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A murder in bright daylight!? Someone poisoned a rich real estate owner in a café in the middle of a busy street.

As inspector Megure starts interviewing the eyewitnesses, Shinichi sees a dodgy person flee the crime scene! As he follows this shady guy to his studio at the top of a very tall building, he finds a smeary artist hiding. He tells Shinichi he saw who murdered the real estate owner, but he can't tell, who it was. Not unless Shinichi is paying for the information. Even though this is against his own rules, Shinichi agrees, but as he's taking out the chequebook he got from his rich parents, the smeary artist says: "No, I don't want your money. I want your... your youthful body!" As Shinichi rises his eyebrows, the artist quickly adds: "I just need some real life references to improve my painting skills. You'll just have to undress, lay down and... well... enjoy yourself."  Shinichi rolls his eyes before he checks his slim body in the huge mirror standing in the hallway. 'I mean... at least that's some information Megure will never be able to get.


I'm rewatching CASE CLOSED right now and when I saw the New York episodes with Shinichi i just fell for him all over again 😏 He was such a huge teenage crush of mine and I don't understand why they won't turn Conan back into Shinichi. I mean, hundreds of episodes must be enough Conan. Bring back Shinichi for good!! Pleeeease!! He's so handsome and cocky! I just love him :D 

Have you seen CASE CLOSED as a kid? Do you want to see more Shinichi-stuff? I'd love to draw him with Heigi or the black creepy shadow criminal figures :D 

I bet that would be an awesome mini handy game, wouldn't it? 

Can't wait to have more time to work on stuff like that!!






Oh I love him sooo much, I always rewatch the movies and my fav episodes. I am always happy each year when they release a new movie. And Shinichi is sooo handsome


I have to admit I've only seen a few episodes of Conan :( but the picture is really hot and therefore I want more from Shinichi 🤤


I'd die for Shinichi. 🤤


Ok, Shin'ichi was the reason for my current subscription. Keep up the good work!