Retiring the $1 Tier (Patreon)
Hello everyone,
A bit of serious business today. I will shortly be implementing a change to the pledge tiers - removing the $1 option. If you also support Architect, who has announced he is doing the same, you might already know why, but for those of you who don’t, I’ll explain why it isn’t a great option for us.
The problem with the $1 tier is that after you take out both payment processing fees, and Patreon’s fees, I only get around 30 cents. Patreon themselves suggest that you don’t have a $1 tier because of this (they suggest the lowest should be $3). For every 100 pledges I have at the $1 level, I only get about $30, the equivalent of around 7-8 pledges at the $5 level. With 70% of the pledge being eaten up, this makes it a very inefficient pledge, and that is why we have decided to remove it.
Don’t worry - those of you who are currently pledging $1 will stay at that level for as long as you want to remain a patron, with the same benefits. We are simply unpublishing the tier, which means no new patrons will be able to pledge at that level. After a discussion with other members of staff, who believed it might be best to start at the $5 build level, I still wanted to offer something for those who wanted to pledge less so we will be taking Patreon’s advice and implementing a new lowest tier of $3, which will have the current $1 benefits.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but as in all businesses, things change and adjustments have to be made. As always I appreciate all the support you guys give me, I couldn’t make the game without it.