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Hallo hallo!

This is a reminder that my Patreon will be paused for the month of December.

This pause is entirely automatic. Current patrons will not be billed their monthly pledges on December 1, and no rewards will be sent out during this month. Patrons signing up for my Patreon for the first time and patrons adjusting their pledges to higher amounts will still be billed their pledge amount upon checkout during this pause. 

Billing will resume automatically on January 1.

Please note: I will be out of office December 11 - January 7.

I may be unavailable to respond to emails to offer support or answer questions regarding Patreon during the holiday season.

Please direct any and all questions or inquiries to godbirdart@gmail.com, as I may not always receive notifications of incoming Patreon DMs or comments.

Thank you everyone! Enjoy your holidays!



Have a relaxing break! <3

Alexis Heinrich

Happy holiday and I love the zonai base! Absolutely perfect. I would like to throw out the idea of an Axolotl base for next year. For how popular they are. I haven't found a good base for one