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And here's the finished article. :)




i agree with you. im liking how our ( at first) straight hero? ends in these situations while married to a girl hahaha


OwO, Alexia being cucked now? Does it ever stop?!


Closest Rowan will to get to Alexia is cleaning Andras in my playthroughs. When he notices her demon baby bump he should just bow out


By the way, I wonder if an option to turn male-on-male content off would ever be available, similarly to NTR?


I think all male-on-male up to this point had a clear choice before it as to weather Rowan should or should not. Something that, by it's very nature, isn't possible with NTR. Not opposed to having it tho. I just don't need it and I don't see a need for it given the games current structure.


yes and no, you can avoid to see the CG but you can't avoid to read the "introduction"


True, but you can decide wether to do it with Jezera, Andras or nobody.


sorry, by introduction i mean for exemple the scene with Andras in the throne room, andras come and tell "knee and suck me" ( something like that) in fact i like this scene because we can fight against him and gain some points but is "disturbing"


But didn't that scene have the option to do Jezera or refuse instead? Or do I confused some scenes?


it's not the first scene with Jezera and andras but a random scene.


Will be good too if I could turn mf and ff off, lol. I come here for gay Rowan!!! MUA HA HA HA!!!!!


Ehh I just wish there was more M/M content .So far there's more M/F and F/F CG's but I have hope that boys "love" fans will get some more in a future 😉