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Hello All!
Welcome to the launch of the patron to support the development of the Career League Build Sheets. In this post I will give a general progress report on the Automated Career League Build Sheets, as well as Mini Mania.

First, the Career League Build Sheets are near complete for building your vehicle. I do not expect the build sheets to change too much except for if new parts are added to the Realistic Derby Project Mod. You can see how it appears with the link below:


The next phase of development will be primarily for those who take care of the accounting in the background of who owns what parts, and what durability remain for each part. Moving into this next phase, I will be doing some testing just to see what can be done with Google Sheets so I know some of the limitations, if any, to using Google Sheets for the project. Once testing is done, I will begin planning the accounting/inventory section and included in this will be how to implement a scrap system as well. Currently this is just the planning stage and I will update plans as they get underway.

Next up, Mini Mania. Even with working on the Automated Build Sheets, I have also been doing work with Mini Mania. I have a RWD Beam Compact Car which is undergoing testing and beam-deformation in order to ensure the rear end bends correctly. I have added the same parts as previous vehicles, but I also have been testing a couple new engines to replicate a couple real life engines. One engine is a 4 cylinder, the other is a 6 cylinder.

With some fun runs that people have been doing, I have added welded doors/trunks/hoods to certain Beam vehicles so that, if desired, you are able to have those parts welded so they do not open or fall off during your events. Keep an eye out for a future poll, asking what/when you'd like to see the next update to Mini Mania.

Thank you for taking a look at my patreon and hope that you support the project! 



When will the mini mania mod be updated


I will be soon. I thought about doing a poll to see if people prefer I wait until I finish up a couple of other cars or do what I have now, and do another update as I finish the others


are we able to use the sheets?


Yes! Send me a message with an email and discord server and I can get you set up!