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Happy New Year! 🎉

It's 2024 and the first thing you get is a drunken Goku in your living room, ready to do anything you ask. The year could get off to a worse start, I'd say 😏💖


I can't believe it. I actually talked Goku, the greatest fighter of all time and winner of the Grand Tournament, into coming to my place after the victory celebration. We sit together on the floor of my little flat and he tells me funny anecdotes about the adventures he experienced when he was little. How he fought against the Great Demon Piccolo before his son even turned up. How he took down the Red Ribbon army.

And while he's talking, he doesn't realise how I keep pouring him more and more. Sake, beer, schnapps - anything that boozes him up and gets him drunk. His voice grows louder with each passing minute, as suddenly I remember the blunt I always hide in my coffee table drawer, so I pull it open, grab the spliff from its cozy hiding place. I light a match and an aroma's filling the room that's both sweet and pungent. Goku's eyes widen slightly as he takes in the scent.

"Here," I say casually, holding out the joint between us. He reaches for it without hesitation, and takes a deep puff, holding it in for a long moment before exhaling slowly. His face contorts as he coughs. "I've never done this before," he laughs, wiping his teary eyes, as he giggles uncontrollably.

I can't help but feel a little bit guilty for getting him so wasted, but hey - I'm just being a good host!

I take another swig of my own drink and smile at him.

"Hey Goku," I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You know it's getting pretty late, do you want to crash here for the night?"

Goku shakes his head, his eyes still full of merriment. "Nah, I gotta get back home. Krillin is waiting..." he slurs before attempting to stand up.

But his drunken state betrays him and he falls back onto the floor with a loud thud. I muffle a laugh as I watch him struggle to get up again.

"You know what? Maybe that's not such a good idea. Just stay here tonight. I'll make sure you get home safe tomorrow morning."

Goku ponders this for a moment before finally agreeing with a lopsided grin. "Sure thing," he says, trying once again to get up but failing miserably.

I can't contain my excitement.

"Okay Goku, let's get you undressed and comfortable," I say teasingly as I start pulling on the leg of his sweatpants. Is this even real? Will I see my favourite fighter half-naked in my flat tonight?

Goku attempts to resist, still giggling uncontrollably, but ultimately gives in.

I can't help but notice that he's only wearing a jock strap underneath. My heart starts racing. Did he put them on... on purpose? Does that mean, he came to my apartment to... get fucked? My mind starts to spiral as I try to make sense of the situation.

"Hey Goku," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Why are you wearing a jock strap?"

Goku looks at me with a confused expression before bursting into laughter once again. "Oh yeah, those! They're easier to fight in!" he explains between giggles.

My heart sinks at his innocent response. Was I just overthinking things?

Like in trance I pull on his sweat pants, until I have them in my hands. As I fold them, I smell them inconspicuously. Than Goku suddenly speaks;

"You know, this reminds me of the games Krillin and I used to play when we were kids, because we were always naked too!"

He laughs at the memory, but I can't help but feel a surge of excitement at his words. Maybe there is a chance for something more tonight...

Feeling bold, I decide to push my luck:

"Hey, do... do you wanna play a game with me, too?"

Goku looks at me curiously before nodding eagerly.

"Yeah, sure! What game?" he asks with childlike enthusiasm.

I take a deep breath before blurting out:

"I am the master and you are my dog." My cheeks flush with embarrassment at how forward and suggestive my request sounds.

But Goku just looks at me with a playful glint in his eye and nods. 

"I love dogs! That sounds like fun!" 

[The story continues for all UltiMate Tier Patrons, including Star walking in on them]


I hope all your wishes and everything you have planned comes true this year and we share a really great time together with lots of horny pictures haha :D



PS: My UltiMates and MegaMates get a whole CG pack with sooo many variants and a normal happy himbo face in addition to the ahegao face! :D Enjoy!



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