched one Jesse had heard whispering in her ear for years.

Time: 14:07:14.1957

Jesse span around at full speed with a gasp but she did so with such lethargy to the almighty Speed Predator's eyes that Livewire had time to step in and take a closer look at this Flash's features. She was pretty, didn't seem to like to show it given her getup but Leslie felt like She could definitely do something with raw material like this!

'Who-?!'The Flash started to ask until all her thoughts evaporated on playing witness to the Junoesque Goddess of Speedsters who had backed up to keep Her prying a secret. Jesse's jaw fell slack as she looked up and down the infuriatingly perfect figure staring back at her with expressionless menace.

'Where's everyone else?' She asked the obvious question and took a step forwards, working at the limits of her Speed Force-endowed powers.

'You don't need to worry about themeither...' Jesse watched the surface of Livewire's costume begin to move and slide as if something were undulating beneath its shape-shifting surface. '-they're making themselvez... comfortable!'

Time: 14:07:14.2014

The Flash finally realised that what she was seeing were panicked, agonized faces, hands and bodies pressing at the impossible fabric from below. Leslie took deep enjoyment from the sensations of their panic and even greater enjoyment in the delicious energy and matter She'd was swiftly siphoning from them to bolster Herself and Her suit respectively.

Livewireallowed Jesse to hear the muffled screams of her Speedster enemies before silencing them forever 'Dear God!'The Flash exclaimed only for the moving bulges to instantly flatten, absorbed in their entirety.

Time: 14:07:14.2015

Livewire's terrifying mask with the glowing eyes arrived an inch in front of Jesse's face 'You mean Goddess, but I'll listen to your prayer anyway!'Leslie chuckled, Her sudden appearance making The Flash leap back with a yelp.

She took a millisecond to gather herself and reasoned on the best course of action: Clearlythis self-proclaimed Goddess was dangerous beyond compare if what She saidwas true so Jesse took the choice to escape and regroup.

She lowered into a running pose and burst into a full speed sprint to Livewire's left. 'Hhh...' The Goddess of Light sighed but chuckled to Herself as She watched the meta-woman hit Mach 5 in a split second; then She casually walked past the Flash and took the same intimidating, towering pose.

Time: 14:07:14.2024

'WHA?!'Jesse Chambers demanded in shock and darted to her left only to meet Livewire once again. Still She held that same pose: feet shoulder width apart and looking down on Jesse with disdain as if She hadn't even moved a muscle. After a third fruitless attempt to get past this new, unspeakably swift adversary Jesse backed off and balled up her fists, there was only one wayto do this!

Time: 14:07:14.2037

'Ah-ah-ahhh!'Livewire demeaningly chastised The Flash as Her final plaything in red threw a fist Her way. Leslie's arms were longer, Her power was infinitely greater and Her speed meant She got there before Jesse even saw Her move!

Time: 14:07:14.2041

'After 51 universes of sausage party monotony I've finally found a superior specimen...' Livewire explained Her actions as Jesse realized the massive woman was holding her by the head, long fingernails braces around every side of her face. 'A Flash with the gift of womanhood!I'm not about to let you do something stupidand waste that!'

'EYAAAAAARGH!' Jesse screamed as electricity arced through her mind, Livewire's electrodes sending bolts dancing between The Flash's neurons to rewire her neural pathways into something far more befitting of what the Goddess had planned!

Time: 14:07:14.2068

'There!' Livewire concluded with satisfaction as Jesse Chambers landed on her knees with her head spinning and a ringing in her ears. She had no idea what had just happened but she equally had no clue why she had even dreamedof attacking her magisterial Goddess!

'G-Goddess...' Jesse panted, looking down on the perfectly smooth and mirror-perfect sock-toes of Livewire's suit. 'PLEASE FORGIVE ME!' She wailed and threw herself at the feet of the ultimate Speedster, grabbing Livewire's huge, shapely but defined calf and sobbing with soulful sincerity.

'Hmm... Perhapz I could do that.' Goddess Livewire considered the proposal, '-but in return you will do one veryimportant thing for me!' She grabbed Jesse Quick by the hair and lifted her clean into the air, dangling under the influence of Her irresistible strength; She pulled this last Flash in close and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

'O-Of course, Goddess! I would love nothing more!' The Flash gushed excitedly as Livewire tossed her down on her behind.

'Good girl, now then...' With a swing of Her hips to one side, Livewire stretched with a moan. 'With yourspeed force back where it belongs - with me - the job is done!' She concluded and took a sliver of a microsecond to consider all 52 universes to make sure She had it all. '~Hmhahaha!~'She laughed uproariously.

'Excellent, now if you'll excuse me I have a spacemanto tame!' She grinned wickedly beneath Her mask as Her slick suit of Leslium creaked pleasurably; an instant later She swapped this universe for the far end of the multiverse.



Wow... That was incredible! You are incredible! Thank you for sharing