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Hey my friends!

(The render attached is an older one I did as a custom for the first person to patron me (and he is still a patron today). It is one of my personal favorites. I hope you like it!)

Well, I think this is definitely the longest I've gone without a release since I started, and I hate it, but it is what it is. No way through this mess except straight through. And so, here we are. I am writing to let you all know that these days of 'pecking' at tiny bits of work on Last Human (and Serenity for that matter) are just about over, thankfully. I didn't do a 'devlog' for this because there isn't enough done yet to give you anything worthy of a devlog. But I think I am about to have enough free chunks of time now that I can actually accomplish something worthy of your attention very soon.

All of my hardware ordering and inventory management crap is just about complete at my IT job. I travelled to Houston recently to upgrade a site there on my own (small site, still a stressful headache though). I have to do one of our local sites in a few weeks, and then our own office. After that, I'm hoping things will slow down significantly. Enough that I can actually start to focus more on LH and Serenity again. Mainly the LH update I started on.

I must pause and tip my hat to those of you who have stuck around as a patron through this with me. I honestly wouldn't have blamed anyone for discontinuing support. You guys truly are the best!

Anyway, I'm excited to get back to doing the graphics for LH Ep.3. It will feel great to get back into the world of Last Human and surround myself with cute Nekos again. Lexi will probably be pissed and yell at me, but I'll just let her (we all know she isn't one to argue with anyway!) As for Serenity, as I announced some time back, I am rewriting the next episode because I wasn't happy with what I'd written. I was a mess while writing it and it was the right decision. Serenity was my first baby and has many fans. I couldn't let it go like that. So, you'll probably see it go in a few unexpected directions (good directions I hope.) I just don't feel up to writing something too dramatic, sad, or not fun. So, we're going to see more of what you've come to expect out of Serenity with some laughs and cute moments. I got a lot of nice feedback on the drinking scene with Rin and Morgan. I want to get back to doing more scenes like that. In the last episode, we saw sister heading off to start her little world. I think we'll probably peek in on her but mostly focus on a few girls that haven't had as much attention lately.

Now Last Human... Episode 3 will continue where 2 left off. I won't spoil any of this one for you because I want you to enjoy the process. And starting with episode 4, I want to have the full crew and ship heading out for their first adventure. I already have that scoped out and partially written. As a little teaser, I'll give you the title of that episode: Ghost Ship. As for the episode I'm working on now, just hang in there. I just can't spoil too much because part of the fun of stories like this is wondering what happens next.

Alright, that's all I have to say for now guys and gals. Again, I want to thank you all for sticking with me. There are so many really great games and creators out there. The fact that you chose to keep me around is humbling. And hopefully soon, we'll get back on track with this thing and firing on all cylinders again. Meanwhile, as I always say, I love you all,





Can't wait, my fans have been asking for the Nekos.

art whitacre

thats great news fire cant wait for both updates to come out doesnt matter how long they take we can wait cause we now the updates will be awesome and great and the reason im staying is your games are not just about sex but theres story being told emotions all of them i cry everytime playing Serenity and the MC sees his mom again and then she leaves makes me cry everytime i lost my mom to cancer and if i was him id cry if i saw her again and then lost her great fucking story