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Hello, since all the previous stories have been tackled, I once again would like to ask if you would like to participate in writing one of these "short stories" and I'll be the one drawing it of course.

As you may know the “Short Stories” consist of a Title slide, 6 Context slides, an Epilogue slide and the Closing Picture, so basically the short story is to provide some context to the final picture with the limitation of only 6 slide/panels.

So the template to work would be like the one below:


--Title: The Wizard

--Slide1:  *Mina holding down the small monster
Hushi: Don't let him go Mina, but watch the antenna

--Slide2: *Mina Shocked by the Antenna

--Slide3: *Mina groes huge boobs and Cow attributes
Mina: What did that monster do!?
Hushi: Holy cow, I think it threw a curse on you!

--Slide4: *Mina and Hushi see a small hut
Hushi: Look, maybe we could seek some help there

Mina: Wow did you see that! The Wizard made the girl thin in seconds, lets give it a try

--Slide6: * Mina at the door is greeted by the wizard
Mina: Hello, just saw that girl coming out... are you able to help me with my... uh problem too?
Wizard: Hmm... I see, sure my "Special Potion" can revert that, let's just say I'll need some extra help to prepare a second one this fast

--Epilogue: And so, Mina found out where that "Special Potion" came from and what she needed to do to get some...

--Basic description of Closing Picture

The Minadventure must include at least 1 character of The Magic Minadventures and 1 OC, this could be either one of your OC or if you do not have one add a “Male” or “Female” placeholder and I’ll fill that spot with one of the OC’s from the EX2 pool I have received, if applicable to the story :)

If you wish to write one Short Story please send it to me via DM or email it to georgehenryhd@gmail.com with the subject [Minadventure Short Story + “Your Name”] so I can locate it quickly. ^^

Hope this new approach interests you.

Thank you!

Clean template below:








--Basic description of Closing Picture


Ian Clancy

I will try to throw in a idea this time around!


I don't really have any ideas at the moment. might try thinking on it later