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*Update* I added an extra image that's just an unrelated pose because why not? :P

Took me a while to really settle on how I wanted to continue Inque's story but finally settled on a path starting here. I've captioned all of the images to give a general idea as to what's going on but to follow on from this story and the options laid out for the other members to make up the "complete" Inque once absorbed I decided next on Circe being next given her almost goddess-level sorcery, black magic etcetera. "Donna Milton" in the canon (which we're otherwise ignoring) was a persona taken by Circe at one point, the company Inque is infiltrating here is "Milton Industries" for an unrelated reason (except not :P)

She starts by attacking and absorbing a technician in the Milton Industries water processing plant because the rest of the facility has heavy-duty security. After dealing with the only staff member in her way she enters the water supply through the treatment plant. Emerging through the pipes she swiftly deals with another employee who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and emerges ready to find what she's looking for: a rumoured super-computer that can calculate the exact people she needs to absorb; little does she know one such woman is already on the premises.

Not sure what you think, but the more I look at it I'm less fond of the bat symbol even though Inque stole it fair and square. I'm thinking probably to do away with it when she takes her next redesign post-Circe who has some cool options for outfits to pick and choose from but that'll come in time.

Hope you like and thanks as always for your continued support!



A water treatment technician is all that stands between her and access to the facility
Ready to infiltrate Milton Industries, Inque attacks the least secure spot
This was partially inspired by a scene involving the T-1001 from Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
One more for Inque
Watching on as she herself enters the pipework of Milton Industries
And once in the system she emerges again before a helpless employee
She emerges as he's absorbed; I envisaged it as her pulling him into the plug like a sink garbage disposal but went for the less gory route
Taking a more slender form fitting for an infiltration she's now on the inside ready to find her treasure
An extra (unrelated) image I wanted to make


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