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To become better exorcists Rin and his friends join a training camp! They live in a cozy little lodge somewhere in the woods. 

One night, when everybody's already asleep in their rooms, Shima and Rin are the last two standing. They're watching a movie about this sorority of hot girls fighting eachother, when Shima starts talking about how like his girls and cute and to be virgins. 

"Dude what?" Rin gives him a weird look. 

"No, I mean the zodiac sign! I just vibe with virgins!" After a short pause and a cliche pillow fight scene, Shima asks Rin: "Why was your reaction so extreme? Are you a virgin?" 

"The zodiac si-"

"Of course NOT the zodiac sign!! I mean, have you ever done something with a girl?" 

Rin blushes heavily.

"No..." He doesn't say why. Rin loved the idea of a cute little girlfriend, holding his hand, clinging to his arm on a roller coaster at the funfair... But sexually that's not what he's into.

Shima smirks. 

"You're missing out, bro! There's no better feeling than someone doing the work for you." 

Rin looks down to Shimas crotch and notices a huge bulge, that the pink haired dude starts to squeeze. Rin feels his face getting hotter and hotter.  

"Maybe", he says, "we could help... each other out?" 

Shima raises one eyebrow, looking kind of sceptical and Rin immediately regrets the question. But a moment later the scepticism turns into a curious grin.

"Sure, why not. I mean, I haven't done that one before!" 

Shima opens his pants and his huge cock flops against his belly. Rin swallows, but in a heartbeat his meat is out, too. 

Being all horned up it doesn't take long for both of them to come ~ and with a satisfied smile on his face Shima immediately falls asleep. 

Rin can't believe what just happened! His first sexual experience ever! And it was with a guy?! He can't stop his heavy breathing and just minutes later his cock is hard as a rock again. He tries to calm himself but when his gaze lands on Shimas semi-hard cock that was still out, he knows he hasn't enough of it yet. He has to touch it again... taste it! He knows it's wrong, but he wants it so bad! Suddenly he realizes a blue shine that's coming from his forehead - flames! Can it be? Without his sword? Maybe the lust for the flesh is strong enough to let his inner demons out. His ears start growing and he knows - the evil side... the devilish part of his father, that lives inside of him - is about to take control. Everyone always told him, he was trouble, bad, a monster - so what? Let's be a sinner then! He grabs Shima cock, that's hard as a rock now and as his tongue touches the tip of that delicious cock, he knows, he's in heaven!


Here we go with this month' winner of the MONTHLY POLL! :D 

You voted Rin Okumura x Renzo Shima  from Blue Exorcist! 😁🤤

And you actually did it! Thanks to you I bought all seasons and the movie of Blue Exorcist to actually know what I'm doing here! 😅 So yeah, I started watching and I'm a HUGE fan! So thanks for voting Blue Exorcist two months in a row! haha

The idea for that image came to me when I googled different kinks and I came across the sleeping beauty kink and I thought, that sounds interesting! Of course this is just a twisted fantasy thing and not for the real life, because this is everything but consensual, and of course you all know that, but I think it doesn't hurt to point that out here and there.

Sooo I hope you have an amazing week and I can't wait for the next MONTHLY POLL! I'm pretty sure, there'll be more Blue Exorcist in the future as well, because I love it! ❤

If you want to decide on more stuff, that I'll draw, just upgrade to the MegaTier to get exclusive polls and work in progress insights! If you're fine, just keep vibing! :D 

Thanks for ALL of your support!! Love you guys,






Omg that's hot


You amazed me once again. The picture looks SO hot and especially your story... I cannot tell you often enough how much I love them 😍😍 This time the sentence "Let's be a sinner then!" was the best for me. It fits perfectly to the look you gave him and is just full of acceptance of what was denied before... I really love it! 🤎


Oh! I just now realised the little hearts and lights in his eyes! Such beautiful details!😍


You have a very unique art style I have to say . Like I’m amazed on how you make these characters look so well done in your style


Die Charaktere sehen echt heiß aus. Glaube muss den Anime doch mal schauen 😍🤔


Hot bodies are hot bodies and we love to see them, but I think when a pic tells a story is when sexy fanart does its best work. Love the little backstory here. Shima's aggressively hetero energy from canon can be spun as either overcompensating or so horny that any hole will do. Happy to see Rin again and very happy to see Shima (this is actually my fave ship in that series)


Thank you so much! That's what I always try to achieve - to set up a scene, tell a story, kickstart your imagination when you look at my work 💖 so happy you actually like it for that fact 😮❤️


Die Bilder und die Geschichte dazu sind wirklich großartig, beides lässt ein sexy Kopfkino starten. 🤤🥰 Freud mich auf jeden Fall riesig das dir der anime gefällt und du mehr mit Rin und Co machen möchtest, bin schon auf die zukünftigen sexy Geschichten mit Rin gespannt. 😍