End of Year Roundup (Patreon)
Hope you enjoyed the holidays (if you celebrate) and didn't eat way too much food like me. :) With 2016 almost done, it seems like a good time to talk about where the game is at now, and where it is going to go from here.
It has a been a very productive year, I feel. And while there's probably not as much content yet as you guys would like, all the major groundwork has been placed with the months spent adding the map feature, and tweaking the castle management aspect.
Going forward though, releases will be more focused on adding a decent amount of content, and I'll be trying to put one out every month. Those of you who have the latest backer version - that is a good indication of the amount of events I'd like to add every release (15-20).
There are still going to be some months when we have to focus on adding features (more on that later), but they are less labour intensive, and now DM is helping out, it shouldn't impact development to the level it has in the past.
In the near future (the next three months), the plan is to continue to add to the event pool until it is a healthy size for early game, up the turn count to week 24, and add in the second objective set by the twins.
After that, we'll work on adding the job system, which will allow you to assign certain NPCs (just Alexia at the mo, but more to come) to rooms in the castle to provide certain bonuses to castle management. DM has also been working on a specialization system to accompany it, which is coming along nicely.
We'll also start writing the first of Rosalia's ongoing plots as voted by the first poll, revolving around a feud between two orcs over who is entitled to a recently captured noblewoman. You'll choose who to side with, and aid them in defeating their rival, or try to save the woman and face the consequences.
There's a lot more to come, but I have to keep some things to myself to surprise you. :) I'd just like to finish up by thanking all of you, for your support if you are a backer, or just your interest in general if not. I couldn't make this game without your genorisity, and I hope, going forward, we'll be able to make something that you'll all get a lot of enjoyment out of.
I'd also like to thank everyone who has worked on the game. All the art is fantastic and I've been lucky to find talented artists, and I'd be happy to argue with anyone this is one of the best looking indie games out there. I'd also like to thank DM for all his work, particularly in helping me iron out things I wasn't happy with in game design, and also my friend Andrew, who helps code things that are way above my skill level.
So to 2017 - onwards and upwards, as they say.