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It's here! Your winner of the November Monthly Poll!

I had a lot of fun coming up with the concept of that image and doing the Ezra design! So thank you for suggesting it, Marvin H. and to all of you voting for it 😍

Tomorrow the Montly Poll for December goes online where all my UltiMate Patrons can vote their favourite #BroadcastMyAss ship which I will draw for December !

So if you’re not an Ultimate yet, this is your chance!

But to all of you: thank you for your support! I can’t believe I’m doing this for a year now and that wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for you! 🥺🥰



PS: Here you can find the picture of the month in full resolution ⚡️

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jaepu5ijm0jat9u/AABTZI2GXyIcxU27Pvn2MDQ0a?dl=0




Hot. 🤤 I would love some Ezra too.


no way that let it go joke😅


Omg I fucking love it 😍❤️


This is beautiful! I especially love how you made it possible to show both faces, even though Ezra is sitting with the back to us🥰🥰