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The typical question for the average art consumer in the modern art world.


Everything is for free out there, in legal or illegal ways, right?

I could come with the typical "being an artist/self-employed is dangerous" "everything costs a lot" "show your love".

But I believe you all know these type of arguments already.  Instead, I want to offer a different approach to the question: "Why should I?"

A mindset that benefits the artist AND the supporter.

Every time a consumer spends money on something, they are telling the company behind that product: "Hey! I like that product for this or that reason, and I am willing to buy it with my hard-earned money!"    Example: Let's say everyone starts buying candy with melon flavour. Companies start to realize, "Oh wow, people really love melons, we should make more melon flavoured candy!"  And every brand starts jumping onto that bandwagon. Soon you see melon flavoured everything! Body lotion with melon scent, candles and fragrances. Melon drinks, Melon decor, Melon gift wrapping paper, etc.

You get it.

If you like what I do and wish more people would do that stuff, support me! Other artist, art-fans, game-dev people will take notice.

If they see a hyper-fortnite NSFW  artist earning $ XXXX  per month, they will adjust and start copying, just like I mentioned in the melon-example.

Your money votes on what products survive in the market and what stuff gets discontinued.

As much as I big butt or big pp furry art, if nobody wants to support that, I will draw it less and less.

I hope some of you understand where I am coming from.
Thank you for reading this,
at the end.

do whatever you feel is right for you!



Suia Loctis

I'm supporting!


Well I’ll always support art…including the fox fox


Thank you a lot Felix!!