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Surely you have seen these rounds more than once. Yes, we again had a competition, this time the fourth in a row. And this time I did not parody Jojo, but took something else - namely, the Soviet cartoon Treasure Island by David Cherkassky. I don't think I have to explain why this cartoon is good and unique. I think you can figure it out yourself. And what about the mother-in-law? Well, this is one of the old memes in the Kikoriki fandom. There are many points to explain, but if anyone is interested, I will answer in the comments. Here is a description of this Art:

Captain Kar-Karl von de' Smollett discussing Squire Lawes Trelawney's mother-in-law

-Sir, your mother-in-law is worse than John Silver and his minions put together!

- You're right, Captain.

-Guys? What are you doing? And you do not know where the nanny is, otherwise Pin is looking for her all over the valley.





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