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Chapter 6 is out for the public. I'm sorry that I didn't make it Patreon exclusive at first, but I really wanted to release it for everyone on Christmas.
The next build will be Patreon exclusive.
Thank you so much for your support! Each Patron I get makes me feel more and more at ease. You guys help me pay my rent and I wouldn't be able to create Lyre without you <3



Hell yeah!!


We are just happy that you can do what makes you happy

James Marquardt

You make US happy. By doing what makes YOU happy. So WE help ya #keepTheLightsOn.

Tim Guy

So, do we have to download the public version to read the latest build or...? Because I thought the two versions were distinct from each other 🤔


IDGAF about getting it first or not!! I'm happy to have some new story for Christmas! &lt;3 That huge floofer of a wulf just takes my breath away (and makes me super super super hot for him)


I couldn't careless if it's not Patreon exclusive before Public, as long as atmac had fun making it we're happy!


Download the public version. It is the most up to date. You can find it on the Itch.io page.


Understandable! Thanks for the great Christmas build; it was quite the chapter.


What a rollercoaster ride that was!


After this chapter im really looking forward to chapter 7.