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TK just moved into his new flat and it's right next to Taichi's! Even better - he already found a bunch of new friends through a photowalking group! They just walk around and take nice pictures of things they like. The only problem: His new place still needs a TON of basic stuff, like towels, tableware etc. - and when he's out with his new peers he can't accept his parcels. But thank God Tai is at home all the time, since he's on summer vacations right now. How convenient! 

First it didn't bother him at all. Quite the opposite. He was happy, the cute little brother of his rival, Matt, was moving in next to him and through accepting his packages he had a reason to stumble over to TK's place at least once a day. But as time went by and he had to get out of his comfy bed and accept a delivery for TK almost every single day, he wasn't having it any longer.

"Hey TK, two parcels today."

"Thanks Tai. You're the best! I have no idea, what I should do without you!" 

"Yeah... 'bout that. I was thinking." 


"Since I'm taking all your  packages..." Tai unbuttoned his pants and open his zipper. "I think you should take mine in return. What do you think?" 

"I... eh... okay..?" 


This was the winner of the Monthly Poll of January!! :D Thanks for all your suggestions and especially to all my UltiMates who are diligently voting each and every month! :D Thank you so much!! 

If you really like my Patreon and you're already sure, you want to stay for 2021 as well, you can now switch to an annual membership, so you only pay one time a year and which will get you  a discount of 16% ! ✨

The 2020 Yearbook is printing right now and will be signed and send to my MegaMates in February! It's a sexy hardcover with all my works from 2020, all texts and exclusive material! 💌

I'll find an easier way to get the Yearbook 2021 this year for those who are interested in owning one. Until now you had to be a MegaMate for 6 Month, but I really want to find a better solution for that. 

Thanks for your support! Let me know how you like the winner of this month and what you want to see on my Patreon :D 

Love you mates ❤






wow, thank you so much for this ship😍 Looks really great and I allways loved Tai x TK🤤 Why does something like this never happen to me?!? 🤪😂

Kevin Meyer

Amazon prime 😍😂


Omg I really love that pairing but never find anything about them. Still hoping there will be a good fanfiction some day :D