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So ! After discussing here, on the Discord and checking lore, it seems nobody knows the draugr

Their lore is extremely vague. We don't know how much the physical decay impacted them, if it even did. They retain their human fighting style and thus would fight like basic soldiers

I want more. Let's stray away from the lore.  Let's make the draugr unique. Here's the new plan :

  • DS3 hollow for low levels. Slower struggling movesets
  • Fallout 4 ghouls for higher levels. Some unraging flurries of blind attacks with a destructure savage look

Do you have more ideas ? More references ? More undead that could be taken inspiration from ?


Ryuuji Gremory

Just as an Idea, without any concrete reference, what about a 3rd Tier above it? Something that keeps the savageness and destructiveness but shows off that those highest level Draugr were skilful warriors when they were alive. Nevertheless now that they are undead, they know neither fear, nor pain, nor fatigue so something berserker like, where they just run in and attack endlessly with a complete disregard to their own "life", or maybe something inspired by the Surge Slash Combo Greatsword from Monster Hunter Rise. I don't know the extend of what is possible or realistic and at the same not too much work as to be worth it, so I am just spit-balling here, but if it would be possible to make it rewarding to dodge their attack/charge, being punished if you take it but getting rewarded by being able to attack them while they are still locked in an animation for heavy damage that might be fun. (Like them having a special attack with identifiable wind up and animation lock during wich they cause +X% damage but also take +X% damage).


the lower ranks being like the hollows make sense, but I imagine the higher rank draugr being far more disciplined. The deathlords especially would not be savages, but ruthless and disciplined killer instead due to their implied history as warlords.


God of War Ragnarok Draugrs are pretty interesting when you look at how they move, I think that would fit rather well ;) https://youtu.be/dyK0pVedePI


Yup, this was part of the references pool used. Also mf you in vacation, get off Skyrim lol


Yup this is indeed one of the possiblities but as you may see from other comments or the Discord itself, there is a huge split in how draugr in general react and fight. Even the idea of hollow low level doesn't necessarily fit From what I saw in the lore, they basically fight like humans, nord humans. In that regard the hollows does not make sense. But we also don't know how much the decay impacted them, or if it impacted them at all. Sure their body is decaying but they also are magical creatures which would pretty much yeet any anatomical logic The same way, they could be warlords and disciplined, but also could be complete savages already as they were humans and even more now that they don't fear death or pain. The lore itself says that one of the greatest danger is they are quite impredictable because they retain their human style and that style could be pretty much anything. Depending on the resource you look at, draugr in general can also be depicted as grandiose and majestically stoic, but also complete berserkers going nuts. And even those resources may not fit because Skyrim draugr are different from the myth This is just a gigantic mess and it's pretty much impossible with the infos I have to say "They fight like X and do Y". Thus a choice had to be made and I do think the berserker style would be both more appealing and scary


So are draugrs getting a MCO make over now?


Indeed ! But I want a bit more. I want them more in line with how the trolls were handed where hopefully, you can really tell when you are fighting a regular enemy from a special one. If you had the luck to fight an armoured troll, you can immediately tell they do not fight at all like the regular trolls I would like this same kind of experience