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V: Oh god, you're so unbearable.

S: Da, ich weiß (yes, I know). Hee hee, I caught you perfectly.

V: Righteous God, and how we are friends with you. Only the Almighty knows.

V: And in general. I was going to collect some mother-of-pearl before it was blown away by the sea.

S: Even though you might be scolded again?

V: I don't care. I do it for a dream.

S: Ich weiß, Varya. But you could have done more practical.

V: Eh?

S: For example to remove her skirt, and then ...

V: What else! It's bawdry!

S: What? What is it about that?

V: You boys can't understand!

S: uh ...

V: eh ... paki (again) it happens ...

S: .....

V: Okay, I still need to collect some seashells

S: Let me guess? Should I go in and find this?

V: Yes.

S: I don't want to upset, but while I was collecting seaweed, I did not find anything like that.

V: Are you sure?

S: Absolutely. Sorry, but even if there were, then it is problematic to look for them among the algae.

V: I see, it looks like this marine harvest will be small.

S: Even if so, how will you make an icon out of it?

V: It's simple, when I become an adult, I will become a jeweler. During this time I will accumulate enough mother-of-pearl

S: Well ... it's beautiful, although a little useless. If mussels made pearls, it would be much more valuable.

V: Brrrrr ...

S: hehe :P

V: mmm ...

V: ……………………….. !?

V: Seto, it seems to me or someone I see?

S: What?



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