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So, let's go without further ado. You have probably seen that I sometimes insert some "Mars", "Venus", "Neptune" and others. And this is not casual, I created, in addition to the 2nd Gender, I made four additional ones. But you already know this story, especially on my Twitter. The question is, why did I do this? First, so as not to find fault with the logic of what is happening. Secondly, damn it, well, I'm an ordinary person, I can't define all 5928 genders and understand who is different from what. .._.. Besides, the physiological part is important to me. So don't. (PS In this universe, there is a change of sex, but I did not touch it). In fact, I just wanted to explain in detail, so that everyone would finally understand.

Main text:

During the event of the story, where the story of Amos took place, "Find Out", 1940, and other events directly related to this family, some points were not explained properly. In particular, with links of reproduction and relationships. This is one of the foundations of this lore. Therefore, we will try to consider this subject of discussion in more detail so that we generally understand what is happening here.

But before we start, I have to mention something. The concept of furry (or an anthropomorphic animal) in lore (... uh ... what is the name of this lore? Amos and his family? No ... too long. Let's call it Tail's lore for the sake of simplicity. At least so, okay ? But we have moved away from the topic.) In this universe, the concept of "human" primarily means creatures with anthropomorphic qualities and average intelligence. Human in our usual understanding (namely Homo sapiens) does not exist. And even though in the narration the words "man" will flash about, although we simply will not see the humans themselves.

Now we will talk about genders. Unlike our usual understanding of gender (man and woman), this universe has a much more complex system of morphological and physiological characteristics of organisms. But as a rule, it is not as difficult as it seems to us. For one thing is closely related to the other. If it is simpler, then in addition to the man and woman we are accustomed to, there are 2 additional sexes, which form from the first two, and a couple more genders are connected with four others. And there are only six genders. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune. It is rather difficult to get confused who is who, but nevertheless we will consider each representative of this physiological gender.

Mars (or male) is one of the first two forms of a living organism that produces small, mobile gametes - spermatozoons. In the process of fertilization, the sperm fusion with a larger female gamete or egg cell (ovum). Marsian individuals cannot reproduce without the presence of at least one ovum obtained from a female individual, although some organisms can breed both sexually and asexually (app. Vegetative reproduction and budding).

The main physiological characteristics of Mars are:

• Extended shoulders;

• Low voice during puberty

• Physical strength (if it is trained).

• Although, in general, men suffer from many of the same conditions as women, they are slightly more likely to get sick than women. Men have a lower life expectancy and a higher suicide rate compared to women.

The reproductive system of Mars includes the external and internal genitals.

• Male external genitals are composed of:

* the penis,

* male urethra

* scrotum

• Male internal genital organs are composed of:

* testes,

* prostate,

* epididymis,

* seminal vesicle,

* vas deferens, etc.

• The function of the male reproductive system is to produce sperm, which carries spermatozoons and therefore genetic information that can combine with the egg inside the woman. Since the sperm that enters the female uterus and then the fallopian tubes go to fertilize the egg that develops into a fetus or baby, the male reproductive system does not play a necessary role during pregnancy. The study of male reproduction and related organs is called andrology.

Venus (or girl) is one of the first two forms of a living organism that produces immobile eggs cells (ova). In the process of fertilization, the sperm fusion with a larger female gamete or egg cell. Venusian individuals cannot reproduce without the presence of at least one spermatozoon from a male individual, although some organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually.

The main physiological characteristics of Venus are:

• The length of the thigh is longer in women;

• High voice during puberty

• Insufficient muscle strength.

• Cycle of menstrual changes

• Women's health refers to women's health, which differs from men's health in many unique ways. Women's health is an example of public health, where health is defined by the World Health Organization as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease or ailment." Although women in industrialized countries have narrowed the gender gap in life expectancy and are now living longer than men, in many areas of health they face earlier and more severe illness with poorer outcomes.

The reproductive system of Venus includes the external and internal genitals.

• Female external genitals are composed of:

* pubis,

* labia

* large and small labia,

* large vestibular glands,

* clitoris and vaginal opening.

• Female internal genital organs are composed of:

* Vagina,

* neck,

* uterus,

* fallopian tube,

* ovaries.

• The female reproductive system is designed to perform a number of functions. First, it produces eggs cell and guarantees the transport of the latter to the fertilization site with the spermatozoon. Conception, i.e. Fertilization of the female gamete with the male usually occurs inside the fallopian tubes. Secondly, the reproductive system ensures the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, this happens in the early stages of pregnancy. Thirdly, it is intended for the implementation of menstruation (in the absence of fertilization / embryo implantation). Finally, a woman's reproductive system produces the sex hormones needed to support the reproductive cycle.

Mammary glands

In male mammals, they are usually in an undeveloped, rudimentary state, while in females they develop during puberty and acquire the ability to function with the onset of puberty, along with other organs of the female reproductive system. The beginning of milk production by the glands is regulated by the hormones of the endocrine glands associated with the end of pregnancy and the birth of offspring.

In female representatives of the Homo sapiens species, the mammary glands in the process of puberty usually increase significantly in size (mammoplasia), and this, along with other differences in body structure, visually distinguishes them from male.

Mercury is one of the two second forms of a living organism. Despite its masculine appearance and low voice, this species has an exclusively female (Venusian) reproductive system in the absence of mammary glands. The first mentions of this type, along with Jupiter, were in antiquity. A massive stratification of such species along with Mars and Venus appeared in the Early Middle Ages. Despite the mass extermination of the species of Mercury and Jupiter from Venus and Mars (because they were considered non-humans from hell), these species spread to all classes of society, regardless of what kind of gender the parents were, not to mention the wild world around them.

The main physiological characteristics of Mercury are:

• Widened shoulders, but slightly shorter than Mars;

• Low voice during puberty

• Physical strength (if it is trained).

• Weak endurance than Mars (in case it is trained).

• Unlike Mars, Mercury lives longer than the first, but less than Venus.

• Cycle of menstrual changes

The reproductive system of Mercury includes the external and internal genitals. Unlike Mars, they are completely female.

• Female external genitals are composed of:

* pubis,

* labia

* large and small labia,

* large vestibular glands,

* clitoris and vaginal opening.

• Female internal genital organs are composed of:

* Vagina,

* neck,

* uterus,

* fallopian tube,

* ovaries.

• The reproductive system of Mercury is the same as that of women, except for the mammary glands. Mercury is also capable of carrying offspring during pregnancy, just like Venus. However, it is only capable of producing egg cells. Therefore, for fertilization, he needs a partner that produces spermatozoons (Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto).

Jupiter is one of the two second forms of a living organism. This view is strictly opposite to Mercury. Despite the feminine appearance and high-pitched voice, this species has an exclusively masculine (Marsian) reproductive system with mammary glands. The first mentions of this type, along with Mercury, were in antiquity. A massive stratification of such species along with Mars and Venus appeared in the Early Middle Ages. Despite the mass extermination of the species of Mercury and Jupiter from Venus and Mars (because they were considered non-humans from hell), these species spread to all classes of society, regardless of what kind of gender the parents were, not to mention the wild world around them.

The main physiological characteristics of Jupiter are:

• The length of the thigh is longer, but less than a woman's;

• High voice during puberty

• Insufficient muscle strength, but unlike Venus, it can be on a par with Mars.

• High endurance.

• The average life span of Jupiters is less than or equal to Mercury and less than Venus, respectively.

Jupiter's reproductive system includes the external and internal genitals. Unlike Venus, they are completely male.

• Male external genitals are composed of:

* the penis,

* male urethra

* scrotum

• Male internal genital organs are composed of:

* testes,

* prostate,

* epididymis,

* seminal vesicle,

* vas deferens, etc.

• The reproductive system of Jupiter is the same as the male, except for the presence of mammary glands. Since the spermatozoon that enters the female uterus and then the fallopian tubes go to fertilize the egg cell, which develops into a fetus or baby, Jupiter's male reproductive system does not play a necessary role during pregnancy. Thus, it is only capable of producing spermatozoons. Therefore, for fertilization, she needs a partner who produces egg cells (Venus, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto). In addition to the above, Jupiter is capable of feeding offspring, in the absence of its own pregnancy in the body.

Pluto (formerly Uranus) is one of two-thirds (the last, or both-hermaphrodite) forms of a living organism. Despite the feminine appearance and high-pitched voice, this species has both a male (Marsian) reproductive system and a female (Venusian) reproductive system, in the presence of mammary glands. The first mentions of this type, along with Neptune, were in the Middle Ages. The mass stratification of such species along with the first four appeared in the modern era. The prerequisites for the renaming from Uranus to Pluto appeared in 1930, with the discovery of the ninth (at that time) planet Pluto, as they caused discrimination in relation to the old name. The official renaming from Uranus to Pluto was proclaimed around the world in 1945.

The main physiological characteristics of Pluto are:

• The length of the thigh is longer, less than Venus, but more than Jupiter;

• High voice during puberty

• Insufficient muscle strength than Jupiter.

• Weak endurance than Jupiter (if trained).

• Average life span of Pluto is less than Venus and longer than that of Jupiter, respectively.

Pluto's reproductive system includes the external and internal genitals, both male and female.

• Male external genitals are composed of:

* penis,

* male urethra

* scrotum

• Male internal genital organs are composed of:

* testes,

* prostate,

* epididymis,

* seminal vesicle,

* vas deferens, etc.

• Female external genitals are composed of:

* pubis,

* labia

* large and small labia,

* large vestibular glands,

* clitoris and vaginal opening.

• Female internal genital organs are composed of:

* Vagina,

* neck,

* uterus,

* fallopian tube,

* ovaries.

• The reproductive system of Pluto is both female and male. It can, as well as fertilize with both spermatozoons and egg cells, depending on the use of the genitals, since there are only spermatozoons in the scrotum, and only egg cells in the ovaries. This means that Pluto is able to carry offspring with pregnancy, like Venus and Mercury, but at the same time produce sperm and feed the mammary glands. There have been cases that Pluto and Neptune can create offspring inside themselves in alone, but this chance is only 37%.

Neptune is one of two-thirds (the latter, or both are hermaphrodite) forms of a living organism. Despite its masculine appearance and low voice, this species has both a male (Marsian) reproductive system and a female (Venusian) reproductive system, in the absence of mammary glands, unlike Pluto. The first mentions of this type, along with Pluto, were in the Middle Ages. The mass stratification of such species along with the first four appeared in the modern era.

The main physiological characteristics of Neptune are:

• Widened shoulders, but slightly shorter than Mars;

• Low voice during puberty

• Physical strength (if it is trained).

• Weak endurance than Mars (in case it is trained).

• Unlike Mars, Neptune lives longer than the first, but less than Pluto.

• Cycle of menstrual changes

The reproductive system of Neptune includes the external and internal genitals, both male and female.

• Male external genitals are composed of:

* penis,

* male urethra

* scrotum

• Male internal genital organs are composed of:

* testes,

* prostate,

* epididymis,

* seminal vesicle,

* vas deferens, etc.

• Female external genitals are composed of:

* pubis,

* labia

* large and small labia,

* large vestibular glands,

* clitoris and vaginal opening.

• Female internal genital organs are composed of:

* Vagina,

* neck,

* uterus,

* fallopian tube,

* ovaries.

• The reproductive system of Neptune is both female and male. The same as Pluto (but unlike Pluto, Neptune can only feed during pregnancy, like Mercury). There have been cases that Pluto and Neptune can create offspring inside themselves in alone, but this chance is only 37%.

Historically, in most cultures, men (Mars) had more rights and more prestige in society than (Venus) women and below her. This tradition is also enshrined in the prescriptions of common world religions. Mars played the role of warrior, breadwinner of the family, and the woman looked after the children, cooked food and, depending on the society, ruled the husband's domestic slaves. There were cases of the creation of matriarchal and other societies, but they lost in efficiency to patriarchal civilizations and were conquered.

The changes that have taken place in attitudes towards Venus and others in the 20th century in the West are most clearly characterized by such processes as the sexual revolution and the activation of feminism, as an organized manifestation of the desire for equality of all genders. In the USSR, after the equalization of rights, everyone worked together on a par with the Mars from collective farms, to factories and scientific laboratories.

Traditional relationships (Heterosexuality) are emotional, romantic, erotic, or sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex of a traditional historical nature (Mars - Venus; Mercury-Jupiter; Neptune-Pluto) and opposite gametes. It is common to produce offspring.

Semi-homosexual relationships (Non-standard relationships) - emotional, romantic, erotic or sexual attraction to persons of non-traditional nature and opposite gametes, but it is common to produce offspring.

Homosexual relationships (Homosexuality) - emotional, romantic, erotic or sexual attraction between carriers of the same gametes. As a rule, they cannot produce offspring on their own.



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