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Hey everyone,

Gonna be a bit of a short one today as I'm going to visit a friend until the end of next week later today (so I might be a bit slower than usual responding, but I will be keeping an eye on here as always). Still, we've got a few things to discuss, so let us get straight to it. :)

First up, the biggie: we have now distributed the interior mechanics build to the $25+ tier backers for more widespread testing. It has a ton of new stuff, including but not limited to a new map screen with more portals, a slightly larger rebalanced map, map regions, chaos incursions fully integrated to fire on specific locations on the map, improvements to research and building, fixed morale event system, and a full rebalance. Rein and Dragoon have worked hard on it, and it goes a long way to making the game feel more like a proper game. I haven't had much feedback from the patrons yet (I assume because they are all too busy playing BG3 lol), but assuming I get enough saying it is generally working okay, we will be merging the branch into the master, meaning the new mechanics will be implemented in the next Patreon release, setting us up for the big battle of Astarte update in the near future.

Speaking of the next release, as always work is well underway. We should have more Fae from Hooky, more Hel from Nyx, and the last of the Andras events from Exagie before she shifts across to help with the goblin arc. Rein is still busy working on the mechanics side, but he might get something done, and hopefully, we will get something from Winter as well. Art wise, I have nearly all of the art back, Sommy is just finishing up the last two, and I will be sharing the rest of the finished ones with the backers over the next week.

That is it for now. I'll be doing the poll for those of you who are waiting for it after I post this, so give me ten minutes or so, and then you will be able to vote. Barring any disasters, the planned release date for the next build is the 24th of September (which happens to be three days before my 40th birthday, joy).




Hey great work with the game so far.. iv only played the steam version so far.. unsure if that's an upto date version or not.. iv got just over 120hrs in game an one thing iv noticed is there is some spelling mistakes.. also can we get controller config please.. keep up the great work love the art.. would love to see it in 4k someday 😉😁


Axleia needs to be smaller in scenes with Andreas "gift box". She seems as big as Andreas.