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When Ryder said „I know nothing about women, but I do know that we have the most amazing way of proposing!“ Kristoff had no idea, what Ryder was about to show him... And how could he have known that this proposal would be the most embarrassing and over the top thing he had ever done - just to find out, Anna already moved on and left him behind.

Sad and devastated Kristoff walks off into the woods. But since Ryder knows how hard it is to get out when you get lost, he follows. He also feels kind of guilty since he talked Kristoff into this embarrassing situation. How could he make things right again? In his thoughts he totally lost track of Kristoff when he suddenly hears a weird wet slapping sound behind a huge tree. When he approaches he sees Kristoff jerking his big meat - and damn - it was HUGE!!

„Oh shoot! I‘m so sorry!“

„I was about to“


„Shoot. I was about to, but you interrupted me.“ Kristoff mumbles, still holding his hard cock firmly in his hand.

„I - uhm - I‘m just the worst! I followed you to apologize!“

„No need to, man. It‘s not your fault. I just thought... you know? I‘d get some tonight after going through all of this- well... this mess.“

„I know, and - I‘m just so - SO sorry!“

„Nevermind.“ Kristoff smiles sadly while his gaze wanders down on Ryder. Could this be? Yeah, Ryder has most definitely a hard-on himself. And then it hits Kristoff: Ryder never wanted Kristoff to succeed! He knew Anna would never fell for this embarrassing act and suddenly Ryder‘s words come back to Kristoff‘s mind: „I know nothing about women..“ More like: You don‘t give a damn about women, Kristoff thinks to himself.

„Ryder“, he says, now smirking, „since you feel so sorry - would you help me out?“

„What do you mean?“

Kristoff stands up and continues to stroke his cock in his right hand.

„Since I won‘t get laid with Anna tonight, I think, your ass would do the job just fine.“

Ryder tries to hide his raging boner.

„Wha... what?“


To celebrate the Frozen 2 Release on Disney+ I though, I‘d do something for you with one of Disney‘s hottest dudes ever created: Ryder from Frozen 2 :D

How did you like it?

First I wanted to do the black Kristoff from the Musical adaption of Frozen but since you seem to love him so much, I simply stuck to the original design of him.

Do you want to see more Disney? If so, what pairing?

Are you Team Kristoff or not? Lemme know, my peepz!

Love you guys!






Love the Disney concept :D would love to see Flinn Rider from Rapunzel


More Disney would be awesome, there is just so much potential 😍 In my opinion, Flynn Ryder just screams for a big top 🥰 And even though I loved your art, I do not really like Kristoff, he is just too much of a Tölpel to me🤷🏻‍♀️


I see Flinn more like a bottom. He always brags and gives the impression of duchebag that I think he's hiding smth xD


Why do you guys love those bearded, grown-ass dude-guys? xD what about Aladdin? Jim? Eric? but I'll see. Cause I love you. 😂💕


Same. Not the biggest Kristoff Fan, BUT I love how the pic turned out :) it was fun creating it. But Kristoff is definitely one of my least favourite Disney dudes. All along with Flynn Ryder xD