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Hey fam,

I don't know if there are any German speaking peepz among you, but there's this project on YouTube called DICE ACTORS, where German voice actors play Dungeons & Dragons with original characters and everything and it's my new obsession! Maybe you know the American counterpart, Critical Role. I've never seen it, to be completely honest, but I'm sure, it can't be better than Dice Actors hehe. The production value is high af, the intro is soooo cool! 

In this piece you see two of my favourite characters: Gon, the Druid with the white hair, who has a thing for nature and tea & Medrash, the dragon-blood sorcerer, who 's a bit scatty at times, but very funny in his very own way :D

Gon was created by Christian Zeiger, the German voice of Tom Holland, and Medrash is Patrick Keller's character. He's the voice actor of Zack Fair from the Final Fantasy VII remake in Germany. 

The two are the funniest team, with Gon always feeling very responsible for Medrash's clumsy ways when it comes to talking to strangers. They know each other for a bit longer than they know the rest of the group, so they share a special bond of trust. They are cute, they are funny, and I wanted to create a scene where Gon finally gets a little pay-off for always sticking up for Medrash haha. In episode 1, Medrash confesses, that he's pretty afraid of Gon's stick... whatever that means, right? 😏

I hope you like the two, even if you're not German or you don't know them yet :D But those who follow me for a while now know, that I'm a sucker for little known franchises, shippings, NPCs and side characters :D 

If you can, check out the DICE ACTORS project! It's so worth it :D 






Me German, more Please :-D