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Okay, here it is on time as usual, we also broke 1 million words with this release, which is insane. Just a quick update, Winter didn't finish his Shaya stuff, so that didn't make it, but it is still a major update with the huge finale to Greyhide's act I arc, and the promised Andras NTR.  

The map has been updated and should still work with old saves as long as they are not too old (worked fine for me, but if you have any issues, as always, restart the game).

Sommy wasn't able to edit all the Ameraine CGs in time so some of them still have her old appearance, this will be fixed in the next release.

Win / Linux

Release Notes

- Map updated
- Transformation chamber added

- Four new Greyhide NPC events (including five completely different sex scenes) depending on your previous choices (Rowan / Alexia / Poly / Platonic)
- One new Andras NTR event (including two sex scenes)
- Four new Sil based breeding job events (including two sex scenes)
- Three new events relating to the construction of the transformation chamber
- Fourteen short low morale ruler events

- Incubus x Sister Gwen 1 & 2 (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Shaya (bondage) 1, 2 & 3 (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Shaya (standing sex) 1, 2 & 3 (with 3 variants)
- The arrival of Sil cinematic CG (with 2 variants)
- Sil x Alexia 1 & 2 (with 2 variants)
- Rowan x Alexia with X'zaratl 1
- X'zaratl x Alexia 1 (with one variant)
- Rowan x Alexia x X'zaratl 1 (with 3 variants)
- Ameraine solo 1 (with 3 variants)
- Rowan x Ameraine 1 (with 1 variant)
- 5 Orciad CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
- 18 X'zaratl CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
- Andras' slave sprite
- Updated Ameraine sprite
- Transformation chamber BG (WIP)




The update is very good. As always, thank you for your hard work :) I noticed some issues, possibly remaining since the last update: during "arrival of the emissaries" scene, the Whitescar & Arzyl CG does not appear, also after their arrival, Rowan cannot visit them through the castle menu.


Also, "Liurial wants a protector" event doesn't trigger automatically on week 24


Thank you for your hardwork! However I'm slightly confused when it comes to the game play. After defeating/taking over the city nothing really much happens. Please some pointers><


You aren't supposed to visit them. That part is being re-written as Hooky's ongoing work with the fae.


I must be doind something wrong... since 0.2.62b I can´t get Greyhide´s Arc past when Rowan share´s his liquor


the forge doesn't seem to be working properly for me, no equipment is being made


at both level 1 and 2 the forge is producing no equipment with lots of iron coming in.


Great stuff!


It may be that my game is bugged, but i cant seem to trigger any of the greyhide content after the drinking scene.


Did that ever get fixed for you?


So will there be detailed guide at some point? Perhaps to early for such spoilers i know, but i have restarted several times and it just feels so much hit and miss with the choices each time. I have now 1 playthrough where i finally got to the end of Rastated and 100% of the map tiles explored by just keeping on going. But reading through the comments i just know i am missing out on a ton of the content i somehow keep missing in new playthroughs. I am truly in love with the artwork of this game, and i dont like handhelding through stories at all, but i cant stop feeling there is to much content coupled to a single choice that felt it like it had zero meaning when you chose it. Some pointers added, a spirit guide that at least gives you some sort of clue where your path is possibly taking you other then a comment Rowan feels sick and depressed about what he is doing but just keeps on going. The consequences of our choices are probably introduced in future content offcourse, but some guidance on wether you are on the right path for a full evil or just struggling on a paragon path would be welcome. It could be as simple as a scale that moves left or right with the choices you make. I dont feel like replaying at all anymore and will just wait for updates and play on and see where it ends. But replayabillity seems low if you are left clueless for so long. Perhaps i am still missing out on something big and it is in there already but for the life of me i cant see or find it?! That said this is one of the best things i have been playing for a long while, quality, writting, scenes and especially the artwork it's all very good and excellently done. Keep it up


Where can we throw money for mawer greyhide scenes huehuehue


As someone who loves this game I want to echo this sentiment. I've been a patreon sub for about 2 years now (or more) and I haven't played the game in about 1.5 years because I got burnt out trying to find specific paths So, I am OP 1.5 years in the future of the decision to take a break lol


Same I just started and feel like finding all the paths is an impossible task. Needs to have some sort of guide, or a way to know what values to hit for certain choices, and what values you have now. Similar to being DIK's system.


Right now i have much Scenes unlooked.But still the Andras / Alexia Scenes are missing except for the firs one in Alexias room. I don't know what i have done wrong....so a detailed guide would be helpful for me.