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Good evening my dears. Finally, I'm slowly getting back into action after this session. But as soon as I planned to complete what I started. PayPal made a problem for me. I don't know how to get out of this situation. But I will try to solve it ... Again, I apologize for not being here for so long. You can write me in the comments what you would like to see here ...? Sorry again ... :(



Blankity Blank

Are you asking for picture suggestions?


Not only that, in general on Patreon. For example, how long does an art need before release. (And sometimes I post art on Patreon, and tomorrow I post it on FA). What interests you the most, and so on.

Blankity Blank

For early access, I believe 1 week before release is a good amount. It is a good incentive for people to join the patreon. Streaming drawing is also something else you could try, see if there is interest. For content, I like the male and female pregnancy you draw. I would like it if female pregnancy happened more often, but it is ok either way. Belly movement is usually a good addition. I usually like the belly size to be like in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/we-ate-and-slept-36272072