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Bonus CG still to come. :)



Strategist G Bu Shi

While, I think we all know how this ends...nothing good for the attacker

Skillbo Swaggins

This scene is part of the intro changes that happened in the prior update. This is just adding a CG for it - an appropriately dramatic one! Rowan feels like a legit hero now and I really enjoy it.

Benevolent Cerc

Wow- this one is amazing! I love cinematic CGs!

Frank Kuschmann

He's not really planned to attack that cute little girl, isn't he? A man doesn't hit a girl if he gets a sense of honour.

Wyse Ebbah

Oh something good will happen alright, just not what he planned


That is definitely not a wise thing to do.

Hao P

I like the art, but I can't unsee that sword handle. It looks like he broke off the lower end mid swing xD