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"Machine gun jubblies! How did I miss those, baby?" as Austin Powers said XD. That first image is a rejected concept for a later image in the story (because let's face it, it's a bit too silly) but makes for an immediate impression lol; the second image is also the original render Bianca is viewing on her screen later on (which is why it's a bit on the small side, was made to fit within another render.)

You will recognise two of the images in this series as I wanted to fully flesh out the story that i envisaged those snapshots belonging to in the re-introduction I shared a while back. This story is about two things really: Officer Zero doing awesome stuff and giving an initial idea about her arch-nemesis, Bianca Vega as I have reimagined her.

To give a clearer vision: she's barely human any more having used her vast intelligence to enhance her physical capabilities and in doing so suppliment her brain to further enhance her intelligence. Her IQ barely fits on a scale applicable to humans but that and her obsession with attaining immortality and evolving by her own hand leads to her viewing everyone and everything else as merely a means to her own ends, means she can enjoy in often sadistic, sometimes bloodthirsty ways. Her name may be Bianca Vega the second but she was also Bianca Vega the first, her own technology-fueled evolution has led her to believe she's been born a new person, a successor to herself.

On a personal note: between putting my house on the market (moving into a smaller place soon) and the heatwave this month has been tricky to get work ready but at last the raws are ready with a couple of extras at the start.

Going to work hard on the scripting to get the final version with words up before month's end; hope you like. Stay beautiful, Smooth.


1: updated version of one of the origins snapshots which is where we start here.
Extra: Oh behave!
Extra: On screen
Ignore Emma in this one as the following...
-will be super-imposed on top to create the series of parkour movements through the environment
The second (and final) updated render that this story bridges.
Meet Bianca...
Dame Bianca Belladonna Vega II