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It's Short story poll time for January!

Cast your vote below and let us see what the next adventure shall be!

*Poll ends Wednesday 25th at 4:00pm CST*

A Short description of the stories in the poll is below. d('▽^  )

-A Milf, A Bird, and A Miscast-

Icarus after a series of unfortunate events encounters Bonnie which she tries to aid him, but something goes wrong and he ends in an even worse situation while Bonnie “aids” a different set of friends.

-A Rock and a Rock-Hard Place-

Felicity and Mina wander in a statue-filled dungeon searching for an ancient book, what they ignore is that place is cursed and whoever takes the book will release the statues from their slumber.

-The Cave-

Mina, curious of a mysterious glow inside a small cave tries to check it out, but doesn’t quite calculate the size of the hole and gets stuck. Now in this unfortunate situation ask for help, but would it be helpful?…



Well, I for one want to see what comes to "help" Mina out of her predicament!