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Cheers mates,

I gotta get this outa my system xD It's been in my head for months now - since (BLUE LOCK SPOILER Ep.06) Wataru betrayed the rest of the team. 

Yoichi is on the edge. He fights so hard to get the team together, because what the other guys from team Z don't seem to understand is, that they still need to be a team. Sure, Blue Lock is all about finding the one pure egoist among them, to lead Japan to the world cup finale, but the rest of his team - or at least the majority of them - haven't recognised, there are subtle, little tasks and tests Ego, the leader of the Blue Lock, puts them through. 
After Wataru allied himself with the enemy during the last match, the tension is so high among the boys of team Z - but a weak link means a weak spot for everyone in the team. But Yoichi won't have it, so he made a plan. When all the others are hitting the showers, he tells them to take their time, because he'll talk to the imposter. Yoichi catches Wataru in their sleeping room. He needs to talk to him. There must me some uprightness left in this dude - even after he betrayed his own team. 
"Hey, Wataru! I hoped to find you here alone." 
"Is that so?" The brown-haired boy smirks maliciously, and that rubs Yoichi the wrong way. 
"Listen! We don't have time for your bullshit! Yeah, you risked it all, but your plan fired back! The opposing team turned down your foul play, so cut the crap and tell me, what you want!"
Wataru's smirk freezes and he looks a bit confused: "What I want? Is that what you're worried about after what I did?" 
"It's done, okay? So let's not look back, but work this out. You're a decent player and you know it. You're also better than that. So can we please make a deal or-"
"A deal? Like a treaty?" Yoichi tries to read, what's on the brown-haired boy's mind. The corner of Wataru's mouth twitches slightly, before he continiues. 
"A treaty, it is."
Yoichi swallows: "What are the terms?" 
"Easy as one, two, three. You know, Blue Lock is toughy. It's pretty nerve wrecking in here, isn't it?"
"Y- Yeah. Sure. But what do you-?" 
"I need some... relieve. You know, for the stress." 
"You mean like a massage ?" 
"Yeah, like a massage. But I'll give it to you. Don't worry, it won't hurt." 
Yoichi tilts his head in confusion while Wataru reaches for his bag and pulls a little bottle with a sticky liquid out of it.
"Is this like an aroma oil or something?" Yoichi stutters nervously.  
"Yeah. Or something." 

I hope you like this little story with the two slides :D 

Let me know: Have you given BLUE LOCK a chance already? It's on crunchyroll and if you're into hot boys (which I asume, since you're here), this is THE new anime for you :D The manga is even better, so don't hesitate, because I'm planning on drawing a lot more of those hot fuckers :D 






I don't know the boys, but the bottom is gorgeous and I love the shoulder to waist ratio!


We need more blue lock!