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Cheers my sexy and most cherished Patron Peepz 💘

I know, it took me a while to figure out all the changes on my Patreon page, but FINALLY after two months wrecking up my brain cells I can present you EVERYTHING! 

Those who've been here for a while know that there was a Yearbook 2020 (pictures attached), including all of my artworks, stories, blogs and completly new commentaries to my works. To get a physical signed copy, you had to be a Patron in the Mega Tier (35 bugs a month) for at least 6 months. 

Two things bothered me with that: Even though this was not a "list price", because it was more a goodie for those, who support me the most and not for sale, it was quite expensive to get it, PLUS it excluded a lot of you who maybe wanted a copy, but just came here AFTER June 2020. There was literally no way to get the artbook for you. So I worked on a fix for next year: 

EVERYONE can get the Yearbook 2021, you just have to edit your subscription to the "YEARBOOK 2021, signed". After you've been charged, simply change back to your lower Tier again and voilà - You'll get the Yearbook 2021 as soon as it's finished in early 2022. It's more accessible, easier to get AND cheaper than before.   

edit: If you have an anual subscription and it's not possible for you to switch for only one month to the Yearbook 2021-Tier or it's too complicated for you: Contact me via Direct Message. There's an easy way for you to still get the next Yearbook without any hassle 😊

You want the Yearbook 2020?

I made this possible, too. By joining the MegaMate-Tier, you'll get a Digital Copy of last year's Yearbook. It's the standard version, without the bonus material the printed limited edition had, but it's a complete archive of what happened on this Patreon Account in 2020 with new commentaries!  

I REALLY love the idea of having an artbook for each year on this platform. 

To make the MegaMate-Tier not obsolete, there're LOTS of new things in for the MegaMates as well! You'll get physical post from me at least once a year with little surprises as a thank you for being the peepz that support me the most! I also want to add you as CLOSE FRIENDS on my Instagram to share even more WiPs with you. I also want you to be part of the creative process - so every now and then I let YOU choose, which pose or position I'll draw for a certain character or couple. You'll also get all uncompressed files via Dropbox at the end of a month :) And for everyone who joined the MegaMate-Tier after June 2020 - don't worry, you'll get the digital copy of Yearbook 2020, as promised above! :D 

To all my UltiMates - I finally changed your Tier-name to UltiMates because I ALWAYS call you that anyway!! 😂 I decided to share more previews with you, before I post on Sunday. So you're always up-to-date and get a little peak of what is coming 😏 It's still your privilege to vote the winner of the Monthly Polls, together with the MegaMates.

My Champions are ready to suggest for the Monthly Poll whatever they like! You guys help the UltiMates decide, what we're going to see! :D So I hope you stay creative, funny and horny! :D 

There's one more little change: Since I'm an artist (as you may know 😅), I don't always love everything that I created a long time ago. Some of you already saw it coming, when we talked on Twitter but here I go full official: I decided to wipe everything older than 12 months and keep it that way. So there's always 12 months of content on here. I think, that still leaves a LOT of different, yet not outdated pieces that are more in sync when it comes to style and skill level. It also makes the Yearbooks more meaningful to me. 

That's all folks!!

I am so thankful to have you guys! This started as a small hobby and now it became such an amazing thing with the coolest community I cherish the most, because you guys are so open and we're all such a cute, small circle in here 🍪

Thank you for your support! 

To an amazing, sexy new year(book)!! 💘



PS: If you have any further questions, just shoot me a Direct Message 💋




Hii, ehm kurze Frage wie wird das Artbook versendet? Also so in der Art wie Amazon Books mit "Karton" oder in einer Durchsichtigen Folie eingeschweißt? ^^"


A neutral cardboard box :) we're discreet and professional, here at our love making art factory 😋


Perfect then 😇😜normally my Tier is now updated


I have an annual membership ('till February '22) 🥵, so I can only change to the Yearbook-Pledge for 997€/year. That's..... pretty Much 😵 Help :')


I'm sending you both love and thankfulness for all the work you are putting in here and your work. It is truly amazing and I am so happy to be a small part of it🤎🤎


Haha true! Didn't see that coming 😂 I'll come up with a way for all my annual supporters tomorrow, no worries 💖 thank you for your support!

Nique 93

My membership started out of an obsession but now I'm glad I stayed. Even if friends and family can't understand that, I stand by and completely behind what it means to me. Especially in the current shitty situation, I am always happy when the Patreon icon appears on my mobile phone. It's always like a little break from all this fkn crap. I really really love youre work ❤️ thank u for everything!


Prech it, mate!! I'm so happy, you stayed! It wouldn't be the same without ya! <3