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Listening to player feedback, Winter has admitted that Ameraine's initially design probably fell a little too far on the creepy side, so we had Keidi spruce her up a little. :)




What's wrong with a "creepy"? She is a creepy one. I'd say that now she looks a little on a "silly" side and not in a good way.

Rökkr Ragnarok

Still feels creepy, but looking better When I first saw her I swore she was some kind of gaunt Vampire 😅


For me the issue wasn't that she was "creepy" it was that she looked malnourished. The fact she had a vampire-ish look in a few images was intriguing. Now she looks like Cruella DaVille's niece.


Where is her original design?


she looks super nice now, gj


Ameraine De Vill


Love the redesign!


Love it!


Well, in my opinion she looks pretty good in the new design. She doesn't look creepy now)


I much preferred her creepy look. That sorta seemed like the whole point of her, you were supposed to feel a little uneasy about her. Also not digging that 2-tone hair, it's a bit too much of a cartoon vibe. Now all I'm worried about is her trying to make a fur coat out of puppies. I'm sort of curious what prompted this, was there an outcry on Discord? This is the first I've heard about any fan outcry over the design. I feel like if resources are going to be invested in altering things due to fan outcry, the sensible thing to do is create a poll on your backer platforms to ensure it isn't just a vocal minority.

Robert Arctor

I thought she was too ring girl before, so personally I approve. I also appreciate how the two-tone foreshadows her nature.

Spojenko Sparlic

play the game up to the point where you go to rastedel to check out her old design!


a bit too nice and smooth now, she lost that menacing vibe which suited her very well, now she seems like just a cute goth lolita


She look too innocent.

Te Tule

I like the new look but does anyone think her eyes look just a little odd?


She looks great !❤️


Love the new redesign!


Looks iconic 😇

Desiree Tiffany

Wah... she's absolutely gorgeous!!

Desiree Tiffany

She's got a Morticia Adam's vibe.


I won't deny that the new look is gorgeous, but I liked the creepy.


Looked fine to me