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Hi there, since all the previous short stories from series 4 that were submitted have been done, I would like to ask if you want to participate once again in writing one of the "Short Stories".

These “Short Stories” consist of a Title slide, 6 Context slides, an Epilogue slide and the Closing Picture, so basically the short story is to provide some context to the final picture with the limitation of only 6 slide/panels.

So the template to work would be like the one below:

The short story must include at least 1 character of The Magic Minadventures and 1 OC, this could be either one of your OC or if you do not have one add a “Male” or “Female” placeholder and I’ll fill that spot with one of the OC’s from the EX2 pool I have received if applicable to the story :)

If you wish to write one Short Story please send it to me via DM or email it to georgehenryhd@gmail.com with the subject [Minadventures Short Story + “Your Name”] so I can locate it quickly. ^^

Many Thanks!! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

Clean template below:








--Basic description of Closing Picture


Ian Clancy

I think it's time to do one since it's been a while!


Ooh I will send one!!