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The winner of May's Monthly Poll was suggested by Tom stokes :D Congratulations!✨

This was the outcome:

This one was on a tight schedule! But I still managed to finish it. Since I'm currently working on a little webcomic thing, I thought I'd use this as a little exercise and give you Nick x Charlie as a small Heartstopper NSFW webtoon.

I hope you like it :D By now we already have a whole collection!

You know my Nick: He's perfectly gentle and loving, but as soon as his sex urges get the better of him, he manhandles Charlie like the little fucktoy he is.

Let me know what you think and have fun with it :D






I love the Jekyll and Hyde nature of Nick😈 Even when Charlie literally just said don't go rough, Nick's mind just shuts off and he needs to get what he wants. What a stud 😍 And the best part is we can SEE that Charlie is rock hard when Nick does this. He actually likes the rough play it seems to me!