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Greetings to all. I think you noticed how I suddenly started to be silent. About 4 weeks or so. You probably know very well why. And everything is fine with me, I was not taken into the army. I'm at home, in my hometown of Kaluga. In general, I wanted to write this text in advance, and it was different. But in the end I scored, and I was busy. But while I have time, I will ask a few possible questions:

Q: What has been going on with you since February 24?

When I woke up, I didn't even realize that the war had happened until my father told me while I was waking up. I was in shock and did not believe that my homeland would attack another country. Well... the maximum will be "trolling Western countries" or something like that. But the reality turned out to be harsher. These days I mostly did my studies and some other things. Because foreign brands began to gradually come out of Russia and turn off. The second iron curtain in general. As I was talking to me, everything is OK. True, I can't go to Twitter, because they blocked me in Russia, but more on that later. I managed to withdraw the rest of the money (though in rubles, which is bad), well, now I can't do my usual work, because MasterCard and paypal have been banned.

My friend Folalika is much worse. She is subjected to domestic psychological abuse. And she lives in another city. Therefore, I periodically walk with her and be near her to make it easier for her. She is very scared, but we agreed that from July we will live together. I hope it doesn't make her feel any worse.

I'm in a Telegram, and I'm sitting under a VPN. But Furaffinity has not been banned yet. So I'm still free in world.

Q: How do you feel about the war (special operations)?

Of course, it's very bad, no matter what anyone says. I don't think I need to explain why.

Q: Do you consider Russia an aggressor?

As a citizen of the Russian Federation, I will say. It is not Russia as a whole that is to blame here, but the Russian government (or rather the dominant United Russia party, which has become the local CPSU, but with blue shades) and most importantly Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich. He already had a low rating among the people, and also decided to go all-in. Eh... and in the end, people have to clean it all up. For this, he fucked up the people in the first place and eventually destabilized the situation in the country himself.

I just want to say that such questions should be asked carefully. The Russian people did not want war, and it is not their fault. The most important aggressor that I can name is Putin and his damn United Russia party, which has already robbed the people, and now it is pushing back democratic principles more.

Q: What is your situation inside Russia?

There is an ambiguous situation here. Everyone is worried that foreign goods will leave, and those who worked for these companies will be fired. However, the government has already begun the nationalization of some enterprises inside Russia. However, I doubt that there will be good quality. Therefore, we enjoy some things until they are closed. Just the other day there was a panic among residents (mostly of advanced age) about sugar. On YouTube, you can see how grandmothers take packs like ants. A similar case occurred during the coronavirus and toilet paper epidemic. Speaking of Coronavirus, we have removed the mask mode, although I don't really like this idea, so sometimes I wear a mask when going to the store or to the post office. Now everyone is sitting on the VPN and everyone has Telegrams, which is cool, since now you can say anything without being afraid of the FSB. There are those who support the government and the war (but they are in the minority), someone is against the war, someone is against the government. And there are two categories: those who go to rallies, and there are those who do not like the authorities, but at the same time stay at home because they know that they can be imprisoned. But there is a danger for me, the fact is that the government is preparing to cut off Russia from the Internet, just sitting on a local network. And if it does, then it will be bad for Russians, 90% definitely do not want it. So if this happens, then I will have to leave the country or go underground, just to stay in touch with us. I don't want my country to turn into North Korea,  or worse.

Q: How do you feel about the president?

Well, until 2014, it was normal for me. Since 2014, he has been a controversial personality. But since 2016-17, my attitude has been negative. For part of the country found out the truth, and besides, everything only got worse under him. He was the biggest corrupt official in the country and most of the United Russia party turned out to be corrupt. Therefore, this party is called the "party of crooks and thieves", which is more likely yes than not true. And Putin has become nothing more than a "tsar", but we all knew that he would leave in 2024. But then 2020 came and amendments to the constitution began, and everyone did not like it, there were many rallies on this occasion. When there were elections, I did not vote for the United Russia party, because I knew what it was like. Of course, the results were fabricated, but we are already used to it, if you can vote, then why not. And now the year 2022 has happened and... you understand perfectly well what happened.

And let's admit it, he is an outright criminal even in his Russian legislation. Namely, Articles 353 and 354 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It says here that: Waging an aggressive war is punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to twenty years. So he deserves it. Plus, 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for abuse of official authority.

Q: Would you apologize for being Russian? At least in the Czech Republic there were such ads before entering the restaurant.

If I were in the Czech Republic, I would say this: "Guys, don't give in to the racist theory of the Third Reich or the Confederates." This is pure racism, because you can't divide by nationality, it's too low for a civilized person. We have already passed this in the 20th century. Stop stepping on the same rake.

Yes, I am Russian, but I did not vote for this party, I did not vote for amendments to the constitution. I am an internationalist and I know that there are no worse or better nations, everyone has the same set of feelings and qualities. We are all human beings. Therefore, I believe that it is a specific person who should be responsible for some committed acts, and not for race or nationality.

Q: How do you feel about Ukrainians?

It's mostly normal, for me it's a kindred people, so I don't have any complaints against them. We have a lot of Ukrainians and other peoples with Ukrainian roots living in Russia. So we don't consider them strangers. And so we Russians live with them normally. So I don't consider them enemies, or God forgive me, the same people (as some Russian politicians say). Besides, Ukrainian, Russian, and Belarusian stories have a common root in the form of Kievan Rus, which was divided between the Mongols and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and because Kievan Rus has disintegrated since the death of Yaroslav the Wise. So we are all sitting in the same boat while our governments decide the fate of peoples who just want to live in peace and tranquility, without any strain.

Q: How do you feel about the Russian opposition?

Mostly ambiguous, some representatives are not trustworthy, because some of them are Muddy types (like the same Navalny, although, as an anti-corruption investigator, he is not bad). So, the opposition is not united to form an opposing government. It is probably easier to join the government, and then dissolve and create a new one, than a new civil war.

Q: There is a new flag of Russia (White-blue-white) and the anthem of free Russia, how do you like it?

If you're talking about the anthem of the Russian Republic, then yes, it sounds good.

But I didn't like the flag right away. And many too. He looks like Russia was taken and castrated. At least that's what I see when I look. Some people see it as a gauze mask or a silly parody of the Belarusian national flag (White-red-white). I understand that many from the West want to see this flag as a symbol of Novgorod, not Moscow. But it is important to understand that for Russians red is not designated as a symbol of blood or rage, but as a symbol of extra strength and courage before the invaders. In addition, the word "red" in Russian is closely related to the word "beautiful". (White-blue-red) tricolor for me is not a symbol of Putinism, but a symbol of the Russian people who have survived all these horrors in history and are ready to stand up for this flag. (It was from the time of Peter the Great to the Civil War). Moreover, it was Peter the Great who created this tricolor, and not Ivan the Terrible or the Moscow princes before him. And that Novgorod and Moscow did not have tricolors, only banners, and (White-Blue-White) tricolor has little to do with those times. Therefore, this tricolor means nothing to me. And if I was asked to change the flag, it would be for the 1991-1993 tricolor. It is more or less similar to the current one. I don't want to live under the (White-Blue-white) tricolor.

Q: What are you planning to do next?

Honestly, I don't know, probably while I'm studying and will translate an old comic, or something else, something grandiose is better not to wait, because there is such a difficult situation that anyone can get sick. Especially when you read this news in a telegram. But I will do creative work as much as possible.

Q: What kind of Russia would you like to see if it were more democratic?

Well, if democratic, then more centralized and collected, and not like 1918. I want a strong, whole, but democratic Russia within the same borders, because something, and I would not like a Second Disintegration. I often think that when there are many countries, it's somehow wrong. And I don't want there to be a lot of ethnic strife.

Phew, it was difficult, I hope I won't be scolded for such words. I'm sorry that I didn't post anything because of these events. I hope that this war will stop quickly and good changes will come. I hope everything will be fine with us in the future. If there are any other questions, then tell me.



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