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Hey guys,

Bit late this month, as it is has been a bit slow around here. Hard to believe we are almost halfway through the year already, but here we are. The Steam update has gone pretty well, and things are holding steady, despite covid, so it is looking pretty positive. As always we are working hard on putting the release together for the 31st.

It is going fine as usual on that front. The writers are just finishing up their work for the month, and I'm about to go into full-on coding mode. Winter has been working on fleshing out the Patricia route, finishing the rest of Werden's, as well as adding the epilogue, and Rein has been contuining with the Maud alliance path, so this will bring us very close to finally being done with Rastedel. Hooky has been working on a number of scenes in other areas of the game to round the release out a little. There might also be an extra little surprise depend on time limits, but that is enough about that.

On the art front, as you can see above Sommy has finished another gorgeous background, this time for the mine.  He is currently working on finalizing all the CGs I've gotten back from the colourist, and we've will continue sharing them with the backers as they are finished. 

I've also been investing some of the extra money in having our freelance coder, Dragoon, make a number of quality of life improvements to the game. In the upcoming release, you will now be able to pan and zoom on the realm map, as has long been requested. He was also able to fix the long-standing bug with villages being counted incorrectly, and he's also trimmed a number of redundant features.

In other news, the poll for Winter's promised non-cannon SoC fanfic rumbles on. I have just posted the last of the qualifiers for our $10 backers, next up will be the "semi-final" poll, which will also include $5 level backers, with the final being opened up for all backers to vote in. The usual CG poll will be up for our poll level backers tomorrow.

That's all for today. Once Rastedel is finally in the rearview mirror, we'll be starting to talk about what is left to finish the current act - mainly the character relationship arcs, and the goblin recruitment narrative. Until then, I hope you are all well, and are keeping safe.     



Robert Arctor

Gorgeous background. Seems almost wasted on a mine!

Scott Carter

I've got three minor questions: 1) In "Back for Seconds", if Alexia makes an excuse not to go to Jezera's chambers, she loses 2 relation with Jezera. Is that supposed to be relation, or influence? 2) In "Alexia Become Like X'zaratl", Alexia can gain up to 4 influence with Rowan. Is that supposed to be influence or relationship? 3) The dialogue at the beginning of "Powerless" still seems to be messed up. It seems like there's a cutoff of 25 relationship where two bits of dialogue run below it and neither runs above it. The narration looks like one bit should run above 25 and the other should run below it. I'll try to run the two bits, and take down the narration, if you need me to be more specific.


1 and 2 are probably wrong, as for 3 I'll look at it when I have time. It is a non-critical bug and not a priority.


I am still waiting anxiously for Alexia's fertility fun. And Cla-min's as well.


Lol it happens. people improve overtime. I'll revise some of the old BGs in the game in the future,