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This is a "The Magic Minadventures" short story, mostly to cover some ideas I have that would be a bit to hard for me to implement them in full range comics, mostly due to time constraints.

Also plan to do more of this type of short stories, but with your input as well for example choosing the fate of Mina, or the type of monster that she will encounter (to explore the gimmicks that the monster may have), maybe include your OC's in to the mix as well to join Mina in her predicaments ಠωಠ

But let me know watcha' think!




Haha, there's one crafty monster hiding in plain sight! I really like the concept of choosing what kind of things will happen to Mina and what she will encounter and as for the OCs idea i'm 100% behind that (and have OCs to offer!) Also is it me or does that suddenly thin girl look a little like Jessica Albert from Dragon Quest?


Awesome, glad you are in on this ;) as I am looking forward to check out what ideas you guys can come up with too, and to get your OCs a pice of the pie will be so much fun XD. Maybe she resembles her due to the pigtails c: