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Hello All,

Attached you will find an updated skin template for all of the new vehicles included in the new update of Mini Mania!

How to use this file: Once downloaded and you unzip the folder you will find folders inside; each folder holds the blank skin template for the vehicle, the jbeam, and the cs file for each vehicle.

All that is needed is once you have the skin file completed, in both files change 'SKINNAME' to the name of the skin.

Then put the files(skin file, jbeam file, cs file) inside the appropriate vehicle folder. Create a new folder called 'vehicles', place the folder(s) inside the vehicles folder then right-click on the vehicles folder and zip it up. Place the new zip file into the mod folder of Beam and good to go!

Updated 05/13/2021 - Fixed the legran materials file so the no texture no longer appears under the skin.

Any problems or questions feel free to reach out!


Shawn waugh

New subscriber.only download I have access to are the skins.will this give me all the vehicles in this patreon


So dumb question... I don't get what all I need to do I put the ZIP in my mods folder but as I read is there more I need to do?