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Tried to do the "instant loss" thing, I just learned about this theme around a week and a half and found it interesting XD

What do you think?




I think this is more of a "win" for Mina, judging at her facial expression.

ventar ekridar

More excuses for Mina noncon so no complaints from me! :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-04 04:29:44 It would be interessing to see also Nat and Bonnie in this "instant loss" situation
2022-03-01 07:16:48


Love it! I wouldn't mind seeing more variations of these, maybe with Mina making specific claim or statement in the first part that either gets debunked or shown in a totally new light in the second Something like: 1) "Don't worry Mum, I promise to eat properly while I'm out in the wilds" 2) Mina receiving a blowjob train from a conga-line of monsters

ventar ekridar

You both might really appreciate my next short story suggestion then ;) (Next round, not this one)