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2 attacks are kinda ready

The first triple attack was done on the first rig. It's of lower quality compared to the double tail attack which means I might have to redo it later

Looking for references

Skyrim dragons are Wyverns moving like bats. They have 2 legs and nails on their wings. Usually Wyvern move more like birds. Dragons have normally 4 legs and tend to use them so it's kinda hard to find references

  • Agheel (ER) and Middir (DS3) are 2/3 times the size of the Skyrim dragons and Middir is 4 leggedso I don't think the melee movesets would translate. Middir's flame and lazers are interesting, I would need to see how doable it is
  • Agheel is very mobile and kinda made to be fought on horse which would probably be a pain in Skyrim as ER is much smoother in the transition between melee  and horseback combat
  • Monster Hunter's dragons are 4 legged and seem to use a lot of punches
  • M̶o̶n̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶H̶u̶n̶t̶e̶r̶'̶s̶ ̶W̶y̶v̶e̶r̶n̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶m̶s̶ ̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶m̶o̶b̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶c̶h̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶e̶l̶e̶e̶ (debunked lol)

I'm open to all suggestions

  • I don't work with references usually so I don't need them. I can just invent
  • If you find an interesting moveset, feel free to share it
  • If you have something in mind that doesn't exist, you can send a sketch

Community suggestions 

  • D̶r̶a̶c̶h̶o̶n̶i̶d̶s̶ ̶-̶ ̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶W̶i̶t̶c̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶3̶ : Feels underwhelming
  • Rathian - Monster Hunter : Very interesting. The anatomy doesn't match but the size does and the movesets are cool. Could probably be transposed 1:1 and feel good. I don't think I'll make backflips tho as the whole community would suddenly go mad
  • R̶a̶t̶h̶a̶l̶o̶s̶ ̶-̶ ̶M̶o̶n̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶H̶u̶n̶t̶e̶r̶ : The constant flying could be problematic. Shares the same triple bite attack as in my video. Has interesting dives. Could be complicated to implement a flying system and AI tho


Dragon Overhaul Update



Some relatively simple animations that include the horns on their head might be fairly simple compared to the more complex ones so far. As well, jabbing attacks with the claws on their wings might be fairly simple.


Do you think this will work alongside Immersive Dragons? It is a mod that makes the dragons wings slightly bigger, and look much better. I dont think It would be I just wanted to check


Hello ! THis should work without issues as it only changes the model


Hmmm I am not sure the horns thing would translate well tbh as they are kinda small and I in fact only noticed them because you mentionned it lol. In game it'd probably just look like a headbutt. Also what do you mean by jabbing ? Something similar to vanilla ?


Anyone know the compatibility with dragon combat overhaul upgraded? Most likely not compatible but thought I would ask.. perhaps made compatible in the future? The combination would be beyond epic…the other one would be dragon animation replacer which changes the dragons neck to be upright to make them look far more majestic. Thought I would ask.. glad to be a patreon


If it does not edit the behavior (meshes/actors/dragon/behaviors) it should be compatible. Iirc this one uses scripts so it should be fully compatible


So this is better than what is packaged in with trolls and everything in SG overhaul if i'm reading the fomod right, correct?


No no no, you should get the other version, it is the latest one


Hello. I wondered if you could not make the Dragon get up on his back legs and make a movement with the wings taking them back and then frantically forward like a huge clap that threw the character and everything around him through the air like a FUS RO DA With a thunderous noise breaks timpanos hahahaha


Sorry I am not sure which animation you are refering to exactly


Hey there, just joined your page, glad to be here. As I was watching the sample video, I think you're on the right track. I know that fearsome dragon battles aren't what most people think of when they think of Dragon Age Inquisition, but there were a few battles that were really well choreographed. One that comes to mind is the group's first encounter with one in the Hinterlands, if you've played the game. This dragon was female and protecting a nest. She used her weight to jump up and pound the ground to throw anyone around off balance, she also used a high pitch shriek to stun the auditory senses. It was a lot of fun, actually. There really need to be more female dragons in Skyrim, imo. It's not part of the lore I know. It would make for some interesting diversification though. I mean, all these dragons suddenly set loose in Skyrim, why wouldn't they reproduce. That's just my two cents. I'm looking forward to your work. Peace


Hello ! I unfortunately have not played the game. The problem I see with it is that, contrary to usual it's not in contradiction with a lore but in direct contradiction with the story I myself do not know the lore, but in that case the dragons supposedly just got resurrected


Could you make the dragons fly and flap their wings slower like at 50% speed as it would make them feel weightier, also any updates planned?


I want to redo the dragon entirely but I don't have an ETA unfortunately

Ryan King

desync the wings on hover I feel it would give dragons a more sinister/majestic look when encountering. Also found the dragon grab mod somewhere hope its compatible. (there is a dragon kill move on lovers lab where the npc or player get swallowed figured if using that when paired with DVS team mod if you get swallowed you won't come back unless dragon gets Killed. would be nice if the camera got stuck on the dragon if swallowed you'd see your follower win or lose from the dragon's perspective.) sorry for the ramble just ideas I thought I'd share. The bite killmove could still be used I think for wolves bears sabercats things of that nature.


Wanted to echo Skullmonkey in that using "snake" bosses as references would make a lot of sense. To take advantage of their neck length, I could see the neck coiled back as it winds up and then 2-3 strikes forward. Not sure of a game as a specific reference but thinking King Ghidorah from Godzilla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un2XJ9Ok0So&ab_channel=SuperiorInfinity Some better shots of attacks toward the end, but I could see similar movements in the Skyrim dragons as they have the elongated necks and no arms. Hope this helps, work looks awesome so far.


Hey thanks, I've just watched the Godzilla thing, it was quite interesting lol. I had never seen this movie. Unfortunately I couldn't really see much of King Ghidorah in the footage If you have a specific reference from SkullMonkey I am all open. The dragon needs a second whole overhaul lol


Dragon Age Inquistion has interesting Dragons with telegraphed attacks on the legs, tail, etc. It might be a good reference!