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Hey guys. I'm here again, as you can see I've done a lot of things. At least there could have been more. I bought a new mouse and now it works flawlessly. And actually it's great. I still have to do: kicks, extraneous things behind the screen, clouds, background and inscription. (Hmm, this animation will be more difficult than Comm 017).

And... here I want to have a serious talk with you. Since I work in a country that, in terms of international relations, is, to put it mildly, bad, and in such a situation I need to think about how to develop. By development, I mean the choice of a profession that will be in demand and with a high salary. After all, you must admit that drawing art (considering that paypal was closed and the world situation is tense), it is very unprofitable on your own, receiving either nothing or a little as a result. And no, I'm not complaining about this, but it's time for me to do what will bring me and my family income. And since I'm graduating from university, it's time to think about what I'll do after that. My sister advised me to take training as a software engineer. And on the one hand it's cool, but on the other hand, I have one problem. I understand coding very poorly, especially in C languages. At our university they taught a lot, but what was needed was not enough. So from now on, I need to learn to understand the syntax of languages ​​​​and somehow figure out how to do it.

And as much as I did not want to do this, but it must be done. But I want to warn you, I will not abandon drawing, I like to draw what is, but I need to change priorities. To begin with, after this order, I will draw "regular" art, for boost, so that it will finally be activated for me. Well, I need to allocate time for the prevention of the code.

And I don't like this situation. But desperate times require desperate measures. Sorry for the fact that you have to wait for me and please me with new works. However, as I promised, I will not leave you and will draw to the end.




Nothing you need to apologize for. You do whatever is best for you :)


I fully understand the need to figure out what you want to do and what you need to do with your life. I wish you luck on that path forward!