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Cheers Mates,

in keeping with the T.K. x MagnaAngemon picture I posted earlier this month, I thought to myself, "Hey, didn't we have a similar suggestion in the Monthly Polls about Davis and a Veemon evolution?" So I looked it up, to find I was indeed correct. It was suggested by Marama but didn't win. Anyway, since I was kind of in the mood, I thought: Let's give it a try! 🥳


Davis, TK and their Digimon partners are still in the City of Eternal Beginning when Davis suddenly can't find T.K. and Patamon.

"Hey Veemon, do you know where they went?"

"No idea!", Veemon shrugs.

As they begin their search, they suddenly hear a loud gasp. "Is that Angemon?" whispers Davis to Veemon.

"No, the voice is too deep. I think it's MagnaAngemon." Suddenly Davis hears T.K. - he sounds dominant and aggressive. Only once before has he heard it like that - back when T.K. got revenge even with Ken when they found out he was the Digimon Emperor.

"Shut up, you worthless Digimon! You're mine, so do as I ask!"

As Davis and Veemon sneak up, they see T.K. pressing the big Angel Digimon against a rock and fucking it mercilessly. So hard that each forceful thrust sends a wave from MagnaAngemon's ass all the way up to its last wingtip.

Davis can't help but watch the two of them. He's never seen T.K. like this before. Veemon looks at the big bulge growing in Davis' trousers.

"What are they doing, Davis?"

But Davis ignores his question. He grabs Veemon by the hand and quietly and without drawing attention, pulls him back to the village.

"Veemon, I really need you to do me a favour!"

"...Okay, Davis?"

"Turn into ExVeemon! That's your most masculine form. Those hard, big muscles..." Davis is almost drooling. Seeing this, Veemon can't help it, because after all, he wants to please his partner. A glistening ball of light envelops him as suddenly, instead of the small blue dino, a large, powerful dragon with wings and muscular legs, arms and chest stands before the now even smaller Davis.

"Perfect!" he exclaims with childlike glee as he pulls his own T-shirt over his head and throws it away. Davis immediately gets on his knees and hugs one of ExVeemon's strong legs as he rubs with both hands where he suspects ExVeemon's cock is.

"Davis, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you see what T.K. did to MagnaAngemon? Why don't you do the same to me?" !" Desperate, Davis starts licking the spot where his hand was seconds before. "Let it come out and grow big."

ExVeemon looks down as his partner's petite human body begs for his cock, and that's enough to bring out all its glory in one fell swoop. A gigantic dinosaur cock slams right into Davis' face.

"Yaaa!!!" exclaims Davis, clapping his hands happily. He jumps up and excitedly rips off his trousers and boxers. Completely naked, he throws himself onto one of the soft giant cubes lying around randomly in the village and spreads his legs. His own cock is already dripping with pre-cum. "Come on, ExVeemon! Fuck me! That's an order!" he tries to imitate T.K.'s dominance.

ExVeemon doesn't need to be told twice. He approaches the trembling boy in front of him and wastes no time in applying his long, thick cock to his tight hole. Just as Davis closes his eyes and his breathing gets heavier and heavier, ExVeemon slides into him with one powerful thrust and Davis can almost feel every vein of his long cock as he rips it wide open. Davis feels like he's about to lose his mind as the waves of pleasure wash over him. He looks up at ExVeemon and sees a look of pure intensity on his face. His eyes are glazed over and his mouth is open as he thrusts in and out of his partner. Davis knows immediately that the pleasure is mutual.

"Davis, this is too much!!!" ExVeemon shouts as the intensity of his thrusts becomes so strong that Davis' body bounces back and forth like a rag doll. He senses that the dino-digimon is about to cum. And with a loud, guttural roar, ExVeemon finally shoots deep inside Davis, filling him with his warm, sticky cream. He feels it pulsing deep inside him and can't help but let out a loud moan. His own cock pours out in a fountain of cum that covers his belly and chest.

When ExVeemon finally pulls out of Davis, a huge gulp of hot cum pours out of the boy's loose ass and they both collapse in an embrace. Davis has never felt anything like it. He looks up at ExVeemon and smiles. "Thanks, buddy." He smiles broadly.

Suddenly they hear a loud voice coming from the direction of the rock. It's T.K.

"Davis? Veemon? Where are you?"

Davis quickly stands up and picks up his clothes as ExVeemon changes back into Veemon. Davis blushes slightly and tries to think of a good explanation.

"Hey, there you're." Patamon flies after the blond boy, looking rather exhausted. "What were you guys doing?"

"We, uh, we were looking for you!" he says, trying to sound convincing.

T.K. looks at Davis suspiciously. "Oh, really? Yeah, that's right. We were just..." He glances at Patamon, who immediately blushes. "Training," they all say at the same time and then look at each other laughing.


I see this as a bit of a sequel to my last two Digimon illustrations. First T.K. x Davis, then T.K. x MagnaAngemon and obviously this as the third part. Isn't it funny, that in the first one Davis was really cheeky when he fucked T.K., like: "Oh, you little submissive bitch!" and now, when he saw MagnaAngemon so helplessly getting stuffed, he wanted to feel the same thing. I think T.K.'s and Davis' sex life is going to take an interesting turn from here on out hehe 😋



PS: As usual there are pretty hot variants of this artwork for all UltiMate and MegaMate tier patrons. With or without wetness around the cock, with speech bubbles and without... So upgrade if you wanna see that 😏




Great as allways 😍 I'd love to know how Davis looks like with that entire thing inside of him🤤


Very good content! The story was great too!

Rebel Pilot

Takeru was always confident. Ever since 02 and onward in tri especially. He doesnt blush ever for a girl. I often felt like he flirted with davis maybe because he reminded him of tai who if tk is gay could have likely have had a crush on. Davis constantly trying to be cool but often failing. Also an exveemon and angemon sex scene would be perfect too. And maybe even unlocking a new dna form. Which would look amazing. Also side note to davis and tai... takeru feels like he has the type of energy to seduce both of them and initiate a threesome.


Love all your ideas! Hell, thanks for all the input! So much to thirst about 😏😆