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The winner of March's Monthly Poll was suggested by meee!! :D Congratulations to myself! ✨

I just added Ron x Krum, because there were mostly anime characters suggested and I wanted to have at least one book shipping for you to keep it diverse. Since Ron came on second place in the last Monthly Poll and I enjoyed drawing him with Krum back in December, I thought this would be a good fit 🥰

This takes place after the BATTLE OF HOGWARTS. Krum came to help fighting Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Of course everybody thought, it was because of Hermione, but only because no one knew about the secret affair between him and Ron. Yeh. And if you ask yourself: They were fuck buddies ALL THIS TIME? Yeah. ALWAYS!

I hope, you like it! 

What’s your favourite HP ship?? 

The next Monthly Poll is coming this week, so stay tuned and tell your friends 🤓






This is so fucking amazing, you made me love this pairing so much


Ahhh!! Thank you so much!! I love, love, love that! Infecting others with my weird shippings hahaha 😂😂😂


Wonderful here! And I love how the boys are watching lol!


I was definitely hoping we'd get to see these two again after your December pic. And now I'm hoping to see them again in the future.