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Never really intended to upload this but as you'd expect with the Back Catalogue tag... it's OLD! This was the first art I ever did of Mistress Lesion is documents the time before she fully joined the Sorority; At this point she's been scouted and trusted to mind-wipe and train a slave worthy of the Sorority's reputation as a sort of initiation/test to be allowed access.

It's just raw, unscripted art as it never got to the point of being considered for release to the wider world ;)

Some of this art was used in the "Ascendance" comic which has no long-since rotated out of my gallery (now on DA) but this is just a little extra that was mostly just a passion project at the time and IMO doesn't really stand up to the usual quality I demand of myself for things to share with you all. It's not a major addition, but something I hope will at least be of interest to some.

I feel it's important to add that while I'm not particularly planning anything additional with Mistress Lesion or her own story per-se due to a lack of interest she does exist within the world of Officer Zero in a background role to be revealed later; think of it like my OCs all exist in the same world so are intertwined on some level. It gives me freedom to mix and match and while it may not make sense timeline wise, Lesion's "Contour" living latex suit and everything that comes with it basically makes her immortal ;)





Nice to have those extras! A little more femdom action from you is always good news! Thanks for sharing.